Federal Law "On Veterans" No. 5-FZ. Article 22. Social support measures for labor veterans

Veteran of labor of the USSR or the Russian Federation - a citizen awarded with an order or a medal, departmental badge of distinction or awarded an honorary title for achievements in the professional field and having seniority, which allows you to receive a pension on seniority or old age. The conditions and procedure for obtaining appropriate status are determined by the head of state. Let us further consider what measures are provided for social support for labor veterans .

social support measures for labor veterans

Authorized body

Veteran affairs are handled by a specially created public service. Its structure, composition, formation and work order are determined by the President on the proposal of the Government. The management of the service is carried out by executive bodies of the federal and regional levels, as well as local structures.


Measures of social support for labor veterans adopted as part of targeted programs are implemented at the expense of budget funds (federal and regional). The rules for reimbursement of relevant expenses are approved by the government and executive bodies of the entities. Additional funds from which social events are financed. protection, can be obtained in the prescribed manner from any sources not prohibited by the rules.

Legal basis

Social Regulation The protection of the category of citizens under consideration is carried out by the Law "On Veterans" and other normative acts. If other rules are provided for in the international agreement, they shall prevail. Measures of social support for labor veterans and their relatives established earlier by the existing normative acts (including during the period of the Soviet Union) cannot be canceled without an equivalent replacement. Regulatory documents that restrict the rights of these persons are considered invalid. Representative authorities of regional and federal levels, executive structures, local self-government institutions, organizations, institutions, enterprises, within their competence, may implement other measures of social support for labor veterans along with those defined in federal / regional legal acts.

veteran law

Social Content protect

Social security for veterans includes the implementation of a set of measures aimed at the formation of favorable moral and economic living conditions. At the federal, regional and local levels, appropriate targeted programs are developed. The Law "On Veterans" establishes a list of special rights that citizens in need can use in various fields. In particular, persons of this category receive certain exemptions in taxation, receipt, construction, acquisition, maintenance of housing. In the communal, household and commercial sphere, in the field of training, retraining and employment, benefits are also provided for labor veterans. In Moscow and other cities of the country, there are programs that allow citizens to freely use the services of sports, recreational, cultural and entertainment and other institutions, legal offices. Citizens can take advantage of discounts in clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies. They also provide for the provision of sanitary and resort services.

benefits to labor veterans in Moscow

5-FZ: Art. 22

This article establishes a list of specific activities aimed at creating decent living conditions for people who have achievements and differences in the professional sphere. The benefits to labor veterans in Moscow and other administrative-territorial units provided for in the norm are entitled to any citizen who has the appropriate status. Upon retirement, a person retains membership in the team at the last place of work (in the institution, in the organization). A citizen has the right to improve existing living conditions, use social, cultural and educational institutions, participate in the corporatization / privatization of an enterprise.


The above norm provides:

  1. Additional free medical care . Citizens have the right to use the services of public health institutions at the state and municipal levels, clinics to which they were attached during the period of their professional activities.
  2. Repair and manufacturing of dentures (except for those made of precious metals). These services are provided free of charge at municipal / state health care institutions at the address of residence.
  3. Annual vacation at a convenient time for the citizen and days of rest without saving a salary of up to 1 month. during a year.

Transport benefits for a veteran of labor

They are provided on all types of intercity vehicles, except taxi. Free travel by suburban transport is provided in any Moscow region, regardless of the address of the citizen. In rural areas, this right is granted on automobile vehicles, except for taxis. On suitable water and rail transport, labor veterans are given a 50% discount. She acts seasonally.

5 fz st 22

Housing sector

A labor veteran receives a 50% discount on the payment of the total area occupied by the premises (within the framework of the social norm). A similar right is granted to family members of a citizen if they live together. Benefits can be used by labor veterans occupying areas in the houses of the municipal / state fund, as well as privatized premises. Citizens are given a 50% discount on utility bills. These include, in particular, water supply, sewage, waste disposal, water disposal, electricity, heat, gas, and subscriber. payment for using a telephone, radio, etc. Labor veterans occupying houses without central heating receive a 50% discount on the purchase of fuel and its delivery within social norms. Payment of utilities at reduced rates is carried out by citizens living in the premises, regardless of the type of housing stock. For former employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, military service, justice, courts, and prosecutors, upon reaching retirement age, the right to enjoy benefits similar to those that exist for labor veterans is provided.

Funeral services

The burial of dead / deceased veterans and invalids of the Second World War, military operations, military service is carried out in specialized burial places. This takes into account the wishes of relatives. The costs associated with the preparation for transportation of the body, transportation of it to the appropriate burial sites, cremation, direct burial for these categories of citizens are borne by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other departments and ministries in the troops / institutions of which these persons served or worked. For other persons, services are paid from the budgets of Moscow Region, enterprises, organizations where they carried out professional activities. Burial of non-working veterans is carried out at the expense of the authorities that paid them a pension. If relatives or other persons incurred the corresponding expenses, they are paid compensation (the so-called burial allowance).

additional free medical care

Public associations

They are formed to ensure the protection of the interests and rights of veterans. Public associations should be assisted by federal and regional authorities. Decisions concerning social. protection of veterans, the work of societies are accepted by authorized institutions of power, including at the municipal level. At the same time, representatives of the relevant associations should be present at the discussion.

Responsibility for violation of regulatory requirements

Provisions of the law regarding social support for labor veterans and other groups are mandatory for compliance throughout the country by all authorized bodies. The regulatory acts of the Russian Federation establish liability for failure to comply with the prescribed requirements. The punishment of the perpetrators is carried out taking into account the gravity of the misconduct, the severity of the consequences that have occurred in connection with the violations.


The right to receive benefits arises from the subject upon reaching the appropriate age, length of service and subject to the conditions provided for in the legislation. Its implementation is carried out upon presentation of documents certifying the status of the person. The main of them is a veteran certificate. It is drawn up on an approved form for each category of citizens. To obtain a certificate, you must contact the territorial branch of the PFR at the address of residence with a statement and the necessary documents.

sanitation services

Judicial defense

It is guaranteed to all citizens in accordance with the Constitution. Labor veterans, like other beneficiaries, have the right to defend their interests in court. Moreover, they are guided by domestic regulations. The same rules apply to them as to the rest of the country's citizens. The legislation does not provide benefits for the payment of legal services for labor veterans. However, the regional / territorial authorities have the right to approve the relevant regulations.


State activities in the field of social security of various categories of citizens are currently considered a priority area of โ€‹โ€‹social services. politicians. At the government level, various targeted programs are being developed. Within their framework, various social measures are envisaged. support for labor veterans and other categories of people in need. Citizens with merit in the professional field are an example for future generations. The key task of the state is to ensure such people a decent old age.

free commuter transportation

Much attention is paid to the healthcare sector. For veterans of labor, various services and benefits for their payment are provided. In particular, this applies to visits to hospitals and clinics, the acquisition of drugs, treatment, preventive and recreational activities. The housing sector does not go unnoticed. Today this area is experiencing a number of problems. However, despite them, labor veterans enjoy the established benefits. In the context of increasing the cost of utilities, the discounts provided are vital for people. At the legislative level, transport privileges are also recorded. Not every pensioner has his own car. Many have to travel by public transport of urban and suburban routes. It is worth noting that federal and regional programs also apply to those who acquired their status in Soviet times.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21262/

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