Infrared heat guns: types, principle of operation and scope

Infrared heat guns are installed in rooms not only as additional heating. They are also used as alternative heating. Usually they are used when it is not possible to install other heating equipment. Maintaining the necessary comfortable temperature in the room is relevant both for people and for the goods or products in it.

Gas heat gun

Types of Heat Guns

Depending on the type and area of ​​the heated surface, guns are usually divided into 2 categories: domestic and industrial. Household appliances are used to heat apartments and rooms, industrial ones - for storage and other premises, covering vast areas.

Diesel infrared heat guns

Depending on the source of energy consumed by such a machine, one can distinguish the following types of heat guns:

  1. Diesel. The most expensive type, it works only on diesel fuel. It has low weight and high power. The diesel infrared heat gun does not burn oxygen and is completely safe in residential areas.
  2. Electric. The device operates on mains power. It is used for heating small areas and industrial warehouse complexes. Electric infrared heat guns quickly heat the air to a predetermined temperature.
  3. Watery. It is filled with water, heats up and only after that does heat transfer. Widely used for heating greenhouses and greenhouses. Cost-effective enough.
  4. Gas. The infrared heat gun is gas powered. Moreover, there is no difference whether this gas will be from a direct line or a balloon model.
Electric heat guns

The principle of operation of infrared heat guns

At first glance, the heat gun may seem like a complex unit, but to understand its design and principle of operation is very simple. Any infrared design includes:

  • body made of refractory metal;
  • fuel tank and hose;
  • safety grill;
  • nozzle;
  • pen;
  • wheels.

The main feature of the infrared heat gun is that it does not warm the air in the room, but rather heats the surrounding objects, and they, in turn, give off heat to the air. Only those objects that are located directly in the spectrum of infrared radiation are capable of receiving such heat.

Heating a room with such a heat gun is completely safe for humans, because the machine does not emit any toxic substances during operation, and good protection requires continuous continuous use. There is no ventilation system in the infrared gun, due to this it is absolutely silent.

Heat gun


These appliances are able to heat objects on the street, despite the weather conditions. Gusty wind will not be able to beat off the radiated heat. Heated objects retain and give off heat for a long time, even when the gun is already turned off.

Infrared guns are characterized by significant energy efficiency. Several modes of operation will help to set the task of maintaining temperature or fast heating and shutdown.

The mobility of the design allows you to save on space, the gun can be installed everywhere, even under the ceiling.

No special knowledge is required in its installation or use. A high degree of construction protection will completely protect the housing from fire. The existing certificate of quality fully complies with standards and norms.

These devices do not emit toxic substances into the air, do not burn oxygen in the room, and are absolutely silent. They begin to heat surrounding objects immediately after plugging into the outlet.

Scope of application

Infrared heat guns are widely used in various fields of human activity. They heat residential premises, apartments, private houses, garages, balconies.

Due to the spot heating of objects and surfaces, they are often used in construction work when you need to quickly dry a plastered wall or painted ceiling.

In painting workshops are used as drying, as individual parts of the car, and the entire body. On open terraces, summer cafes, where there is no protection from the wind, such guns will provide a comfortable pastime for visitors.

Tent markets, trade pavilions located on the street in the cold season, without alternative heating, can also be heated with these appliances. You can use them everywhere, the only working condition of the unit is a working outlet.


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