Brick annex to a brick house: project, permit, construction

If you decide that you just really need a brick extension to a brick house, then you must first decide what purpose such a veranda will have. If you plan to use it for relaxation, it makes sense to build an open terrace or gazebo. If necessary, to further insulate the house, you can build a closed veranda, which will play the role of a vestibule between the front door and the street. This approach will prevent the passage of cold masses into the home. For those summer residents who visit a country house mainly in the autumn, an insulated outbuilding is perfect, then in the winter you can sit there for a cup of tea.

Design and building permit

brick annex to a brick house

Before a brick extension to a brick house is built, it is necessary to create its project and approve it in the appropriate instance. Most often, the veranda is attached in such a way as to close the front door. Therefore, if the house is already ready, then it is not always possible to establish an extension from the side on which you want to. If you place the veranda without entering the house, the room will be torn off from the main building, and you will have to carry tea and food through the street.

The dimensions of the extension can be chosen independently, taking into account the number of people who could rest on it at the same time. For a family of 6 members, an extension of 3x4 meters will be sufficient. It is important to consider the general view from the street. If the porch is small, and the building itself consists of two floors, then the architectural ensemble is unlikely to look harmonious. Whereas for a small house, a porch the width of the wall of the building is perfect. This will increase the usable area, and from the side the extension will look decent.

Before a brick extension to a brick house is installed, it must be officially legalized, whatever its purpose. It is necessary to carry out these manipulations before the start of construction. After you come up with the design of the extension and its general appearance, you need to visit a special department that deals with the design of buildings. There you will have the opportunity to order a project of the veranda, after its manufacture, you need to go to the architectural department of the city, where you will receive a building permit and make changes to the house design. As practice shows, it is recommended to do this in advance, since the design and its approval can take about 2 months. That is why it is better to do similar work in the winter, when the construction season has not begun.

Territory Marking

how to make an extension to a brick house

If you need a brick extension to a brick house, then you can do the construction work yourself. At the first stage, it is necessary to mark and divide the site. To do this, the master will have to remove the fertile layer, deepening by 15 centimeters. Soil can be used on flower beds or in the country. The construction site is leveled, only after you can proceed to its breakdown. Using the dimensions indicated in the project, the boundaries of the extension should be marked. To do this, in the corners of the future veranda you need to drive in iron rods or wooden pegs, pulling twine between them.

Foundation building

do-it-yourself brick extension to a brick house

Before you make an extension to a brick house, it is imperative to create a foundation, which can be tape or columnar. Most often, bases are built for the verandas, the depth of which is equal to this parameter, which is characteristic of the foundation of the main building. Experts do not recommend linking these elements together in a monolith, since the veranda and the house will have different weights, therefore, a different degree of shrinkage. In order for a heavy house not to pull an easy construction, the veranda must be installed on separate grounds. Between the foundation of the house and the extension, a 4-centimeter clearance should be provided.

For reference

brick house extension projects

If you are thinking about how to make an extension to a brick house, then you need to take into account the features of the soil on the ground and the total mass of the veranda. When building on heaving soil, the foundation can move during operation, then the extension will move away from the wall of the main building. Lightweight foundations are not designed for heavy walls, so they can shrink under the influence of weight.

Strip foundation construction

foundation for a brick extension

The veranda attached to the house can be installed on a tape base. Concrete should be used for this. Initially, a trench is excavated, the dimensions of which are selected taking into account the foundation of the house. Formwork is laid in the pit, the height of which should be equal to the height of the future base or slightly more. It must be formed from boards knocked together. For the preparation of concrete , six parts of crushed stone, three parts of sand, part of cement should be used.

The foundation for the brick extension is poured in several layers, the first of which is strengthened with stones. Next, you can start pouring the next portion into which the stones are added. For the top layer, stones are not required to be used, the surface must be leveled with a trowel and left for 4 days. If the weather is hot outside, then twice a day the foundation surface must be watered with water, so you can avoid the appearance of cracks.

Column foundation construction

extension of the garage to the brick house

The veranda attached to the house can be installed on a columnar base. This approach is relevant when the extension will be very small. In order to be safe from soil heaving , pits need to be dug below the depth of freezing of the soil, which is more than 1 meter. For brick walls, it will be necessary to install supports not only in the corners, but also around the perimeter, placing elements in increments of 60 centimeters.


construction of a brick extension to the house

Before starting the construction of a brick extension to the house, it is necessary to dig holes, at the bottom of each of which a 20-cm layer of sand is covered. It is carefully tamped, spilled with water. Next, the master can begin to pour concrete, which should reach the surface of the earth. After the solution has hardened, it should be smeared with bitumen, filling the cracks between it and the ground with sand. The aboveground part of the support is created from block masonry or brick, so that the height of the element reaches the main foundation or is slightly lower. Approximately 30 centimeters should remain before the finish floor of the veranda.

Brick wall construction

Do-it-yourself brick extension to a brick house can be done. Before you begin to build walls, you need to check how horizontal the surface of the foundation. If the base is uneven, the installation may become deformed and become cracked during shrinkage. In order to connect the main wall with the extension, it is necessary to make holes in it during the construction of the walls, deepening by 2/3. Drill such holes through 3 rows of masonry. They install fittings that will protrude from the wall by 0.5 meters. It will lay in the seams of the future masonry. In order for the seams in these rows not to be too wide, the reinforcement should not have a very large diameter.

Before laying bricks, twine should be pulled along the wall along which the horizontal position of the rows can be controlled. Verticality is checked using a plumb line. The thickness of the walls is determined by the purpose of the future extension. If it is supposed to make a living room out of it, then the masonry should have a thickness of one or two bricks. If the room will fulfill the function of a utility room or a veranda, then laying of 1/2 brick will be enough.

After the construction of the brick walls is completed, they need to be pulled along the top with a concrete belt, for which formwork is made, into which the reinforcing structure is poured, poured with concrete mortar. After the concrete hardens, the formwork is removed, and the master proceeds with the flooring device.

Overlap of an extension

The extension of the garage to the brick house is being built using the same technology as described in the article. Only in this case, the dimensions of the room will be determined by the dimensions of the car. At the next stage, a ceiling is arranged, for which the bars are used, they will act as beams. These elements are installed on the upper part of the walls at a distance of 70 centimeters from each other. Their fixation is made by special angles. When installing beams on a brick building, they can be embedded in a concrete belt, wrapping the edge of each of them with a roofing material in advance. Now you can hem the beams with thick plywood or boards on which insulation will be laid on top.

Roof Tips

Brick house extension projects may include roofs of various designs. However, most often for this, single-slope options are used, which consist of rafters. The angle of inclination can vary from 25 to 30 degrees, this is necessary so that precipitation in the winter does not linger on the surface. On the front of the roof or wall, make a mark in the form of a flat horizontal line, according to which the bars supporting the rafters will be fixed. The lower support for them will be the edge of the wall or floor beams. Rafters should extend beyond the boundaries of the walls by 300 millimeters in order to protect them from rainwater. Fixation of rafters is made by metal corners.


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