Glued beam: pros and cons. Glued beam construction

Glued beam: there are many opinions for and against this material. Material in the manufacturing process requires a drying step. If we compare with alternative materials such as logs or profiled timber, then they are not exposed to this effect. Due to the fact that the glued beam contains separate boards, each of which is subjected to a drying process, the log house is almost not subject to deformation. It does not rot, cracks do not appear on its surface. The length of the beam of this type has no defects. This is due to the fact that in the production process the material is carefully examined for the absence of flaws, and those blanks that do not comply with the standards are not used in production.

Is glued beam eco-friendly

glued timber pros and cons

There are many discrepancies for and against this material, and they are certainly worth considering if you intend to use it in construction. If we talk about lamellas, then they are based on wood, which is completely environmentally friendly. However, the adhesive composition used in the production does not possess such qualities. In the process of bonding in production, one of the types of glue can be used, namely: melamine, isoacetate, polyurethane or EPI composition. If you intend to build a bath, it is preferable to use a beam, in the production of which EPI glue was used.

However, in Russia it is very difficult to find a bar with such a composition. Domestic manufacturer, as a rule, uses polyurethane or melamine compounds, which are unsafe. Thus, melamine, when exposed to high temperatures, is capable of releasing harmful foldehyde. Despite the fact that manufacturers say that about 6 liters of glue are used per 1 m 3 , it is necessary to take into account how many cubes will be needed for the construction of the bath. The use of these types of adhesives is due to not so high cost, which makes production profitable.

Why you should not use glued beams in the construction of the bath

glued beam photo

Choose glued beams? There are different reviews for and against him, they should certainly be taken into account. Thus, if you decide to build a bathhouse, then you should not use the mentioned material in such construction. This is due to several reasons. Responses of homeowners indicate that in this case, the walls after the construction will not breathe. This will cause a disturbance in air circulation. It is likely that the material will be acquired substandard. For this reason, the building is covered with cracks in a short time. This will entail the need to make unnecessary expenses for finishing and wall insulation.

One can’t talk about the durability of baths built of glued beams either, this is due to the fact that this material appeared only about two decades ago.

The glued beam, the photo of which is presented in the article, is afraid of the effects of high temperatures, from this it delaminates and loses strength.

Arguments for glued beams

glued beams pros and cons reviews

When using glued beams, it is possible to build a house as soon as possible. Thus, the full construction cycle is six months. During this period, you can build everything from the foundation to the roof. If we make comparisons with other materials and construction technologies, then we can cite as an example only panel buildings. When building a house, you will not have to use insulation material, which significantly reduces the cost of construction, and shrinkage will be minimal.

So, your choice fell on glued beams. For and against its use there are many statements by homeowners. Do not be too lazy to study them. There are more positive opinions. So, a house made of this material is lightweight, so there is no need to build a buried complex foundation. Savings are obtained not only in monetary terms, but also in temporary ones.

Aesthetics and physical characteristics

glued beam construction

Inherent in such houses and excellent physical performance. You can confidently talk about the strength, as well as the bearing capacity of the structure, which allows you to build houses that have five floors. Consumers choose glued beam also because its strength exceeds 2.5 times that of solid wood. Although the glue does not make the timber so eco-friendly, its presence is able to deter pests, in addition, the risk of putrefactive formations is significantly reduced. This can be achieved without the use of special impregnation with antiseptics.

Glued beams, photos and samples of which must be studied before acquiring the material, have excellent aesthetic characteristics. This eliminates the need for cladding after the completion of construction, which reduces the cost of the house and reduce the time of work.

Arguments against glued beams

glued beam bath projects

There are no materials whose characteristics would not have cons. The first minus can be attributed to the cost. The price of houses from timber is not available to everyone. In addition, the cost of the house will vary depending on the location, the occurrence of groundwater, as well as the bearing properties of the soil. When comparing the cost of a house from ordinary and glued beams, it can be argued that the first type of material allows you to get buildings, the cost of which is lower by 35-40%. But many consumers prefer quality. In addition to the material itself, you will have to use the services of a developer company, which also takes a lot of work. The disadvantages of glued beams fade in comparison with the qualitative characteristics of the material, which is why quite often buyers tilt their choice in his direction.

The choice of breed in the basis of timber

disadvantages of glued beams

If you decide to use glued timber during construction, but want to save money, then you should abandon larch and oak in the basis of the material. Instead, it is recommended to buy the material, which consists of conifers. In the first case, the cost will be significant. But professionals believe that unnecessarily expensive breeds are inappropriate for the main construction. In terms of durability, developers respond positively to conifers. Do you get glued beams? Pros and cons, reviews - everything must be analyzed. So, most often expensive wood is used in decorating elements or in structures, the quality of which should be distinguished by increased strength and durability. This applies, for example, to doors, windows, and more specifically, to frames, as well as stairs.

Additional factors in the issue of value changes

The cost is influenced by the type of wood, as well as the type of profile, the technology of sawing round timber, the production technologies used. But in any of these cases, the advantages of glued beam structures justify the cost of their construction.


Construction from glued beams is quite common today. This is due to the excellent quality characteristics of the material. From it you can independently build a house, which will significantly reduce the cost of the process of work. However, it must be remembered that work must be carried out according to technology. Only then will it be possible to achieve the expected result.

Before starting construction, it is necessary to study the designs of glued beam baths. Their preparation is preferable to entrust to professionals.


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