Sharpei training: when and where to start

Shar Pei is not just a touching plush dog. When you look at her pleated muzzle and shiny brown eyes, the thought comes to her mind of how charming this animal is. However, it is too early to deceive oneself. This charming animal was bred specifically for fighting. Therefore, sharpei must be taken care of from his very young age.

Origin of breed

There are several versions of the origin of sharpei. One of them says that the representatives of this breed are the descendants of one of the 4 primitive dogs of antiquity.

The second indicates that in the Sharpei pedigree you can find Chow Chows and ancient mastiffs. True, in a very distant relationship.

And the third hypothesis says that sharpei were bred in China. The work of breeders was supervised by Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The task was to bring an animal with excellent protective qualities, which could participate in battles. After the first representatives of the breed saw the light, the emperor himself personally burned all the papers indicating its origin. For what purpose this was done is unknown.


The sharpei dog in previous years was a fighter and protector. Today it is a sweet companion. However, inclinations from the past remained.

People who have never kept dogs are not recommended to choose this breed as their first experience. They are cute and seem completely harmless. But do not forget that, according to one version of the origin of the breed, sharpei were bred for fighting. And the strong character in these animals remained.

That is why it is necessary to train sharpei from its youngest claws.

This dog will always fight for leadership in the house. He wants to be the main, the owner of the family in which the representative of this breed lives. The real owner will have to remind his beloved one from time to time who is really the main one in the house. If sharpei understands that the owner is not strong enough, then insolently sit on his neck. It can sometimes show a "Hollywood smile", or even flare your teeth. Not the best quality for your beloved family dog.

Sharpei are stubborn. Even too much. Teams may know, but completely ignore them. On a walk, they are able to pull the leash, not paying attention to the fact that the owner pulls the animal. Thus, the animal checks the owner "for strength". Will the last get submission from sharpei or let everything down from his beautiful paws?

Good looks, complex character

In the event that the owner proves himself to be a true leader, his pet will behave very differently. It will be an obedient and loyal sharpei dog, looking into the eyes. She takes a bath and shows with her whole appearance how she is waiting for a command from the owner.

Foundation basis

How does sharpei training and education begin? From the basics of obedience. As soon as the puppy has settled in the house, I want to squeeze it, take it with me to the bed, treat it with something tasty. But you can’t do this. Golden rules that a newly made puppy owner should remember:

  • Do not caress the baby just like that, because I wanted to. Weasel is a reward. She is given out in a dosed manner, and not when the dog asks for it, but when the owner considers it necessary.

  • Strictly watching the baby, do not interfere with this while living his dog life. If nothing threatens the pet, do not forbid him to get acquainted with the new and unknown. Of course, if the owner lives in a private house and decided to fry barbecue in the yard, and the puppy wants to know what fire is, the latter should be stopped.

  • Never take a puppy to bed. The dog will grow up, the habit will remain. The animal has its own place - a bed or a mattress. Attempts to climb onto the bed must be suppressed.

Sleeping on the bed is prohibited.

These are the three basic rules for those who have just got a pet.

A little bit about education

Education, like training a sharpei puppy, should be consistent. That is, if the owner forbids doing something today, then he should not allow it tomorrow. Otherwise, the dog will cease to understand what they want from it. And he will begin to learn to make independent decisions.

The forbidden command should not be used too often so as not to cause the processes of inhibition of the nervous system in the puppy. If a pet, for example, decided to taste the owner’s shoes, then you cannot scream to the kid and take away the shoes. This will scare a small pet, it may cease to trust the owner.

In this case, the puppy is distracted by a toy. More precisely, they change an interesting subject into an equally interesting toy.

Puppy in the house

Puppy training

2.5 - 3 months - the most optimal age in order to start classes with a puppy. How to train sharpei at home, especially such a baby? Using games and goodies. Do not forget that it is difficult for a small tail to focus for a long time. He quickly gets tired and loses interest in the lesson. The first stages of training are 1-2 minutes every half hour. The older the dog, the longer it can concentrate on training. Gradually, the class time is increased to 5 minutes with an interval of two hours.

How to resist here

The very first lesson is based on teaching the puppy to follow the owner, trusting him. The owner faces the dog, in his left hand a treat is clamped.

The puppy reaches for the treat, and the owner goes back forward, the treat keeps so that the baby can pull him out of his fist.

The first week the lesson is held at the level of "the hand of the owner - the nose of sharpei." Gradually raise the hand higher, the dog should be interested in following its guide.

The term of such an activity is a month. Without a command, just walk backwards with the dog, gradually raising your hand along the line of your left side.

A month later, when the puppy learned to follow the hand, the owner changes position. Now the starting position is this: the dog is at the owner’s left foot. A hand with a treat is raised so that the puppy can reach it. The movement begins "nearby", but without a team. It is necessary to ensure that the puppy’s shoulder blades are on the same level as the owner’s knee. So that the dog does not run ahead.

In the future, it is better to contact a dog handler. The owner is not always able to see the state of the pet, whether his sharpei is psychologically ready for this or that exercise. Incorrect training can break the dog. An experienced specialist will help the owner properly deal with a sharpei puppy.

Adult dog training

As a rule, if an adult dog gets to a person, then with his training everything is much more complicated. The pet is able to provide active resistance.

My teddy bear

Very often, owners ask the question - where to start training an adult sharpei? What can be advised to people in whose hands was an adult and not knowing the teams dog? Go to the dog handler, the faster the better. Of course, you can try to make the "sit - lie - stand" complex, learn the command "near" and at home using the "mechanics" and taste-encouraging method. But it is not a fact that the dog will not use its teeth when the new owner presses the croup with the aim of planting it or gently lifts it under the stomach with the palm of the hand when practicing the “stand” command.

Plush dog


Training sharpei, like any other dog, is based on a treat. In puppyhood, definitely. What is a treat?

  • Chopped chicken stomachs (boiled).

  • Finely chopped beef heart, also boiled.

  • Beef kidneys, boiled and finely chopped.

  • Tripe dried in the oven. Finely cut and stored in a cool place.

  • Crackers made of white bread.


What are the main aspects of the article?

  • Sharpei training must begin at puppyhood.

  • The very first exercise is getting used to the owner.

  • If there is an adult dog in the house who does not know the commands, it is better to contact a dog handler.


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