Food in Bali. Dishes of Indonesian cuisine

The magnificent island belonging to the Malay archipelago can be safely called a state in the state, despite the fact that officially this is the territory of Indonesia. This is due to absolutely unique traditions, cultural features, religion and, of course, cuisine.

Dish in Bali

The main differences of Balinese cuisine:

  • Traditional food on the island is fresher than in other parts of Indonesia.
  • In the process of preparing dishes, spices are often used, however, in their composition they are significantly different from Asian mixtures.
  • Since mainly Muslims live in Indonesia, it is not customary to eat pork in the country. But the Bali chefs cook excellently baked piglet and have already managed to make it a traditional delicacy of the island that every tourist wants to try.
  • Not everyone can eat a dessert in Bali, since sweetness has specific components and flavoring additives. You can replace this part of the food in Bali with ordinary fruits.
  • Many national dishes on the island are prepared very difficult and very long. A dish prepared in 10 hours can surprise any gourmet with its aroma, tenderness and juiciness.

The most popular food in Bali

One of the most popular and unique dishes on the island can be considered a baked pig. Only milk piglets weighing about 8 kg are suitable. Pork is coated with special spices and spices, stuffed with garlic, shallots, ginger, lime leaves, shrimp paste, etc., and then baked on a spit. Moreover, the entire cooking process lasts more than three hours. After that, the meat is cut, separating the golden skin. Blood sausage is made from the innards of a pig. As a side dish, cooks most often use traditional rice.

Balinese Duck

Another excellent meat dish of Indonesian cuisine can be considered bebek betutu. This unique name is duck, which is baked, coated with a rich mixture of spices. It is served, as a rule, with a very spicy sauce made from a mixture of chili peppers, raw onions and coconut oil. You need to order such food in Bali per day. After all, a bird is prepared according to a special recipe for as long as 20 hours. But her taste cannot be described in words. Having tried it once, the tourist will no longer be able to forget this culinary masterpiece and will keep it in his memory for many years.


Sate - kebabs on charcoal

Quite a popular dish of Indonesian cuisine is considered unusual kebabs of meat and seafood called sate. The history of its origin can be traced, at least until the beginning of the nineteenth century. As a skewer, as a rule, thin bamboo sticks are used. From 3 to 5 slices of the product, previously pickled, are strung on them, and then fried for several minutes on charcoal.

As for the original Balinese desserts, it is worth trying varnish-varnish. Under a sonorous name, rice flour pancakes are hidden, which are watered with cane syrup or sprinkled with ordinary coconut flakes. Of course, they are very fond of using coconut shavings in cooking sweet food in Bali.

Places on the island where you can taste traditional dishes

So where to try traditional Balinese dishes? Firstly, tourists are offered numerous cafes and restaurants. Prices in them vary greatly, but everyone will find what they need. First of all, a tourist needs to look at fish restaurants where you can order pepes ikan - this fish dish in Bali is very popular. Grilled fish with vegetables and spices, wrapped in a banana leaf.

Secondly, do not lose sight of the numerous markets. They work from early morning until late evening. Believe me, you will be amazed at the variety of products that can also be tasted right on the spot.

Thirdly, street food. You will literally find small vans or trays with sate, ice cream and delicious pancakes by smell.

Salad with chips and spinach

Culinary Ingredients

Gado Gado is a traditional Balinese salad. In fact, these are boiled vegetables (spinach and green beans, potatoes, white cabbage, as well as carrots, cucumbers, etc.) and chips seasoned with a special sauce. As for the chips, they are prepared according to a special recipe. Pour the peanut sauce over the dish and add some rice, which was cooked in a banana leaf.

Indonesian salad is served on sheets of green salad, decorating with a boiled egg, which is cut in half. Nowadays, in most cases, simple chips are used for salad, which are sold in every store. Since the price of the original chips is very high.

Pilaf in Indonesia

Balinese rice

Nasi-Goreng are called Indonesian pilaf. To prepare an analog of the pilaf familiar to everyone, a mixture of rice with chopped vegetables and meat is fried in vegetable oil. This dish has many variations. Each cafe prepares it in its own way.

The basis of nasi-gorenga is stewed rice. If in the families of Malays or Indonesians there is simply boiled rice, then it is also used in cooking. As a complement to the main ingredient, leftovers or whole parts of chicken, meat, vegetables and seafood are used. All components of the dish are brought to readiness separately, and not in one container.

As for the dishes for cooking rice, it is appropriate to use a wok pan. If it is not, then the container can be replaced with a simple large-sized pan. In it, vegetable oil is heated in small quantities, palm oil is often used. Certain spices are fried in it, as a rule, these are:

  • Garlic.
  • Chile.
  • Tamarind.
  • Turmeric.

According to the traditional recipe, all spices before adding to the Balinese pilaf need to be crushed in a mortar. There they will turn into a single mass. If necessary, the mortar can be replaced with a hand blender.

After roasting the spices, all previously crushed products, as well as boiled rice, are alternately put into the wok. The mixture that happened is stirred often enough and seasoned with soy sauce. In this case, a sweet palm sugar sauce is used. In addition to sauce, shrimp paste is often added to nasi-goreng.

As for the quantity and quality of products for a dish, they may vary. At present, one can find both vegetarian variations of pilaf and meat varieties of Asian delight. Most often, you can try the dish with chicken or duck meat and eggs. In this case, fried or boiled meat is a prerequisite for the step-by-step preparation of food.


Soup in Indonesia is called the first dish, which is prepared from meat or soy meatballs, dough, as well as noodles, rice chips. All components of the dish do not have a distinct taste and aroma. They sell a similar dish at the bakoshnitsy. Tumblers are called carts that move around, have a small kitchenette and display cases. Potential noodles and meatballs for the dish are displayed on display windows. The seller must pour the noodles with hot broth, and then add meatballs and spinach leaves to it. The dish must be infused. This is just how they make bakso soup. Moreover, this dish is available to everyone because of the low cost.

Local cafes

Indonesian cafe

Arriving to relax on the emerald beaches of Bali, as a rule, tourists do not want to stand at the stove for days on end. Although if a person has to save, then you need to cook food yourself. Many travelers prefer restaurants and cafes. There are enough of them in Bali. However, it is worth remembering that it is best not to visit the varungs. In this part of the world, so-called small roadside establishments.

If you order a full meal in a good cafe, then its cost for two will be at least $ 5. The institutions offer tourists national dishes that are very different from food in the rest of Indonesia.

The price for the dish will depend on the prestige of the institution visited. On the menu you can often find Chinese cuisine. In Bali cafe, visitors can also be offered European dishes, as not every visitor prefers and wants to try traditional and slightly strange food.

Indonesian style

An omelet, toast, salad and slices of ham can become a hearty and familiar breakfast for a tourist. Such a set of products will cost only $ 3 (185 rubles). You can’t buy the main course for lunch for less than $ 6 (371 rubles).

Budgetary institutions

Is it possible to save on food on the island? Yes, with a limited trip budget, a tourist should eat in tiny cafes that are designed for local residents or completely refuse meat products. A hearty vegetarian dish on this island costs only 1-2 dollars (61-123 rubles), and a full meal - no more than 4 units of American currency (247 rubles).

Dinner in a cafe

A significant minus of small establishments in Bali is the menu. It is written in the local language and has no English counterpart. Although this fact does not stop many travelers. After all, you can always understand each other in sign language or with the help of images, illustrations.


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