How to make a nun costume with your own hands

Halloween may not be considered an official holiday in our country, but this is not a reason to stay at home, especially if you want some kind of entertainment, or there has long been an invitation to a party dedicated to this unusual event.

The nun’s costume is one of the simplest and most common types of clothing that is used for holidays. It is completely optional to make an expensive purchase in the store, because you can sew with your own hands with the ability. Separate additional elements of decoration can be: blood, fangs, fallen eyes, but all these are details. Now it’s worthwhile to dwell in more detail on how to make yourself an outfit. The main element is black fabric, which will be needed in large quantities.

Costume Options

What will be the outfit for the holiday - everyone decides independently. This can be a restrained classic, represented by a hoodie that hides the legs, or with a corrected length, cut and an unusual makeup option that complements the image, which will undoubtedly attract the attention of all party guests.

Another option for a nun's costume for Halloween with your own hands will be a bikini made of black fabric or underwear with lace. It all depends on the theme of the party, as well as the courage of the one who picks out her outfit.

The nun's costume can be made of leather bodysuit. Here, the perfect additional details are high over the knee boots and mesh tights. It is important not to forget about headgear, otherwise a modest or not very nun can be confused with other popular heroines of series, comics.

No less popular are suits made of white fabric. Yes, they are also monastic, and the prototype was an image from the American Horror Story.

nun costume

A more elegant option would be to create a fitted long dress and a high-cut skirt. Or put a translucent material on the skirt, and make the petticoat as short as possible. To complement the image, you should take care of snow-white stockings and a pair of high-heeled shoes.

It will take a little work to create a variant of the already deceased nun, make a few holes in the suit, and use paint to apply dirty stains to the material. But the novice of the monastery should appear at the festival in a snow-white outfit, for which you need light, flowing materials. How do the various options look like a nun (see photos in the article).

What else is important not to forget?

So, the suit is thought out and the necessary fabric is already prepared. It should be remembered that not a single nun can do without an apostle. This is a scarf covering the head and having a cutout for the face. Such a necessary part is made with your own hands or bought in a store.

nun halloween costume

Costume work

To create the perfect outfit, you will have to get a black fabric. Preference should be given to matter on which there are no decorations or patterns. With a pattern everything is simple. The simplest dress can serve as a prototype, it is on it that a hoodie is sewn.

If you wish, you can make a deep cut, but this detail depends on the selected image. A white turtleneck will be a great addition to a nun’s costume. It will serve as an imitation of a high collar and long sleeves.

nun costume photo

As mentioned above, a headdress is a must-have addition. First of all, the hood is sewn, here you will need a white fabric. Then comes the turn of the rim, which are made to fit the size of the head. Dark material is lowered from him to the shoulders. Preference should be given to soft tissues.

What other option can be done?

A short black dress is suitable for those women who want to make the nun's costume more extravagant. You can use the finished version or do it yourself.

Detailed instructions

You need to get black fabric and several long ribbons of white satin. Black material is used to create a shirt in the form of the letter T with a neckline for the head. All details of the outfit should have a rectangular shape. For convenience, armholes can be sewn using a modern okat, or you can refuse this option. The length of the costume is at the discretion of the owner, the only advice is to leave the sleeves wide.

For headgear, you will need black fabric, from which you need to make a scarf. The front will be satin ribbon trim.

DIY nun costume

The rest of the tape is suitable for a stand-up collar. Its length is calculated from the girth of the neck and small allowances for the seams, it is recommended to add about 5 cm of fabric, the excess can always be cut off. As can be seen from the above, making a nun costume with your own hands is very easy and simple.

Completion of the image

Any outfit completes, including the nun’s costume - shoes. The classic genre is dark-colored boots, but I want something more sophisticated for a gala event. You can use stilettos or high boots. Net stockings will also be useful. To complete the image, you should take the Holy Scripture with you. It is not necessary to rush around in search of the original, any book in a colored cover with an image of a cross will do. And you can give preference to beads, so as not to carry a heavy tome with you.

A few words about makeup

Well, what Halloween without makeup? It all depends on which image is specifically selected. Classics are presented with such an option, in which as little cosmetics as possible are applied to the face. Those. it should look unpainted.

A sexy look suggests vibrant colors. You can do with evening options, but use the entire bright palette. Particular emphasis is recommended to focus on the lips and eyes. Here you can use false eyelashes, a bright lipstick that is not used in everyday life.

do-it-yourself nun costume for halloween

The most common cosmetics will help complete the image of a dead nun, there is nothing complicated. An open neck creates additional space for imagination; you can put marks on the skin from the rope for hanging. Blue and red shades are perfect.

Scary make-ups are created using artificial wounds acquired in specialized stores. But where to stick wounds is a personal matter for everyone. With the help of artificial blood, you can make the image more creepy and therefore more memorable.


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