How to catch a squirrel alive: ways, practical tips

To spread the squirrel evenly throughout the forest, from August to September they are captured. By this time, squirrels are already growing up enough for a life independent of their parents.

It is precisely adult individuals and their first-born that should be caught, and the babies of the last litter should be released, because being outside the habitat may cost them their lives. But how to catch a squirrel?

First way

In the woods they can be caught using a special lasso made of copper wire with a cross section of 1 mm.

Its diameter should be about eight centimeters, and after 10 cm from the loop it is necessary to tie a knot so that when catching the squirrel, the loop on her neck does not tighten. For convenience, the loop lead is wrapped with thick soft wire with a cross section of 4 mm, and a length of 35-40 cm, which you need to wind on a small six-foot long 5 cm.

How to catch a squirrel in the forest?

Cute animal

For this purpose, brigades should be created, each of which should have at least seven people. Each of them should have a horse and a small cart, in which it will be convenient to transport food, equipment, traps and hunting dogs.

The latter help a lot in the matter of how to catch a squirrel, as they can unmistakably find it hidden in the forest.

Each of the teams is divided into three pairs, which go in search of animals in different directions, and one person remains at the site of the camp. By evening, everyone met and considered a further plan of action.

After finding a furry animal, the catcher gently throws a lasso on the neck of the squirrel and sharply pulls it together. Then he slowly attracts the end of the six to himself and puts the red-haired cutie in a cloth bag hanging on a belt about 30 x 40 cm in size. After that, the lasso should be carefully cut off.

Then the catcher removes the noose from the animal and puts it in a prepared box for transportation in advance. Here is the first answer to the question of how to catch a squirrel.

Second way

In the dense forest, it will not be possible to catch the animal with the help of a lasso, so a different approach is required here. Usually for trapping the small inhabitants of the forest live traps are used, which are the simplest box 45 cm in length. The size of this device is only 18 x 18 cm, with a sliding door.

Live trap scheme

From the inside, from the side of the rear and upper walls, special brackets are fastened in one row, through which a small rod is inserted - a guard. It is made of wire with a 3 mm cross section and serves to hold the trap in the open state. A twine is attached to the loop of the guard, which is passed through all the brackets (ears). A bait is tied to the end of the rope.

A hungry squirrel grabs the bait, thereby pulling the twine, which is why the guard comes out of the ears and the door slams. Here's how to catch a squirrel easily and simply.

How can you attract a brisk animal?

Great bait - nuts

Here are sample lure options:

  • any nuts (especially cedar);
  • dried edible mushrooms;
  • parga (underground mushroom);
  • freshly picked cones;
  • meat and fish in any form;
  • game (preferably hazel grouse);
  • animal bones in any form (fresh, raw or cooked);
  • bread crumbs;
  • sunflower seeds.

In general, a squirrel is an omnivorous animal, and it will not be difficult to come up with a bait.

These two methods answer the question of how to catch a squirrel alive. As stated above, the choice depends on the density of forest stands.


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