What is Little Russia: history and modernity

What is Little Russia? In connection with the political situation that arose in 2014, this issue is very relevant. Moreover, the Russians belong to the branch of Slavic nationalities, respectively, must know the origins of their own history, which originated in Little Russia. DNI, LNR and other regions of Ukraine, despite the controversial modern views, are the ancestors of an entire nation.

What is Little Russia

Embossed beauty of the region

Very few Russians can answer the question, what is Little Russia? But this region is located in the most fertile lands of the planet, spreading along the right bank of the Dnieper and adjacent to the European part of Russia. The region covers a relatively small territory, but in terms of population it occupies one of the leading places.

The creation of Little Russia took place in the vast Slavic lands. Despite such a vast area, along the river banks the plain is penetrated by deep ravines and sharp beams. That part of the terrain that is not affected by bottomless ravines, boasts only small earthen depressions on open plains. Residents of the state of Little Russia call such an unusual natural phenomenon the affectionate word "saucer". Such bowls during the spring thaw retain a large amount of moisture, nourishing fertile land.

Little Russia project

About the rivers whose greatness is praised in songs

What is Little Russia? Every second local resident with confidence in his voice will tell you not only about the vast expanses of his magnificent homeland, but also focuses on the powerful rivers that cross the valleys.

One of the main fast waters is the Dnieper River, which divides the region into two parts: left- and right-bank. Moreover, the last district is satisfied with great advantages, taking irrigation from the left tributaries of mighty water. Sula, Vorskla, the Sejm and other small rivers quickly descend from the Central Russian Upland.

The creation of the state of Little Russia took place on wide valleys, which are wrapped in numerous tributaries, like a gentle motherly embrace. It is here that you can see not only rapidly changing waves and gusts of wind, but also a quiet, calm harbor.

The opposite part of the region boasts crystalline rocks of the Stone Ridge, steep banks and rapids. This part of the territory will appeal to fans of extreme sports and thrills.

The southern part of a fabulous country has its own characteristics. During the vernal equinox, thanks to the rapid melting of snow, the rivers overflow with water and spread over the wide expanses of the valley. And during the heat they quickly dry out and are suitable only for small rafts and walks. The exception, of course, are the Dnieper, Dniester and Bug.

new Little Russia

The wealth of nature

The western location of Little Russia, the DPR and other regions gave the regions a relatively mild and sparing climate for residents and plants.

Winter, a stern friend of Siberia and an enemy of heat-loving countries, is relatively calm here. There are no sudden changes in low temperatures, often thaws occur. In turn, the summer in Little Russia is hot, the sun very actively heats the valley with its own rays. As for the transitional seasons (spring, autumn), at this time eastern dry winds that usually dominate the steppes walk on the ground. Moreover, clear weather throughout the year is a great gift for local residents.

Little Russia, Donetsk and other nearby areas and cities boast excellent conditions for agriculture and crop production. The first and most important condition is a moderate amount of precipitation, which nature distributes evenly throughout the territory. Most of it falls on the first half of summer, but such a pattern is only in the hands of workers and plowmen. As an exception, heavy hail showers also run through. But where are they not?

creation of the state of Little Russia

Agriculture as the basis of a rich country

Black earth soil is one of the most striking natural resources of such an unusual region. The forest-steppes that border the Chernihiv and Volyn provinces are spread in large numbers here . Here you can meet many inhabitants of the forest area.

Little Russia today did not know the massive deforestation, the extermination of fur animals and other negative processes that have become the scourge of modern society. Only here vast forests are noisy, which include not only deciduous, but also many conifers. You can find areas covered with sand, and wrapped in silk grass, and vast areas of moraine deposits. A huge number of swamps and lakes feed sod-podzolic mail.

About forests - guardians of nature

New Little Russia, unfortunately, cannot boast of large forest expanses, since, due to historical events, quite a few of them have survived. Similar natural riches extend on river hills, as well as in the area of โ€‹โ€‹gullies and ravines. Oak, ash, maple, linden and a huge number of other representatives of the great forests fill Little Russia with the special spirit of the Slavic people.

Walking through the spacious valleys, you can meet small groves formed by wild apple trees, pears and other types of fruit plants. A special kind of vegetation that you should pay attention to is levada. They are called small clusters from thickets of alder, willow, poplar. In the spring, their roots are washed by a backwaters and old lake. About two-thirds of Little Russia is occupied by fertile lands, which serve as the basis for the formation of such a beautiful landscape.

Little Russia Donetsk

Population: Origins and Activities

The creation of Little Russia is the merit of the exclusively Slavic people. At the same time, the western provinces were very densely populated from the very beginning of the origin of the primitive state, and the Dnieper region, in turn, after the Mongol-Tatars raid became deserted and almost deserted. Only from the beginning of the 15th century did the territories begin to settle down by immigrants from Europe, when the danger of paying Tatar tribute was minimized.

The Dnieper region was inhabited mainly by free people - immigrants from among fishermen and hunters. In the future, it is this category of people who will call themselves Dnieper Cossacks, who have always provided assistance to the Russian Empire. Gradually favorable climate and fertile land attracted landowners. Arriving in the territory with a relatively small army and peasants, they seized empty land and established life.

However, the prosperous time did not last long. The clashes of the Cossack tribes, the Polish government, the active religious parting words of the Slavic population forced disgruntled residents to leave cozy places and flee east for the wide waters of the Dnieper.

What is Little Russia? If the question concerns the inhabitants of this region, then for the most part the Great Russians belong to them, and in the north-western part - the Belarusian population. A small number of individual lands are occupied by Poles, Germans, colonists, Jews - about 12.5%. As for population density, Little Russia boasts impressive indicators: over 100 people per 1 square kilometer. In some areas, this figure is reduced to 30 people.

state of little Russia

Population: nations and nationalities

The Union of Little Russia with other states gave a huge number of nationalities to this region. The main source of subsistence and food is fertile land, which gives incredible open spaces for imagination: the cultivation of wheat, lentils, buckwheat and other, no less significant cereals. This allows residents to nourish their tables. Just imagine, about 60% of the area is the plowed land of Little Russia or, as the locals call them, โ€œnursingโ€.

Despite such obvious advantages of the region, residents suffer from lack of land. A huge number of families cannot comfortably exist and develop if the shoulders of their comrades are pushed nearby. Low land is one of the most striking problems of the fertile region.

Plowmen, landowners, plant growers are forced to rent land from richer neighbors, taking huge cash out of their pockets. Some follow a different path and move to the eastern lands of Ukraine and Siberia, and leave for European regions. In addition, a small number of meadows and grass fields affects livestock farming. Due to the lack of green fodder, the population is actively declining every year.

the creation of Little Russia

About agriculture

Rye and wheat are the main companions of the inhabitants of Little Russia. Oats and barley are the second most popular and actively growing cereals. Moreover, both types of plants are used both for processing in food and are high-quality animal feed. The largest industry here is the cultivation of sugar beets.

Plantations of plants vital for the whole of Russia form the main income of Little Russia. Moreover, sugar production is formed in the region - the largest industrial activity.

Horticulture and tobacco growing also occupy a special place in the working sphere of every peasant. Cherries, plums, apples and pears grow here. In the southwest, more capricious crops are bred: grapes, walnuts, apricots, and so on. At the same time, tobacco growing is concentrated mainly in the hands of small landowners. The leader is the production of shag - Little Russia is the first supplier of this type of tobacco. Such activities can boast of Poltava and Chernihiv provinces.

In the wooded part of Little Russia hunting is carried out. The population living in these places is willingly engaged in cattle breeding. So, hunters make huge profits by selling meat and furs of wild animals and farmers, exchanging lard and pork carcasses, as well as cattle, which gives people milk and wool. A large number of bulls, cows and young animals are used for plowing land.

And the last place in the ranking of the most profitable industries is beekeeping. Some lovers of such an unusual kind of activity contain hundreds or even thousands of beehives, collecting honey every season. This product feeds not only local residents, but also most of the regions of Russia and Ukraine.

About industry

The Little Russia project as an independent state in political games does not play such a significant role. However, the industry, which is associated with agriculture, still has weight in modern Slavic society. Any plant, one way or another, is connected with the soil.

Windmills and steam mills, oil mills, breweries together form the wealth of a small region. Textile industry, pottery, shoemaking and other activities are a pleasant addition, thanks to which Little Russia can be almost completely self-sufficient.

Locals and communication with the outside world

Of particular interest is the population of Little Russia. A feature of the rich region is a relatively small percentage of urban residents: only 10-15% of the total mass. Settlements with a population of no more than 4-5 people are common here. Considering the fact that in modern Russia in almost every subject, million-plus cities exist and are developing, the figure is very impressive.

Here in a large number of built wooden huts. Around the houses a stone embankment is obligatorily set up, which protects the foundation from river flooding and further destruction. After all, settlements form an advantage near reservoirs.

Large industrial centers, where factories and large private enterprises are concentrated, at first glance resemble developed villages. Protection is formed not by a modern information system of the highest level, but by a usual fence from a stockade. Mirgorod is one of the most important cities, which consists of several large streets formed by residential quarters and working areas. You can cross it on foot in a few hours.

Patriarchalism is another feature of residential areas of Little Russia. A striking example is Poltava. This place is insanely beautiful and historically valuable. Despite the lack of railways and developed communication routes, countless cultural and historical monuments have survived on the territory of Little Russia. Only within the provincial cities, every resident can freely visit the ancient fortresses, restored churches, ancient castles, as well as objects of military and strategic importance. St. Sophia Cathedral, Kiev Pechersk Lavra, the Church of St. Andrew the First-Called - the first places to visit in the notebook of each traveler.

Almost every rule contains one or two exceptions. In the territory of Little Russia, Kiev and Kharkov act as such. The first boasts a population of 500 thousand people, and the second - the presence of ancient land routes. The listed cities are the largest centers of Little Russia. An active development trend has begun since the railway was laid through these settlements. Now local residents have a connection with Moscow, Sevastopol, Warsaw, Odessa and other significant political areas.

Less attention is given to waterways. The main river of the region is the Dnieper - a rather shallow part of it. That is why it is not possible to build quality ships and use them effectively.

Despite the fact that there is a flag of Little Russia, a coat of arms, a certain territory, population and developed industry, in the political sphere this region is not recognized as an independent state. The reason is international strife over the origin of the state. Are Russia or Ukraine the progenitors of such a rich land? Countless disputes have been going on over this issue for many years. Moreover, in the light of recent events in the world of international cooperation, the leaders of the powers do not want to recognize the region as an independent one.

In any case, if you ever visit such an unusual state, you will have enough impressions for countless stories.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21303/

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