Children's shoes "Minimen": dimensional grid, customer reviews

Minimen Ortopedik Ayakkabi is a Turkish brand. The company specializes in tailoring high-quality children's shoes. In her arsenal there is the Minimen Ortopedik series, which includes orthopedic models that give children's legs the opportunity to develop correctly. Children's shoes "Minimen" - the choice of caring parents.

Products are manufactured in strict accordance with international quality standards. Orthopedic shoes prevent the development of diseases such as:

  • clubfoot;
  • flat feet;
  • flat valgus installation of feet.
Insoles for shoes "Minimen"

According to doctors, high-quality orthopedic shoes are:

  • stiff outsole;
  • Thomas's heel;
  • proper arch support;
  • stiff heel fixation.

Design Features

The raw material for the production of Minimen children's shoes is young calf leather. All models are stitched manually, which indicates their high wear resistance. The development of clubfoot is prevented by a hard back, which reliably fixes the ankle joint. For the smallest, support of the back arch of the foot is also important. It helps to maintain balance during the first steps.

Inside each Minimen children's shoe model is the patented Soft Effect antibacterial insole. From above it is covered with genuine leather, which allows the legs to "breathe" and protects against bacteria.

Due to the use of a thermoplastic sole, the muscles of the baby's legs do not experience strong loads. The danger of tripping over while walking or running is virtually eliminated, as each model has a raised toe.

Children's shoes "Minimen" exist on the market for more than 35 years. During this period, she had a lot of fans from the ranks of loving parents around the world. Every year before the collection is released, the Minimen team collaborates with the best designers in Europe. The issue is attended by stylists from:

  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Of Spain.

That is why the Minimen models always keep up with the times and correspond to fashion trends. For the manufacture of shoes exclusively environmentally friendly materials are used.

Orthopedic shoes "Minimen"

Kids who have just learned to walk, move a lot, learning the world around them. Imagine that about 10 liters of sweat, which should go somewhere, are emitted during the year of the foot. Putting shoes made of synthetic materials on crumbs in this case is almost the same as offering a plastic bag instead of shoes.

sandals "Minimen"

How to choose the right shoes for your child

There are rules to be guided by:

  1. Measure the leg at the end of the day, even in babies it swells a little.
  2. Measure both legs at the same time and only in an upright position.
  3. Place the baby's feet on a sheet of cardboard. Circle the feet with a pencil. Push away from extreme points around your toes and heels. So you accurately determine the size.

Mommy is always interested in what stock for growth should be in children's shoes. After all, it is necessary that the crumbs be comfortable and the doctor approves the choice. If you choose a model for one season, the stock should be at least 0.5 cm and not more than 1 cm. In winter shoes, it can be increased to 1.5 cm.

Features of fitting and selection

Children's shoes "Minimen" for girls and boys, regardless of the lifting of the foot should be easy to put on. She should not press, rub calluses.

You need to try on both shoes at the same time. There are cases when one leg can be slightly larger than the other, which is visually invisible. Let the baby move in the shoes. He must run, jump. Pay attention to the child’s gait, it should not change dramatically in the new thing.

Winter boots "Minimen"

Winter shoes "Minimen"

The Minimen models for the cold season are all equipped with a thermoplastic sole that does not slip. Winter shoes from the Turkish brand is designed for temperatures up to -40 degrees. The insole, which fully takes the form of the sole, does not interfere with air exchange.

The Sympatex waterproof membrane, of which the cold models are made, protects the feet from cold and moisture.

The principle of operation of the innovative material is that the temperature and humidity inside the product become higher than outside. Due to the difference in water vapor pressure, a force is generated. It is directed from the high-pressure area to the low-pressure area. Sweat molecules go to the external surface of the product through special hydrophilic zones. Here they can calmly evaporate.

Due to the fact that there are no pores in the membrane, dirt does not get into the shoes. Sympatex membrane makes it possible to breathe the product even when it comes into contact with fluids with oils and salts.

Winter shoes have a fleecy lining made of natural wool, without artificial impurities. Winter models are equipped with an extra soft backdrop. It provides comfort to the ankle joint when moving.

Dimensional grid of children's shoes "Minimen"

The following is a breakdown of the conformity of product sizes to the length of the children's foot in centimeters:

  • 11.5 to 18;
  • 12-19;
  • 12.5 to 20;
  • 13.5-21;
  • 14-22;
  • 14.5 - 23;
  • 15,5 - 24;
  • 16 - 25;
  • 16.5 - 26;
  • 17, - 27;
  • 18-28;
  • 18.5 - 29;
  • 19-30;
  • 20.5 - 31;
  • 21.5 - 32;
  • 22 to 33;
  • 22.5 - 34;
  • 23 to 35;
  • 23.5 - 36;
  • 24 to 37;
  • 24.5 - 38;
  • 25 to 39;
  • 26 - 40.

Reviews about children's shoes "Minimen" are almost all positive. Of the shortcomings, buyers allocate a rather high price, although it is justified by the impeccable quality of the products. Some consumers complain that the child quickly knocked down socks on shoes or boots, but such units. There are parents who complained that sandals molt. There were cases that the baby in the first days of socks rubbed legs in the high back area, but later everything returned to normal.

Autumn boots "Minimen"

There are a lot of positive reviews. Children's shoes "Minimen" is very light. Each model has a fairly wide sock. There is enough space for the baby's fingers inside the product. "Minimen" has a wide lineup. Shoes for little fashionistas can be matched to any style of clothing. Models for young ladies are made in a classic style and are in harmony with dresses for little princesses, which is liked by most mothers.

Reviews about the dimensional grid of children's shoes "Minimen"

Parents who prefer the shoes of this Turkish brand say that it goes size to size. If you want to make an online purchase, you can focus on the dimensional grid of the manufacturer. It is worth remembering that shoes for small children are still worth trying on before buying. The output may be showrooms, which are in many cities. Such online stores, as a rule, bring home several pairs for fitting. If no pair suits you, then you can safely refuse to purchase.


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