How to lower ping in KCC: instruction

When playing online shooters, an important factor for success is a stable high-speed Internet connection. In addition to the reaction of the player himself, you need a short response time and ping. If the ping constantly jumps or just keeps at a stable high level, then you will experience discomfort when playing online. All other players will be several times faster than you, and you will get from the gameplay only annoyance and bad mood.

And if we are talking about professional e-sports, then a similar problem can lead to poor results in competitive matches. Let's figure out how to lower ping in KCC.

team lowering ping to ccc

What does ping depend on?

In Counter-Strike Source, as in any other online game, ping depends on a number of factors. You can get to know them below:

  1. Problems with the Internet connection on the side of the user or provider.
  2. Remote server and possible problems from the host.
  3. Problems with the settings of the connection itself, which can be fixed in the game.
  4. Connection problems that cannot be affected.

In this article we will consider those actions that will help lower ping. Let's start with the commands and settings in the game itself.

how to lower ping in ccc v34

Commands to lower ping

You can enter commands in the console inside the game itself or in a separate file called config.cfg, which will be located in the CSS root directory. You need to drive these commands alternately in the console. You can open the panel using the "~" key. But first you need to activate this option in the game settings. To do this, go to the settings from the main menu and go to the "Keyboard" section. Here, check the box next to "Enable console" and save the changes.

Now in the match you can activate the console with the "~" key. After that, enter the commands shown in the screenshot below.

lower ping to css via console

To keep these configurations on an ongoing basis, they must be written to a file. To do this, go to the csstrike folder located in the root directory of the game and run the file with the name config.cfg. It can even be opened with a simple text editor, such as Notepad. At the end of the whole text you need to insert the same commands. Record each of them from a new line. Now you know how to lower ping in KCC through the console and the configuration file. Now you need to figure out what all the teams mean so that you can make adjustments yourself. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

how to lower ping in ccc v34


In total, you need to use 3 commands that affect the decrease in rate:

  • rate - an indicator responsible for setting the upper limit of incoming traffic;
  • cl_cmdrate - the number of updates when sending from the client to the server;
  • cl_updaterate - rate of updates when sending from server to client.

All incoming and outgoing traffic is indicated in bytes / sec. The values โ€‹โ€‹must be entered with a space. By default, we recommend setting a rate of 30,000 and 100 bytes / sec for the incoming and outgoing stream. Due to these restrictions, the number of transmitted packets will decrease, and with it the load on the network will decrease. This method is relevant for those who use a slow Internet. In particular, such problems happen with an ADSL connection.

How to choose the value of rate?

If you put the wrong value for rate in the commands, then the likelihood of the appearance of "brakes". No need to set the maximum value, which is equal to the speed of your Internet. The indicator should be 20-30% lower than the connection speed.

Additional functions

You can also add commands that limit the number of FPS. To do this, you must assign the line fps_max in the configuration file. The parameter is most relevant when playing on fairly weak computers. If your device calmly pulls CSS at maximum graphics settings, then fps_max can be omitted.

Do not lose sight of the fact that on some servers you may be asked to set other values โ€‹โ€‹that correspond to the settings. For example, rearrange the rate from 100 to 66. In this case, you also need to change the fps_max indicator to 66 so that there are no problems with connection and stability.

Now you are familiar with the teams that lower ping in KSS, and you can try to correct the situation. If this does not help, then the problem must not be sought in the game itself.

In KCC lower ping

Checking the connection on the computer

If changing the game settings did not help reduce ping, then you need to check the quality of the Internet connection. If you use ADSL, then every fraction of the total speed will be extremely important. Therefore, be sure to disable all applications that can use traffic - torrent client, instant messengers, system update services, and so on. Large ping swings can cause real-time file downloads. Therefore, we recommend that you stop all downloads or wait for them to finish, and then start playing CSS.

If you play with friends, it is best to use not Skype, but less expensive applications for communication. For example, TeamSpeak or Discord.

Itโ€™s also worth doing a speed test to make sure the Internet is working. If the speed is lower than declared, then you need to contact your provider. In some cases, you can lower ping in KCC v34 by rebooting the Internet or a modem. But such a solution will not fundamentally change the state of affairs if the malfunction is on the side of the provider.

If you have a high-speed connection that works stably without changes in speed and delays, then the problem is clearly in the game, server or settings. We recommend checking ping on multiple servers. If a high value is found only on a certain one, then it is best to go to another server. Now you know how to lower ping in KCC in34 in different ways.


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