Gas boilers for a private house: rating, an overview of the best models, specifications, selection tips and manufacturer reviews

For high-quality and modern autonomous heating (and water heating) in private country houses or cottages, you can use the current existing solutions and methods. But honestly, it is worth saying that gas boilers for their personal private home are choosing more and more. These devices are quite simple in their design, which makes them incredibly reliable. A gas boiler for heating a private house is very economical and durable. Today weโ€™ll try to understand these issues completely. And ultimately, we will decide which gas boiler to buy a private house to buy, so as not to spend too much, but not lose in terms of quality.

Alternatives to gas

Of course, there are other options. A gas boiler for heating a private house is not a panacea for the modern world. Depending on the characteristics of the area of โ€‹โ€‹your residence, you can choose other options:

  • If affordable thermal waters are located near your home, then it will be more logical and correct to use this energy of hot water in the heating of your home.
  • For a small cottage in the wilderness, an ordinary wood stove is suitable.

But if there is a gas main passing by your site, then it is very strange not to consider buying gas boilers for a private house. It is important to understand that the power of your future boiler needs to be calculated in advance. It is necessary to take into account the needs of the whole family in hot water, and you also need to calculate all the heat losses of your home. It is better to take all the parameters with a margin. It would be ideal if you add a third of the result to the calculated boiler output.

gas wall boiler

Other boilers

Depending on the type of fuel consumed, heating boilers can be divided into several subgroups:

  • Boilers (very rare so far) that run on solar energy.
  • Heating boilers (not a home option) that run on various liquid fuels (diesel fuel, fuel oil, kerosene, used oil, etc.).
  • Solid fuel boilers (peat, coal, firewood, pellets).
  • Boilers (financially overhead) that run on electricity.
  • Geothermal boilers (energy from natural sources).

It is unlikely that any of the above can compete on equal terms with gas boilers for heating a private house. Gas is the cheapest fuel option. This is so, and every year the situation will be more and more inclined to favor blue fuel!

How to choose a gas boiler for a private house

To extremely accurately calculate the rated power of the boiler, it is easiest to seek the advice of a heating specialist. But this is not necessary at all, because power can be calculated independently. To do this, you need to know that a room with a volume of 30 cubic meters requires 1 kW of heating. If your boiler is double-circuit (it will be used not only for heating, but also for heating water), then this indicator of 1 kW needs to be multiplied by two.

It should be understood that the figures given are only suitable for rooms of a well-insulated house. If we are talking about a glazed veranda, an annexe or a summer kitchen, then the numbers will be even greater. They are calculated with the heat loss of a particular room with its features.

gas boiler in the house

Requirements for rooms with boilers

There are very relevant requirements for a gas boiler in a private house. The main one is constant good ventilation. If it is not possible for some reason to organize the flow of air in a natural way, then it is necessary to mount an artificial ventilation system.

A gas boiler for heating a private house is always installed either on the ground floor or in the basement. It is also important to know that there must be at least two exits from the room with the boiler. For normal maintenance of the boiler and monitoring its operation, good enough bright lighting is required. We are talking about both artificial lighting and natural light.

gas boiler connection

Features when choosing a boiler

It is not as simple as it might seem initially, but it is not too difficult if you understand the issue well. So, we will begin to understand and choose a gas boiler for heating a private house, or rather all that is needed to install such equipment.

Calculate all the additional financial costs for additional equipment equipment. This includes not only the price of the gas boiler itself for heating a private house, it is necessary to add on the cost of pumps for the system, various safety devices, all expansion tanks of the system and other equipment. Do not forget about the special coaxial chimney, which can not be avoided in the case of a gas boiler.

Also keep in mind that in order to mount a floor gas boiler for heating a private house, you need a room in which there is already good draft, while it is desirable to have a large diameter chimney. Keep this in mind and do not save when choosing a chimney.

Keep in mind that the room for the boiler should not be too small, usually the norms of the area of โ€‹โ€‹the room are prescribed in the instructions for the equipment. It is more convenient to buy universal models, which can be converted, if necessary, to work on another type of gas (liquefied gas), this may be necessary. If possible, give preference to just such models.

It is also desirable that the boiler has the ability to work on electricity. Sometimes it will be necessary. Additional insurance to such boilers can also be backup power sources. This is not superfluous reinsurance for at least 2-3 times in the most severe winter. You will be convinced of this from personal experience when a power outage occurs or an accident occurs on the gas line. As the practice and reviews of the owners show, such situations do occur, although it seems that they are unlikely.

Features of all gas boilers

There are two main types of gas boilers:

  • Floor standing boilers.
  • Wall models.

Each of the options has a number of its features. We will talk about them in more detail.

stylish gas boiler

Gas wall boilers for a private house

The wall-mounted boiler is stylish, compact and convenient. In this boiler, a heat exchanger, burner, pressure pump, expansion tank, safety system, and control devices are connected in a relatively compact casing.

It should be understood that a double-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house in a wall-mounted version will always be more expensive than its floor-mounted analogue precisely because of its compactness.

The draft in the wall-mounted boilers can be either a natural type, or organized forcibly. If you do not have a chimney in your house, then you can do with a special built-in fan, which will eliminate combustion products through a separately mounted coaxial chimney of a gas boiler. It can be mounted directly into the wall of the building. But if you already have a chimney in your house, then it would be more correct and better to choose a model with natural draft, it will pleasantly save you a lot of money.

The boiler, in addition to the heating function, can also have the function of heating the water (double-circuit gas boiler in a private house). It is worth noting that a single-circuit boiler can be adapted for heating water, but only by additionally equipping it with a boiler. It is worth explaining that both single-circuit and double-circuit boiler models need to be equipped with specialized automation, which will give you the opportunity to fully control absolutely the entire operation mode. In the summer, when the boiler does not work for heating, it will be possible to switch only to heating the water. It is convenient and economical.

gas boiler for home

Wall boiler options

Among the main advantages of wall-mounted gas boilers are:

  • The relatively light weight of the device (approximately 50 kg).
  • Relatively compact dimensions (the device does not take up much space in the room).
  • If necessary, the wall-mounted boiler can be converted to liquefied gas.

If the criterion is important for you - saving space, then the best option is a gas boiler wall for heating a private house. If you are looking for very powerful options, then take a look at the models of the floor installation.

powerful gas boiler

Floor boilers

Floor models can be extremely efficiently heated in large rooms (more than 200 square meters). If we compare floor-mounted gas boilers for a private house with wall-mounted analogs, then floor-mounted models have less efficiency, but at the same time they heat up extremely large houses very well, providing a comfortable microclimate inside the house.

Another indisputable advantage of the floor boiler is its durability. A good boiler made of cast iron or high-quality steel can last uninterruptedly for several decades. Of course, the durability of the boiler is more dependent on the material of manufacture of the heat exchanger device.

A good gas boiler for a private house with a floor installation is a model of high-quality steel. Keep in mind that the service life of such a boiler directly depends on the quality of the steel and its thickness. The main advantage of a steel gas boiler is its relatively low weight. The main disadvantage of the models is their high susceptibility to corrosion processes. Steel gas boiler can last about 20 years.

The best gas boiler for heating a private house is a cast iron floor option. Today it is the most reliable and durable option. Modern high-quality cast iron, from which the boiler is made, is not susceptible to corrosion processes, the material stably and without any problems tolerates various kinds of differences in the operation of the system and very rarely burns through.

To extend the life of a cast iron boiler, you need to follow just a few simple rules. Do not hit it, as the cast iron heat exchanger is fragile enough. Use only purified water to prevent scale formation on the material, which will later lead to microcracks.

It is worth noting that gas boilers for a private floor-type house are much cheaper than their wall-mounted counterparts. The low price is due to the simplicity of the boiler design. But also do not forget that the brand of the boiler and its power affect the pricing.

Replacing an old boiler and installing a new model

Technique always breaks. This happens either earlier or later. When the boiler fails, usually the owners decide to completely replace it. As a rule, the boiler always works for more than 15 years, regardless of model and type. And every 15 years, almost everyone will allow himself such a new thing, especially since every year the boilers become more modern and more perfect.

If you change the boiler, you can immediately change the pipes, as dirt can already accumulate in them, which will begin to clog the new boiler. But if you are sure of the cleanliness of the pipes or cleaned them forcibly, then you can leave them.

Norms and requirements for the installation of a gas boiler

In order to put a gas boiler in your house / cottage, you must get the appropriate permission. It is issued only if you fulfill a number of certain conditions:

  • In the installation room of a gas boiler for heating a private house / cottage, always must be present excellent working ventilation, and also a sufficient amount of natural light from the street should get here.
  • The ceiling height in your home boiler room should be at least 250 cm, while the area of โ€‹โ€‹the room is more than 4 square meters, the width of the doorway is at least 80 cm.
  • An appropriate current and thermal protection must be installed in the boiler power supply system.
  • The diameter of the chimney must strictly correspond to the power of your boiler.
  • The installed boiler must be equipped with temperature and pressure sensors in the system.
  • You can not install the boiler (gas) in the basement (only the first floor or basement).
  • It is strictly forbidden to lay the gas pipeline in a potentially fire hazardous area or near sources of fire.
  • Regardless of the type of gas pipeline chosen (open or closed), the pipes should always be only metal.
  • In the room where the boiler is installed, a gas level analyzer and a special electric valve are required, which will block the gas in the event of a leak.

For the installation of a home gas boiler, as well as for the preparation of all necessary documentation, special skills and tools are required. Sometimes itโ€™s easier not to suffer yourself, but to turn to specialists.

gas boiler connection

Replacing the old boiler yourself

If you decide to exchange old equipment for a new gas boiler for a private house yourself, then you need to do this correctly, following the established sequence:

  • Flushing the old system. Clogged pipes can significantly reduce the life of equipment of even the highest quality boiler. Pipes can be cleaned with a compressor. If they cannot be cleaned, then they need to be replaced with new ones.
  • Dismantling of old heating equipment.
  • Installing a new boiler. During this work, all recommendations given by the manufacturer and set forth in the operating instructions for the new boiler must be taken into account.
  • Connecting the boiler to smoke exhaust. If there is no chimney in the house, then buy a coaxial chimney, which is ideal for a gas boiler. The instructions always have requirements for the parameters. This is important, because insufficient cross-country ability will provoke the entry of combustion products back into the boiler room.
  • Connecting the boiler to the gas pipeline. This is done only by specialists from the relevant organizations who have permission for such work.
  • Commissioning of the boiler. This will affect the efficiency of the boiler, as well as the entire system associated with it.

Installation of a gas boiler

For proper installation, you will need to do the following:

  • Check the boiler for completeness (there should be an assembly template for installing the device, a bracket for a clear and correct connection of gas and water to the system, all the necessary pipelines for the system device, the gas boiler itself).
  • Select the correct level on the wall to secure the aforementioned hinged plate of the boiler and fix it.
  • Install the necessary gaskets for pipelines (water and gas) to prevent leaks.
  • Install the gas boiler itself, connect the water circuit (or two water circuits) and the gas supply system correctly to it.
  • Connect the power supply in accordance with all the rules and regulations, connect the gas boiler to the working chimney.

Also do not forget about power surges, as mentioned above, you need to choose a voltage stabilizer. Which gas boiler is best for a private house? It is difficult to judge, but you can try to consider this issue with specific examples of sales leaders.

Rating models

Let's make a small rating of popular models. To get on this list, the boiler must have good sales performance, as well as be balanced in price and quality, we also take into account the reliability of the devices.

BAXI SLIM 2300Fi is a boiler made in Italy. This is the first place in our ranking. The model is built-in, has a closed combustion chamber. The boiler works well on Russian gas. BAXI SLIM 2300Fi is modern and safe, it is equipped with high-quality automatic protection and a boiler control system. There is the possibility of remote control of the device and a useful function that provides for automatic adjustment and maintenance of temperature in the heating circuit. The model looks modern and stylish, it is possible to transfer to liquefied gas, the burner is made of high quality stainless steel. There is a system for self-diagnosis of boiler malfunctions. This is a very expensive boiler.

"PROTHERM BEAR 40 TLO" is a relatively compact version of the floor type installation. Second place in our ranking. The model has a convenient control panel. To heat the water in the water supply system with this boiler, you will need a separate external boiler. "PROTHERM BEAR 40 TLO" has a special circuit to protect the system from overheating. The model has two operating modes (summer / winter), there is a system for switching to liquefied gas. The weak point of the model is a thermocouple, it quickly fails (5-6 years). The boiler is not cheap.

KONORD KSC-GV-12N is a Russian model that works stably. Honorable third place in our ranking.The boiler is very reliable and durable. The case has no seams (corrosion usually begins to form at the seams). There is an automatic adjustment of the burning flame. The boiler will easily work for 15 years or more if you use it carefully. It is a worthy competitor to imported analogues. "CONORD KSC-GV-12N" works very quietly. The boiler is easy to install, it works even at low gas pressure. But the model is not too powerful, suitable for small houses, the boiler is not too expensive.

"AOGV-23.2-3 COMFORT" is an effective installation with excellent environmental friendliness (minimum clogging of the atmosphere). Deserved fourth place. The model is very simple, from the sensors installed by it there is only a pointer thermometer. There is an automatic piezo ignition. The boiler is simple and unpretentious in operation. By cons "AOGV-23,2-3 COMFORT" include its not too stylish appearance, it is a good "workhorse" for modest money. This is perhaps one of the smallest boilers with a floor type installation in the Russian market. The boiler only works for heating and takes up very little space, it is also worth noting the low weight of the device. There is an option of conversion to liquefied gas. Another distinctive pleasant feature of the model is the increased life of the boiler. The model is not suitable for heating a large area.

BAXI LUNA 3 COMFORT 240 Fi - a double-circuit boiler of an elite class. It is very expensive. It tolerates Russian gas and its reduced pressure in the system. The control panel of the device is digital, it can be installed anywhere, and not just next to the boiler. There is the possibility of switching to work on liquefied gas. The boiler has a built-in filter to purify the water in the system. But the BAXI LUNA 3 COMFORT 240 Fi is very sensitive to power surges. If you choose this boiler, then purchase a good, expensive voltage stabilizer for it. Fifth place, rising above does not allow only the high price.

BOSCH GAZ 4000 W ZWA 24-2 A - an option for a large house (up to 300 square meters). The model has good electronics and automation, in case of any malfunction, the corresponding indicators light up. But, as practice shows, malfunctions do not arise. A coaxial chimney for this gas boiler is not supplied with it; it must be purchased separately. Weak point BOSCH GAZ 4000 W ZWA 24-2 A is a pump that can sometimes fail if the water is of poor quality. The model itself is quite expensive. Sixth place due to the high cost.

BUDERUS LOGAMAX U042-24K is a high-quality device that works silently. It is made in Germany. Model of wall type. It can be used both in domestic conditions and in industry. The power of the boiler can be continuously adjusted using control systems. There is protection against overheating of the boiler, system freezing, a traction and pressure sensor in the pipeline is provided. The boiler has several preset operating modes (summer, winter, warm floor). The model is expensive. There are reviews that factory defects occur, when the temperature of the heated hot water โ€œjumpsโ€, dealers, as a rule, fix this problem quickly and free of charge. The problem is not common. We will assign the seventh place to the boiler.

"PROTHERM CHEETARD 23 MOV" is a powerful model that requires an equally powerful chimney. This boiler has a high efficiency, the model itself is quite budget, taking into account all its characteristics. There is a special display that displays all the parameters of the device. There are predefined work programs (winter and summer). The system of automatic self-diagnosis of the boiler is provided. The minus of the boiler is its sensitivity to water quality, you must always install filters (rough cleaning and fine cleaning) in the system. Eighth place in the ranking.

VAILLANT TurboTEC PRO VUW INT 242-3-H is a dual-circuit boiler, which has the ability to clearly control the temperature of the water in the circuit. It works even with noticeably reduced gas pressure, the model looks very stylish, simple to operate. There is a self-diagnosis mode of malfunctions. The control panel of the device is mechanical, reliable. Ninth place in our ranking.


German boiler with one circuit. Stainless steel case, convenient operation. This boiler is very sensitive to power surges, so it should work only with a good voltage regulator. This reliable model closes the top ten in our ranking.

Summarizing everything said and described, you can correctly choose a gas boiler for heating a private house.


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