North Dakota - Sioux Indians

North Dakota is a state located in the central north of the United States. Its population is more than six hundred eighty thousand people, of which two tenths of women are more than men. Of the nationalities, most Germans (44%) and Norwegians (30%).

North Dakota
This state in the northern United States is part of the Northwest Center.

The capital is Bismarck, and the largest cities are Fargo, which is larger than the capital, Minot and Grand Forks.

North Dakota is the location of two US military air bases.

The official nickname is “Sioux Indians State”, also the “Garden of the World State” and “Earthen Squirrel State” are also common.


In the late thirties of the eighteenth century, North Dakota was first inhabited by Europeans, who were French-Canadians by birth. Relations with the local tribes of the Indians they were quite friendly and neighborly, furs and hunting were conducted.

In 1803, after the Louisiana purchase, the territory of most of the state passed into the possession of the United States, and in 1818 the northeastern region belonging to Great Britain was acquired. Until 1870, there was a continuous influx of immigrants, as well as a war with the local population - Sioux Indians. On November 2, 1889, North Dakota joined the United States, becoming the thirty-ninth in a row.

Geographical Information

The area of ​​the state is 183,272 square kilometers - 19th place among the states. Almost the entire space, more than 97% is land.

The neighboring states are Minnesota in the east, South Dakota in the south, Montana in the west and the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan with Manitoba in the north.

Most of the territories are plains. In the northeast, their height is more than three hundred and fifty meters, and in the northeast - up to a thousand. The central regions are occupied by the Missouri plateau, which is part of the Great Plains. The largest river is Missouri, lakes are Devils Lake and Sakakavia.

Types of soil - chernozemovidnye and gray forest. They are prone to severe erosion.


Since this state in the north of the USA is located in the very center of the mainland, its climate is continental. Summer is hot and winter is cold. The temperature in January ranges from -8 to -16, and in July - from 18 to +24 degrees Celsius. The average rainfall is from 22 to 56 mm / year; in the spring, floods often occur in the Red River Valley.

state in north usa

Tourists can visit the State Heritage Center, located in Bismarck, as well as the famous National Park, founded in honor of one of the most famous US presidents - Theodore Roosevelt.


North Dakota is famous for its special love of music, which is represented here by numerous genres. For example, the legendary Johnny Lang plays blues, Lynn Anderson - country, Peggy Lee - jazz and pop.


As of 2005, state GDP was $ 24 billion, and GDP per person was $ 39,594 (thirty-seventh in the United States). Industry in North Dakota is poorly developed, the most common occupations are the cultivation of various cereals and animal husbandry. But there are plenty of mineral reserves: a huge amount of brown coal, large deposits of oil, uranium, natural gas.


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