Planting grapes in the suburbs is no longer fiction

Not so long ago, it was believed that only those plants that were designed for it should grow in each region. Few gardeners dared to "jump above their heads." But gradually everything changes, now many are experimenting with the cultivation of crops familiar to the southern regions. Planting grapes in the suburbs does not surprise anyone. I wish Michurin was glad!

grape planting in the Moscow region
Planting grapes in the suburbs begins with the right choice of varieties. Of course, you should not purchase heat-loving specimens. There is a fairly extensive collection of hybrids designed for our climate. They are more frost-resistant, give an early harvest, that is, the main vegetative period falls within 100-120 days. This is very important: whatever one may say, no one has yet canceled the vagaries of spring, and autumn comes quite early in our country. Such hybrids include: "Arcadia", "Victoria", "Kesha", "Radish raisins", "Northern early", "Muscat hymen", "Michurinsky" and many others. These varieties are early, give large brushes with sweet berries. And their advantage is that they withstand frosts up to +25 degrees. Growing varieties with a longer vegetative period is possible only in greenhouses.

Planting grapes in central Russia can be carried out both in spring and autumn. It is very important to properly prepare the place. Grapes love heat and light, therefore it cannot be planted next to other fruit trees that can

grape planting in spring
to obscure. A good place for him can be the southern walls of the house or other buildings and fences. Approximately 50 cm should be retreated from them. It is also planted in an open, but do not blow out place. Grapes grow on almost any soil, in this respect it is unpretentious.

Planting grapes in the suburbs is carried out in two ways: in separate pits and trenches. Wells under plants are made in size 60x60x60. If this is a trench, then its length depends on the capabilities of the site, and the width and depth will be 60 cm. We must remember that the distance between the bushes, depending on the variety, will be from 1.5 m to 2 m. Drainage is first laid on the bottom of the pit. from chipped brick or crushed stone. Soil is poured on top - the earth mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers. Planting grapes themselves by seedlings in spring or autumn is done to a depth of 25 cm. Woody cuttings are planted already in warm land.

Annual saplings easily transfer the transplant at any time. When working with such material, you must be extremely careful not to damage the root system of plants. If they are messed up, then they must be carefully untangled. It is very important

grape planting in the middle lane
so that the grapes take root well. It is necessary to ensure that the fruit bud does not extend beyond the edge of the planting pit, since the soil around the seedling will need to be mulled, this will protect the plant from freezing. And, of course, watering. It should be quite plentiful, but not very frequent.

Planting grapes in the suburbs is a rather troublesome business. But if you follow all the necessary agricultural technology, then in the future you can proudly show everyone your own vineyard.


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