This honor ... or "Lost qualities of a person"

A conversation about honor can go on forever, especially considering the fact that today this quality of human nature is dying very quickly. It is possible that soon the question of honor, dignity and valor will become a question exclusively from the section of philosophy.

honor is
This opinion is by no means as baseless as it seems at first glance, and this is confirmed by the multiple facts of not only modern history, but also daily news. Turn on the TV on any channel that shows a series, movie or even news bulletin. What will you see? Everything is simple, even the honor of the uniform has become an empty phrase, because the army is gradually turning into an exclusively commercial organization, to say nothing of the structures of society less disciplined?

Characterization and meaning of the word

Even paying attention to the very structure of the word, we can say that first of all, honor is honesty with oneself, coupled with an increased sense of responsibility for one’s actions. This concept should not be confused with others, such as dignity, arrogance, pride and others. For example, the expression “does not allow honor” is the most striking example of the above. It implies that a person cannot perform one or another act, because he considers it wrong, immoral or dishonorable in relation to others. On the other hand, honor is a kind of personification of pride in meeting with someone whom you consider worthy or fulfilling his assignment. The whole attitude of a person to such a person is reflected in the expression "for me it is a great honor."

a matter of honor
Reasons for “dishonor” or “Take care of honor from a young age”

What is the reason that chivalry has become unpopular and even despised? Indeed, if honor is a quality of the human soul, characterized by an exclusively positive orientation, then it would seem that we should strive for it. But even from the time of the last knights who "died out", from the moment when the word of one person ceased to have weight before the mass, and the strength
and the skill of one hand was offset by a crossbow bolt, honor was the inheritance of only a few. Those few who understood and knew that honor is an integral part of human dignity.

Those few who only recently went into battle, defending the land that did not belong to them, and the people who sent them to death, and their future, which for the majority did not come. So one should not say now that honor is that which is inherent in everyone, or vice versa, because this quality is napping in everyone only until there is a need to show it. For some, such a need will never come, someone is waiting for the right moment. But there are special, real people who use the informal "Code of Honor" all their conscious lives ...

esprit de corps

What have we come to? In a conversation about human qualities, it is very difficult to draw a final conclusion and put the last point, if only because there are no identical people, just as there are no identical feelings and qualities. So, even in a conversation about honor, one should not consider first of all the person himself, but the environment in which he grew up, lived and died, and then judge for the fact that he once did not do something.


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