Beetroot: planting and care

Is it possible to imagine a good garden without beets? This vegetable must certainly be present on each bed.

beetroot planting and care
And not only because of its unpretentiousness and pleasant sweet taste, but also because of the incredible benefits hidden in this root crop. Interestingly, initially only beet tops were consumed , and the roots were used for medicinal purposes. Wise ancestors already knew that the tips are many times superior in their useful properties to the roots. Despite this, root crops were more to the taste of Europeans than greens, and now many dishes are not without this vegetable.

But back to our garden. Why not talk about how beets grow,

planting carrots and beets
planting and care which are distinguished by their simplicity, unlike other vegetables, such as cabbage. Let's start with the main thing. Planting carrots and beets along with other vegetable crops begins in early spring. As soon as the earth warms up a bit, you can begin to prepare the garden. Planting beets with seedlings does not make sense - sprouts take root very poorly and are ill for a long time, although subsequently they catch up with seed plants. However, it is worth noting that many gardeners initially densely plant beet seeds, and subsequently sprouted sprouts are removed too often. They will just play the role of seedlings.

Some root crops can be planted in the winter. These include beets, planting and caring for which at this time is even easier. The main thing is to plant it in time before frost and mulch it with a thick layer of straw, sawdust or grass.

Before sowing the seeds, they are usually soaked in warm water, wrapped in a cotton cloth. It is necessary to leave them in this form for several days, and then lower them for a couple of hours in a weak solution of manganese for disinfection and better germination of seeds.

Planting beets in the spring usually takes place on May holidays, because if you sow it too early, then you risk that it will all go off in color instead of root crops. Beets are planted in the same way as radishes, at a distance of 7-10 cm. Before sowing, make shallow grooves, put humus in them, water them if the ground is not very wet, and lower the seed to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.

planting beets seedlings

Shoots appear after about a week, and further care for beets will consist in timely weeding and watering. True, this vegetable is still very fond of loose soil, so that with hard soil the planting area must be treated with a plane cutter. Beets will not refuse from feeding with a weak solution of chicken or cow dung.

Good predecessors for red vegetables are tomato, cucumber, potatoes, onions. But after planting carrots, cabbage and chard, beets will not please you with a good harvest.

Most vegetable crops love sunlight and do not grow well in the shade. Beet is not an exception. Planting and care in a good bright place significantly affect the size of root crops. Beets do not grow at all in the shade.

Even a beginner gardener will cope with such a vegetable crop as beets. Planting and caring for this root crop are particularly simple without any wisdom.


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