Aquarium fish parsing: description, content, reproduction and reviews

This type of decorative fish is very popular among beginner aquarists. Its popularity can be easily explained. Parsing - fish, the content of which is very simple. They are unpretentious in leaving and easily make friends with other inhabitants. Aquarium fish razbori with pleasure will share with guppies, tetra, gourami, zebrafish, shark barbs and others. Even a child can look after them!

Parsing: Habitat

Parsing fish belongs to the carp family. It is widespread in the water bodies of Indonesia, the Philippines, as well as in India and Southeast Asia. Samples of stagnant or slow-flowing waters inhabit and usually swim in the upper water layers.

parsing fish

Parsing fish: character and appearance

The described species is distinguished by its mobility and liveliness. The aforementioned fish prefers to live in a flock, so it is best to keep at least 10-15 individuals in the aquarium. The length of the parsing fish reaches 4-10 centimeters. Most of them have elongated and slightly flattened sides of the body. Some representatives have a short and high body.

Parsing - a fish that in natural conditions feeds on insect larvae and plankton. But at home, it is absolutely unpretentious to feed. By the way, there must be plants in the aquarium that sometimes flow into real thickets, where fearful babies could hide.

Content Features

To make the parsing fish feel comfortable, it needs a large aquarium - from 50 liters. The optimum water temperature is 25 Β° C.

Aquarium fish broths reach maturity by 5-18 months of life. And in nature there are about fifty of their species. Let's talk about the most popular of them.

parsing fish

Parsing galaxy

This species was discovered relatively recently in Myanmar - it is also called parsing fireworks or margaritate. Among aquarists, this species quickly gained popularity.

The galaxy parsing fish is very peaceful and coexists quite well with other non-aggressive species of aquarium fish. This baby lives for two years. It feeds mainly on small live food: daphnia, grindalia and nematodes. They can eat chopped bloodworms. It is possible to use high-quality dry food.

The length of the parsing galaxy is only 2-3 centimeters. However, their bright color they more than compensate for the small size. The color of females is much more modest than that of males: they are dull, have transparent fins, which have red tan marks at the base. The male is the owner of the fins with a bright red stripe, and is also painted on the sides in a gray-black background with light spots.

Since the parsing - the fish is very small, it is worth keeping a flock of 28-32 pieces.

aquarium fish brushes

Their content and habits are somewhat reminiscent of guppies. The volume of the aquarium does not matter much: it can be both four liters and five hundred. The optimum water temperature for these babies varies from 25 to 28 Β° C.

Wedge spotted fish

This species is also called wedge-shaped analysis or heteromorph analysis. In natural conditions, it lives in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. It can also be found off the coast of the Java peninsula.

This fish was brought to Russia in 1991, and began to actively breed in the late 50s of the last century.

The overall body color of the cuneiform spot is golden silver or golden. Body length from 4 to 4.5 cm. The caudal fin is transparent and has a deep notch. Color - yellowish, has a red border. On her body, a triangular wedge of purple color is visible, which begins in the middle of the body and ends closer to the caudal fin.

With this spot, males are distinguished from females. So, in the male, it has clear and sharp angles, ending on the abdomen near the anal fin, while in females it gradually rounds out, not reaching the lower abdomen.

parsing fish content

For these fish, water is maintained for at least three to four days. The most optimal temperature is 23-25 ​​° C. To aquarium conditions as close as possible to the natural habitat, under the soil, which consists of sand, pebbles or fine gravel, you can put boiled peat. And some parts of the aquarium are best densely planted with vegetation.

The diet of these parses mainly consists of live food, for example bloodworms, daphnia, cyclops, atemia or enchitrea. You can make a diet from a special granular dry food, but still it is better to prefer live.

The wedge-shaped variety analysis will look great in an aquarium, the background of which is quite dark.

Ribbon parsing

This type of fish is a rare inhabitant of home aquariums. The appearance of these babies is diverse in color, while their size does not exceed three centimeters. At the root of the caudal fin there is a black spot. On the body there are 12-14 transverse strips of gold color.

It is advisable to keep the tape analysis in flocks of 8-10 individuals. It is preferable to keep them in a species aquarium, as they are very shy and, if the neighbors are restless, will try to hide in the dense thickets of aquarium plants.

cuneiform spotting fish

For food, both frozen and dry food can be used, the main thing is that they be of high quality. The water temperature for these crumbs varies from 24 to 25 Β° C. Light of moderate brightness and continuous filtering of the aquarium are required.


This type of fish is also called parsing mosquito. Under natural conditions, it can be found mainly in reservoirs of southeast Asia. This fish is considered to be dwarf, since its maximum length does not exceed three centimeters, however, the average length of an individual is about two centimeters.

Brigittes quickly adapt to new conditions of life, are non-conflict and unpretentious. The best option is to keep a flock of a large number of fish. Lighting is organized so that there are brightly lit and highly shaded areas. In the aquarium, you must have plants that float on the surface.

The named species lives about 2-4 years. Life expectancy depends on the conditions of detention. The water in the aquarium should be at a favorable temperature - 26-28 Β° C. It is advisable to add boiled peat to it. Javanese moss, in the thickets of which the fish usually spawn, will be useful in the plant’s environment. In the future, fry hides also hide there.

In the aquarium, not very strong, but constant filtration is necessary. Partial water changes (1/3 part) should be carried out once a week.

aquarium fish brushes

If the fish has a bright red color, and a dark stripe that ends with a black spot at the tail runs along its body in a greenish hue, then the baby is a male. Around this strip can pass red or bright orange lines. Females are much thicker and larger than males. In their color, orange-pink tones predominate.

High-quality food pushes these fish to breed, and also enhances their color. You can feed babies with frozen or live small food. For example, Daphnia, Cyclops, Coretre, bloodworms, Artemia are perfect. It is possible to eat dry granular feed of high quality.

Hengel parsing

These babies in natural conditions can be found in Sumatra, Borneo, as well as in Thailand. They prefer stagnant water in ditches and ponds with shady shores, vegetation and marshy soil.

They are about 3 centimeters in length, and live no more than three years. They prefer frozen or live food of high quality. For habitation, fine gravel or sandy soil is optimal. A weekly partial change of water is required (1/4 part), the temperature of which is from 23 to 28 Β° C. You can put a few small pieces of peat in a water filter.

The light in the aquarium should be diffused. It is necessary that there are shaded areas in the form of floating plants and small plant thickets. Remember to close the aquarium cover securely, as these fish can easily jump out of it.


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