What symbolize the flag of Venezuela and the emblem of the country

Venezuela, aka the Bolivarian Republic, is located in the northern part of the South American continent. The glorious, heroic history of this state is a clear example of how people can create the history of their country and decide their destinies. The coat of arms and flag of the republic can tell about the most interesting and dramatic events of its past.

Spirit of freedom

flag of venezuela
On July 5, Venezuelans annually celebrate their main national holiday, Independence Day from Spanish colonial rule. An event took place in 1811, and its echoes formed the basis of state symbols. The flag of Venezuela is a colorful sight. This is a rectangular tricolor, consisting of strips of the same size: yellow, blue, red. In its center rises an arc of 8 white five-pointed stars. Each of the elements that make up the flag of Venezuela is strictly thought out and is important.

Looking back

The color scheme of the flag was determined by the ethnic composition of the participants in the popular uprising of the country's inhabitants against Spanish rule. In 1797, the first serious surge in the national liberation movement took place. The then flag of Venezuela, under the canopy of which the conspirators spoke, also contained 4 colors and was four-lane. White symbolized white-skinned supporters of the struggle, blue - dark-skinned, red - red-skinned Indians, and yellow - mulattos. Thus, the idea of ​​the unity of the people in the face of a common enemy-colonialist was realized.

what does the flag of Venezuela mean

By the way, this banner became the base for the later versions of the national flags of Ecuador and Colombia as well. The flag of Venezuela was invented by Francisco Miranda, one of the prominent resistance leaders of the South American peoples. His symbolism was capacious and substantial. The yellow strip was associated with South America itself, the bowels of which were rich in gold and other minerals, which attracted greedy Spaniards to the continent. Red as blood, the color personified Spain itself - the hated cruel enslaver. And the blue is the bottomless expanse of the ocean, separating the enslaved country from the enslaver. What Miranda wanted to say with all these: South America will be independent, prosperous far from its conquerors, when it casts off the yoke of slavery. Three times the banner of Freedom rose above the fearless people in their revolutionary attempts to throw off the Spanish yoke. Under him, Bolivar’s army attacked, finally liberating the country. It happened in 1816-1822.

Rising stars

flag coat of arms of venezuela
An explanation of what the flag of Venezuela means will be incomplete if the symbolism of its stars is not disclosed. In the beginning, there were only 7. Each designates one of the provinces - the administrative units into which the country was divided. They were located in the center, a figure from a six-star circle, and the seventh was in the middle. In 2006, another, eighth little star “Bolivar Star” “shone” on the flag. They added it at the initiative of the late President of the country of Chavez - in memory of the national hero of all of South America. This star also points to the lands of Guyana-Essexibo.

National emblem

Not only the flag - the coat of arms of Venezuela also underwent some changes over time. The first option was adopted in 1836, the second - in 1954, the third, current - in 2006. Its main element is a shield divided into national colors. On the red field - a rye sheaf, personifying the prosperity of agriculture and the unity of the nation. In a sheaf of 20 ears - by the number of states. The yellow field is a military field; it depicts weapons and national flags tied with a laurel branch. This is a reminder of the greatness of the heroism of days past.

Venezuelan coat of arms

Below, on a blue background, a snow-white handsome horse gallops - a symbol of the will and independence of Venezuela. Crossed cornucopia over a shield is the wealth of South American land. Around the shield are branches of a palm tree and an olive tree. They are intertwined with a three-color ribbon on which you can read the commemorative inscription. According to Chavez’s reform, on the coat of arms, the horse was turned in the opposite direction and elements such as a machete and a bow with arrows pointing to the indigenous peoples of the Venezuelan territories and their unity in the fight against a common enemy were added.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21212/

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