XHOSE (hose): owner reviews, watering features and types

The organization of irrigation on the site is a responsible event. The productivity of most types of garden and horticultural crops depends on this. Previously, PVC hoses were used for watering. They were distinguished by great weight, they required a special approach to storage. After application of them it was necessary to drain the water.

An alternative to the presented products was the XHOSE self- expanding hose. Customer reviews about it are rather mixed. Such a design has both advantages and disadvantages. Whether it is worth buying a similar hose for watering, the advice of experts and users will help determine.

Hose properties

Reviews about the water hose XHOSE ("X HOZ") are rather mixed. There are both positive and negative opinions. In order not to be disappointed in the future, it is necessary to consider the main qualities of the presented product.

Xhose hose reviews

XHOSE hose has a dual design. Inside is a hard channel made of rubber. It is coated with an external nylon fabric. The fabric is resistant to wear. When using this system, it is possible to quickly increase the hose in size. It lengthens almost 3 times.

When you turn on the water, the hose stretches independently. To start watering, you must open the valve. It is located at the very end of the product. When the water supply stops, the hose reverts to its original size. Moreover, this procedure takes only a few seconds. This is the basic principle underlying the design of the XHOSE irrigation hose. Reviews of technologists indicate a large number of advantages of such a system.

Disadvantages of the old watering system

Reviews of the XHOSE watering hose allow us to highlight a number of its advantages over the old irrigation system. The disadvantages of PVC hoses should be attributed to their large dimensions. Even in a twisted form, such irrigation systems occupy a significant place. For their storage you have to prepare a special room.

Xhose Watering Hose Reviews

Also, long PVC products are impressive in weight. Thanks to this, moving them around the site becomes quite difficult. Also, when watering and unfolding a network of hoses over a PVC section, the material can be wrinkled or twisted. This significantly reduces the quality of irrigation.

In doing so, twisting can be harmful to plants. Such a hose can easily break loose seedlings, stems of garden or garden crops. If you accidentally pull such a hose a little harder, without following its position, you can destroy, for example, several bushes of tomatoes. Watering the flower garden will also be extremely difficult.

Benefits of Stretchable Hose

Reviews of the XHOSE watering hose speak of a whole list of its benefits. Its main principle is the ability to stretch independently under the influence of water pressure. Also, automatic resetting greatly facilitates the operation of the product.

Watering hose xhose reviews

The hose does not twist and does not break. It is not confused and does not harm the plants that are on the site. The materials from which the presented product is made are highly durable and fairly reliable.

The presented product can be actively used in combination with a pressure enhancing device. Reviews about the hose XHOSE ("X HOZ") indicate its low weight. This allows almost everyone to water plants comfortably. To move it does not require much effort.

The product is compact. It can be folded for storage in a small container. With it, you can carry out various types of irrigation.


Despite its many advantages, there are a number of drawbacks to the XHOSE water hose. Reviews of technologists note two weaknesses in the presented design. These include the inner shell of the product, as well as fittings made of plastic.

Xhose hose x household reviews

The nylon sheath is attached to the inner channel using sufficiently unreliable structural elements. They are made of plastic. After a certain number of stretching and contracting cycles, they begin to fail. The fabric comes off the inner shell of the channel.

The inner hose is not very durable. If the nylon fabric comes off for some reason, it may fray or tear for another reason. Plastic fittings do not allow the hose to be sealed to the water inlet point over time. In this case, a leak appears. Using such a product becomes uncomfortable.

Hose selection

Several sizes of XHOSE garden hoses are available for sale. Reviews of experts indicate the need to carefully determine the required length of the product before buying. The shortest hose of this type has a length of 7.5 m. It is suitable for small suburban areas. The cost is 400-700 rubles. depending on the configuration.

Water hose xhose reviews

A hose 15 meters long is very popular among domestic gardeners . It can be purchased for 800-1000 rubles. The product will be a little longer 22 m. Such a hose costs 900-1100 rubles.

For large areas, you will need to purchase a product of 30 m (from 1100 to 1500 rubles), 45 m (1700-2000 rubles). The largest length of watering equipment can be 60 m. Its cost is 1900-2200 rubles.

Expert Advice

Reviews of the XHOSE watering hose, which are provided by technologists, indicate the need to properly operate the presented product. When defects, tears of nylon fabric appear, they must be immediately eliminated. Otherwise, the internal material of the water channel may be damaged.

Xhose water hose x household reviews

Do not move the hose over the area where sharp stones are placed, there is glass or other hard and sharp objects. If it is transported to the place of irrigation on soft ground, the hose will be used much longer.

If the pipe size does not match the hose fitting, a special adapter must be purchased. This will extend the life of the product. The hose fitting thread attaches to the adapter. It will not be subjected to mechanical stress during operation. By following these simple recommendations, you can use the presented device for watering for several seasons.

Negative reviews

Gardeners and gardeners give a different assessment of the quality of XHOSE hoses. Reviews are found both negative and positive. Among the negative statements, one can find complaints about the short service life of the presented product. Some gardeners began to leak the hose after several waterings.

It is also noted that the fabric quickly gets dirty. According to many users, this is a short-lived, fragile product. When creating it, low-quality materials are used. The inner tube is fragile.

Experts say that recently there have been many fakes of the presented watering equipment. To purchase a durable, reliable hose, you must contact specialized dealers. They guarantee product quality. Acquiring such hoses on little-known trading floors, according to gardeners, is strongly discouraged.

Positive reviews

Among the positive reviews about the XHOSE hose, its lightness and ease of use can be noted. The product has a warranty period of on and off of about 300-400 cycles. This amount is enough to water the garden every day in the summer for several years.

Garden hose xhose reviews

In order not to become a victim of unscrupulous manufacturers, it is necessary to purchase hoses with an internal channel made of latex. In this case, the product will be durable. It is easy to store and transport around the site.

Having considered the features that the XHOSE hose has, the feedback from technologists and users, we can note the good quality of the presented product. If you purchase an original product, you can have no doubt in its durability. Fakes do not last long. They fail almost after the first watering. Therefore, the purchase of such a product must be approached responsibly, to purchase a hose only from a specialized sales representative.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21195/

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