Weng Character, Dota 2: Description

Today we will tell all enthusiastic players about one very powerful character that can be used both as a carry and as a support. We are talking about a powerful vengeful spirit, which is called the Wenga Spirit / Vengeful Spirit (or simply Weng). It is noteworthy that this nickname Weng from "DotA 2" received as a result of the reduction of its main name, which turned out to be too long for frequent use. She is a ranged character whose main attribute is Dexterity. She has many unique abilities, having played which, you can turn Weng into a truly invincible champion with great advantages on the battlefield.

But first things first. In our small guide to Weng from Dota 2, we will talk about such important components of the character as his story, his role on the battlefield, abilities, as well as strengths and weaknesses.

Guide to "DotA 2" on Weng

From the history of Wenga

All the guards belong to the great caste of night elves, where each of them confronts dark forces throughout their lives. For centuries, they have been standing guard at the underground gates, protecting the peace and tranquility of beautiful Azeroth.

A heroine named Shendelzeir, a native of the Silkvu clan, carried the burden of the guard for more than three hundred years. Together with her, her sister Mortred, who once fell victim to an evil spirit, was always in the service. From the moment evil settled in Mortred’s soul, she began to hunt for her sisters. Many were killed on her account, but despite this, the Elves still managed to defeat the threat and expel the turned comrade-in-arms from their native lands.

Unfortunately, Shendelzeir was one of the victims. Her condition was rapidly deteriorating, it seemed that nothing could save her from imminent death. The torment of her daughter could not pass by the goddess Elune, who decided to save Shendelzeir, giving her a new body with amazing abilities. Thus, the elf turned into a real spirit of revenge, driven by only one force - a thirst for revenge for the lost sisters and for suffering Azeroth.

General character description

Many guides to Weng for "Dota 2" call it almost the best support in the whole game. If you apply the right tactics, you can swing the heroine to good damage and carry, which is caused by her skills suitable for these roles. Wenga is known for being banned by many serious Dota tournaments - a good proof of her capabilities and superiority over other characters.

Guide to Wenga Spirit from "DotA 2"


Each character has its own pros and cons that help in choosing wagering tactics. As for the guide to Wenga Spirit to "Dota 2", then among its strengths, the following characteristics can be noted:

  • at the very beginning of the game, she receives a lot of armor (defense);
  • not particularly in need of various objects and has no strong dependence on them;
  • playing for Wengu, the player can engage in light reconnaissance;
  • has a good increase in stats;
  • it is suitable for wagering absolutely at any stage of the match;
  • can attack the enemy with a reliable camp and at the same time remove good damage from it.


If we talk about the drawbacks of Wenga, which players will have to play with her, then this:

  • an escape attempt can only be made through the camp (unfortunately, this character has no other ways to escape);
  • the first level of pumping prevents the full use of ults;
  • Wenga often lacks mana;
  • the character does not have a large range when attacking;
  • the role of support and dexterity as the main attribute pretty much “hit” the manapule.
How to play for Weng from Dota 2

Main abilities and their description

  • Magic Shell - is a good camp that deals really good damage. The disadvantage of this ability is that it spends too much mana, so it will not be able to spam it. Weng Kerry from "Dota 2" often uses the Magic Projectile for gangs or saves (both his own and teammate).
  • Wave of Terror - this ability, unfortunately, is often underestimated by the players for Weng. And in vain. A wave of Horror can remove a lot of armor, while it stacks well with auras and items to remove protection. In the right scenario, this ability will do huge damage already at the start of the game. Better not to joke with the Wave of Horror!
  • Aura of Revenge - causes additional percentage damage. The aura of vengeance effect can be used by all teammates and their subordinates, that is, spiders, creeps, trents and others. It is worth noting that an additional percentage causes only white damage.
  • Lower Swap - transfers Wengu to the place of any other teammate or opponent. Despite the fact that ulta has a small CD, it is able to break through magical immunity. All this makes the Lower Swap ability a useful initiator of battles, in which Weng often sacrifices himself. In general, there are a lot of ways to use Swap (depending on the situation). Often a player can come to the rescue of allies who are not in the best position and are in the balance of death - this tactic works great if the team has other carry. The guides to Weng from "Dota 2" give more detailed information regarding this ability and its use in the battle (knocking down ults, teleports, etc.).
Ligaments with Hungary in Dota 2

Passage of the initial stage of the game (start)

Before the start of the battle, the player must determine the line. We advise you to take a closer look at the position that Kerry has already taken - it is there that we can provide the most assistance to our teammates and ensure that someone who plays for Kerry has easy farming. What to collect Wenge from "DotA 2" at the initial stage? In the initial purchase should be: AnimalCourier, Smoke of Deceit (2), Tango and Clarity (2). Such a set will provide us with a multiple exit to the mid at the very beginning of the game.

If Weng’s partner has a good DPS (for example, Girokopter), then you can try to execute fb. For starting money we buy with High-Speed ​​Boots and Magic Wand - with them our heroine will become even more mobile and elusive.

Passage of the middle stage of the game (mid-game)

At this stage, the player should focus on controlling the card and ensuring safe farming for the teammate. If Weng is fighting an enemy initiator, raster, etc., then the best tactic here is to swap the enemy to other team members so that others can figure it out.

Generally speaking, throughout the mid-game, a subject like Mekansm (or just Meka) will be very useful to us. With this rather useful item, we can always regenerate the health spent during battles.

wenga spirit

After a small farm, we can buy a Staff of Strength, which is useful for pushing ourselves out of a crowd of opponents after a successful swap. Do not forget about the push: the combined power of our passive ability and the item Ring of Aquila can quickly crack down on any building. Our minimum task for the final of the middle stage of the game is the demolished enemy towers T1 and T2.

Passage of the late stage of the game (final)

How to play for Weng from Dota 2 in the finals? During the final stage, the player must engage in an active swap of opponents. The last artifact to be acquired is Scythe of Vyse. Together with the hex, we will become a stronger disabler, which, of course, will give us a noticeable advantage against the enemy. We also remember that before starting a swap, it is better to check the place with the help of the Wave of Terror.

If the opponents are engaged in the defense of their base and are not going to leave the limits of t3, then in this case you will have to follow the following tactics: first initiate the battle yourself, then swap the enemy to the teammates and, finally, apply the Staff of Strength.

Dangerous opponents

We decided to devote this chapter to the description of enemy characters, fighting with which, Weng may experience some difficulties.

To begin with, we recall that Wenga’s abilities act only against one target, so it’s better not to release it against illusionists or summoner heroes. The most dangerous characters: Phantom Lancer, Knight of Chaos, Naga Siren, Terrorblade, Queen of Spiders and others.

What to collect on Weng from "DotA 2"

Due to the short range of its attacks, Weng is forced to constantly move closer to the enemy. That is why it is difficult for her to maintain a safe distance during team fights. This weakness of her can be a great advantage for all owners of powerful initiating skills, for example for the Tidehunter, King of the Sands, Magnus, Pak and other heroes.

Of course, these are not all the characters that you should be wary of while playing for Weng. The following fighters can also be attributed to this list: Omninight, Abaddon, Spectrum, Ricky, the Life Thief and Winter Weaver.

Best mates and allies

There are times when Wengu is selected into teams in which characters are already present that lower the level of enemy armor. In contrast to this ability, Wenga Spirit uses the Horror Wave. Only our readers can decide whether to follow this tactic or not, but we, in turn, do not recommend keeping it a priority. Usually, during a battle, a reduction in protection from Wengi itself is enough (plus the use of the Solar Cross artifact). If the player likes this tactic with teammates, then the role of good allies can be played by Alchemists or Vivera.

Very often, Weng is in teams with heroes, whose specialization is damage through auto-attacks. In this scenario, the heroine will be able to help teammates with her Aura of Vengeance, which does not lose relevance throughout the battle. In addition to this, it is Wenga who will act as the initiator of the battles, striking a single chain with stunning or swap. So the skills of which heroes are best suited for a connection with Weng? There are many suitable candidates in DotA 2, so we recommend that you look at characters like Alchemist, Faceless Void, Mirana, Night Stalker, Taini, Bistmaster, Ursa, etc.

Dota 2 Heroes: Weng Kerry

In conclusion, I would like to note that the Aura of Vengeance can also be used on an early push. From this we can draw the corresponding conclusion that this feature makes Wengu also suitable for a fluffing strategy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21192/

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