How to choose demi-season shoes: a short guide

Spring is at its doorstep, which means that every person in the country will remember boots and boots appropriate for the weather, and it’s good if on the shelves of the mezzanine there is a forgotten, but a whole pair of demi-season shoes. The goods of modern manufacturers and sellers, especially the one that is available to most of the population, have a warranty period of up to 90 days. Most often, it is this period that the shoes regularly serve, and after its expiration it becomes unsuitable for further operation. In general, those pairs that can be found at home, in fact, already have several defects.


The choice of any shoe should be approached responsibly, even the one that will be worn only once. There are several life hacks that can help you save on a purchase:

  1. In order not to overpay for a new collection, buy a new thing after the season. That is, you need to think ahead. Indeed, before the seasons change in chain stores (and not only in them), a collapse in prices, promotions and big discounts on demi-season shoes begins. This life hack also has a significant minus - by the end of the last month, diversity on the shelves can not be expected.
  2. Discount cards. How many times when buying in a chain store have you heard an offer to use a card with bonuses or a discount? Or register her? The answer is simple - a lot. And how many times in the same store when buying a sudden absence of a card was found (is it forgotten or firmly settled in the desktop drawer)? Many. Do not forget such trifles, for such things there are special wallets, or, at worst, business card holders.

Men choice

Men's demi-season boots

The easiest way, according to the majority, is to choose men's demi-season shoes, but this is not always the case. Yes, the lineup is not so diverse, but it is small differences, such as the structure of the pads, that sometimes play a big role. Men, as a rule, work a lot, and even if they are sitting in the office, this does not mean that any pair of shoes will suit them. First of all, you need to pay attention to the material. Many unscrupulous companies make such shoes that it’s simply impossible to walk in or the feet smell so unpleasant by the end of the day that a person just resembles a chemical bomb that can explode as soon as he takes off his shoes. Of course, the smell of the legs does not always depend on the demi-season shoes (the reason may lie in health problems), but still it is largely due to the material from which the shoes are made.


Children's demi-season boots

Demi-season shoes for children deserve a separate discussion, if only because the kids are quite mobile and little adapted to the various inconveniences of the adult world. Well, do not forget that quality shoes always cost a lot of money. And not only for children. An improper or inconvenient shoe in demi shoes can lead to flat feet. Many mothers prefer to buy orthopedic insoles, and shoes that are cheaper, because young children grow very quickly, and last year’s couple often remains unclaimed.

Women's demi-season shoes

Universal boots

A variety of women's types of shoes, boots and shoes, designed for the spring and autumn, can be devoted to a whole volume in which to highlight in detail the differences, features and similarities of different models. But in short, you can keep within a few points of a short list:

  • No matter what the outcome of the purchase, ankle boots or high boots, or maybe warm sneakers - the demi-season shoes should be well stitched.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the material, this applies not only to female models. Demi-season shoes should be made of a material that does not leak water.
  • Women's types of boots and children's should not slip. Unacceptable and stilettos, especially for those who lead an active lifestyle. This fact has been verified by a multitude of bruises and injuries received during the off-season, when the weather is unpredictable. The climate of Russia is quite diverse, and if it was sunny in the morning, the temperature was above 0 ° C and puddles on the asphalt, then it is not a fact that by the evening all this splendor will not turn into ice.
  • Well, and the last, on any shoes you need to check the zipper before buying, otherwise you can easily purchase a defective item.
Women's demi-season shoes

Buying shoes is a serious matter. Remember that in the future the extra hour and a half spent in the store when choosing a model may come around in a good sense of the word. Of course, many lovers of saving will add one more point to all the tips: to look after exactly those things that can be repaired without compromising their appearance.


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