When to introduce milk porridge: the age of the child, the features of complementary foods and the opinions of pediatricians

The body of infants needs high-quality nutrition, since the digestive system is not yet developed, therefore, it can only accept breast milk. At the same time, babies daily need all the vitamins and minerals necessary for normal growth and development. It is also worth considering the fact that at some point the children need to be transferred from breastfeeding to normal feeding. Here the question arises of what is better to feed. The best option is milk porridge, because they are tasty, nutritious and healthy, and can also provide the child with a sufficient charge of vital energy. But the big problem with this is to choose the right foods. Experts argue that giving regular food to infants in the first months is not recommended, as this can lead to various health problems. To prevent this, let's look at when it is possible to introduce milk porridge to infants and how to do it correctly.

A few words about natural feeding

when milk porridge can be introduced

There are a number of reasons why it is not possible to feed a baby with breast milk. Therefore, before talking about when to introduce milk porridge, you must first consider them. According to pediatricians, natural feeding may be relevant in the following cases:

  • dystrophy or poor weight gain;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • poor lactation in the mother;
  • intolerance to artificial mixtures.

The last point is especially relevant. For many babies, purchased food causes allergic reactions, making it impossible to use them. The only way out is natural feeding. Therefore, many young mothers and the question arises as to when it is possible to introduce milk porridge into complementary foods. Further, this aspect will be disclosed in more detail, and we will also consider the best manufacturers of these products and the most popular recipes that will allow you to prepare your baby incredibly tasty and healthy dishes.

What kind of cereals is better to start with?

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Doctors and nutritionists are advised to start with varieties that do not contain gluten. Prepare cereals without adding any flavor enhancers. This is necessary in order to find out how the baby's body will perceive new food. When to introduce milk porridge into lure? The optimal age is 6 months. By this time, the child’s body should have already become stronger, and the digestive system will be fully formed. With regard to specific crops, experts argue that buckwheat is well suited for feeding. This is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, secondly, cereals are well absorbed, and thirdly, this culture has hypoallergenicity.

If the baby will eat well and after eating it will not have any responses, then a week later, rice is introduced into the diet, and then, according to a similar scheme, corn grits. After several months of natural feeding, it will be possible to gradually begin to produce gluten-free cereals. If you do not know when to introduce milk porridge and how to do it correctly, it is recommended that you first consult with a qualified specialist. The thing is that plants rich in gluten are poorly absorbed in the children's body and can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. However, they must be present in the diet, as they help strengthen the immune system, normalize the functioning of all internal organs, and also have a positive effect on the growth and development of children.

Gluten-free cereals include semolina, barley, oat and wheat. When can milk porridges be introduced into lure prepared on their basis? Doctors advise starting no earlier than eleven months. It is better to leave semolina in the end, because it has the least nutrients, and it can also cause food allergies. But if you have problems with weight gain, it is simply irreplaceable.

How to properly transfer babies to cereals

when to introduce milk porridge to lure

To minimize the likelihood of developing food allergies and other health problems, when introducing natural food into the baby’s diet, every mother should know how to introduce milk porridge after a dairy-free diet. Experts advise to adhere to the following rules:

  • start feeding from 8 months in portions of just 1 tsp. With each subsequent meal, their size is increased by one spoon until the baby eats 130-140 grams;
  • with each month, the serving increases by 20 grams until the baby's age reaches one year. However, one should take into account the physical characteristics of the child and his appetite;
  • if you decide to introduce a new product into the baby’s diet, then do it gradually, paying attention to the reaction of the body;
  • if an allergic reaction occurs, it is necessary to stop feeding the child this dish;
  • new types of cereals are given with an interval of several months, so that the child's body can normally get used to them;
  • combined types of cereals can be given only after the baby tries each of them;
  • the consistency of porridge should be fluid and not have lumps.

Here, in fact, are all the recommendations that give the most complete answer to the question of how to introduce milk porridge after dairy-free feeding. If you strictly follow them, then there will be no problems in transferring the baby to natural nutrition.

At what age is it better to start feeding porridge?

when milk porridge can be introduced into complementary foods

So we come to one of the most important points regarding baby food. Today there is a lot of debate about when to introduce milk porridge into complementary foods. In this matter, the opinions of various experts differ. And this is not surprising, because milk contains lactose, which can lead to the development of an allergic reaction and to an upset digestive system.

Most experts agree that the optimal age is 8-9 months. At the same time, cereals are first cooked in water and observe the body's reaction to them. Then add a little milk, gradually increasing its amount. Fully cook cereals on it is necessary for children aged one and a half years and older, provided that the baby does not have individual intolerance to milk protein.

Before making cereal, cereals are first ground to a state of flour in which it will be much better absorbed. After that, the cereal is boiled in water, and at the end of cooking, a little mother's milk is added. This scheme is adhered to until the child gets used to all varieties of cereal crops.

From what age are milk porridges introduced, you ask? You can start feeding them from about 18 months. But cereals are not prepared with pure milk, but diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. At the same time, it is recommended to give various cereals every day. Ready meals should be stored for no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator. If she lies down longer, then giving her to children is not recommended.

Purchased cereals

Feeding babies under the age of two years is a very difficult task, which takes parents a lot of time and energy. It has been described above in detail when milk porridges are introduced during breastfeeding. However, the life of modern people is oversaturated with various events, so not everyone has time to cook every day. In this case, you can use special baby food, which is sold in almost every store. It is made from natural ingredients, and it does not contain any flavorings, preservatives, food additives and GMOs. In addition, such mixtures are perfectly balanced, therefore, contain the daily norm of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal growth and development of the child's body. However, when choosing purchased cereals should be very careful. Always pay attention to the composition, shelf life of the product and the age group for which it is designed. As for specific manufacturers, then the most popular today, which have proved themselves exclusively on the positive side, will be considered.

Classification of cereals

when to introduce milk porridge to a child

Today there is a huge variety of cereal crops. Therefore, before talking about when to introduce milk porridge to infants, let's look at their varieties. An exemplary classification is as follows:

  • dairy-free - are intended for feeding babies who are individually lactose intolerant or suffering from any intestinal infections;
  • dairy - designed to enter the diet after dairy-free cereals;
  • gluten-containing cereals, which can be fed at the 18th month of life;
  • gluten-free - are used as complementary foods in the initial stages of the transfer of children to natural feeding;
  • dry - classic cereals that require cooking;
  • instant - instant cereals that do not require cooking;
  • granola for children - are available with various additives and are designed for nine-month-old babies;
  • welling - liquid cereals sold in bottles. They are well absorbed and contribute to better addiction to natural foods.

If you do not have the slightest idea about when to administer milk porridge to the child, and also you do not know which type of product is better to choose, then it is better to consult a qualified specialist. He will answer all your questions in detail and help you choose the most suitable feeding system, corresponding to the anatomical features and physical development of your child.

Benefits of Purchased Porridge

how to introduce milk porridge after milkless

Ready-made infant formulas and food products have many advantages compared to food that is prepared at home. Among the main ones, the following can be distinguished:

  • long-term storage;
  • minimum cooking time;
  • high quality and safety;
  • perfect balance;
  • hypoallergenicity.

It is for all of the above strengths that many experts advise mothers to transfer their babies from breastfeeding to purchased cereals. At home, preparing a dish that will have high nutritional value and nutritional value is simply impossible.

Which brands are best for babies?

Sure, homemade food is much tastier, but not all people have the opportunity to spend a lot of time cooking. Therefore, manufacturers of baby food mixtures come to their aid. Their products are ideal for people who have absolutely no idea when to administer milk porridge during breastfeeding. Food technologists constantly conduct various studies, so they produce perfectly balanced, nutritious and healthy products. Among the most famous brands are the following:

  • Nestle is one of the world leaders in the manufacture of baby food. Porridges of this brand have a unique composition, which includes bifidobacteria, which improve the digestive system.
  • Agusha is a Russian company specializing in the production of baby food. The product range is diverse, and all products are rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Bebi - the brand was founded in Slovenia and today is one of the leaders in the global market for the sale of a huge number of goods for children. The food of this manufacturer is made exclusively from natural ingredients and purified drinking water, therefore it is safe for children.
  • Humana is a true standard of quality. Baby food of this manufacturer differs from analogues in a balanced composition. Porridge is rich in all vital vitamins and minerals, and also they do not have sugar and salt. The only drawback is the cost is too high.

If you didn’t have children before and you don’t know what time milk porridges are added to the child’s diet, then the purchased mixture will be the best solution for you. World famous brands make their products together with leading pediatricians, so they are ideal for feeding small children.

Cooking cereals at home

what time is milk porridge introduced

There are many recipes with which you can cook your child a simple, but at the same time elegant and healthy dish. One of these is oatmeal with pumpkin. Take 50 grams of washed and peeled pumpkin, cut it into small cubes, fill it with water and simmer for 30 minutes over medium heat with water and a little sugar. Next, add 10 grams of any Hercules flakes, 50 ml of water and milk, then cook over low heat until cooked.

Another interesting option is buckwheat with fruit puree. To make such porridge, you need to bring a glass of milk to a boil, then add 10 grams of buckwheat flour to it and cook for 10 minutes. Next, puree prepared from a boiled apple is added, brought to a boil and cools. Such a dish will be not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy.


when milk porridge is administered during breastfeeding

This article has been described in detail about when to introduce milk porridge in the diet of breast-fed children, as well as how to do it correctly. If during the feeding process you notice any negative manifestations on the part of the baby's body, then you should consult a doctor, since the baby may have intolerance to certain products. But in most cases, everything goes fine, and the children quickly become accustomed to natural feeding.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21239/

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