Varieties of leeks: description, features of growing and storage

Improving appetite and accelerating the metabolism process, normalizing the liver and gall bladder, improving the nervous system, restoring memory, coordinating movements and attentiveness are all part of the beneficial properties of leeks with a sweet and delicate taste, which is unfairly offended by the attention of consumers in our country.

Plant features

The main nutritional value of leeks is represented by a white leg. The early young leaves of the plant, which are similar to the usual garlic for us, can also be eaten, as they are also enriched with minerals and vitamins. The size of the leg largely depends on the growing conditions, as well as on the variety of leeks and can vary in height from 15 to 45 cm, in width - from 3 to 8 cm. Leeks can be stored for up to six months without losing their vitamin properties. Be sure to trim the roots and leaves. The seeds of this onion are smaller than those of the onion species, and retain viability for 3 years. And he does not form bulbs, like that of a fellow.

leek varieties

Varieties of leeks are cold resistant. They are not afraid of frosts up to -8 ° C. Therefore, in open ground, it can be from early spring to late autumn.

Leek: varieties, photo

From the beginning of sowing to the appearance of seedlings, this plant needs 2-2.5 weeks. Varieties of leeks according to the ripening speed are divided into:

- early;

- medium;

- late.

Early plant varieties

Usually the most fruitful are late varieties of vegetables. However, leeks have the most abundant crops in early varieties. Early ripe varieties can be tasted already in late summer or early fall. They need an average of 140 days to mature. The leg of them is quite thin, has no more than 3 cm in diameter. They do not tolerate cold very well. In the south, you can safely and easily grow such leeks. Varieties of early ripe are presented:

- Vesta, which ripens in about 130 days. It is quite resistant to diseases and parasites. The taste is peninsular. The length of the bleached stem is about half a meter. From 1 m², 3 to 6 kg of leeks can be harvested. In addition to fresh consumption, it can be preserved, pickled and frozen.

leek best varieties

- Goliath, in which the diameter of the bleached part is almost twice as large as Vesta and is 5-6 cm. It is acceptable for drying and fresh consumption.

- Kilima with a vegetation period of 150 days. Harvesting will be possible from mid-summer. It is a disease resistant leek.

The early varieties are loved by exhibitors for the possibility of sowing them under glass at the beginning of the year and demonstrations in September.

Medium varieties of plants

renaissance leek

Mid- season varieties have a vegetative period of an average of 160 days. Their productivity is less than that of early-ripening species, but the quality is much better. Harvesting autumn varieties should be in September. Mid-season varieties have the largest number of varieties. Often, it is this leek that remains to winter in the garden . The best varieties are presented:

- A bastion with a vegetation period of 155 days. Very productive, high productivity. The mass of the bleached stem is about 200 grams, the length is 30 cm.

- Jolantom - relatively resistant to fungal diseases of plants. The bleached part is medium in size. Harvest from 1 m² will be about 5 kg.

- Casimir is a tall plant with good quality bleached stalk, 25 cm long and 3-3.5 cm in diameter. About 180 days should pass from the sowing period to the time of harvesting. Productivity is not too high, will be 3 kg with 1 m².

- Tango. Has a growing season of 150-160 days. High productivity. It tolerates cold.

- Camus - a low, compact view with a height of 20 cm and a diameter of slightly more than 2 cm. His taste is slightly sharp. Productivity is small.

- Lancelot with a beautiful, thick, medium bleached stalk. It tolerates frosts. It is recommended to consume fresh, store for up to two months. Especially likes hilling.

- Elephant MS with a sharp taste and leg length from 10 to 25 cm. Does not require much moisture.

Late plant varieties

Winter varieties have good resistance to cold and frost. The growing season is long, from 180 to 200 days, and often the plants do not have time to finish their growth, therefore, they have a short bleached part. It is good to grow winter varieties in the greenhouse. Some gardeners transplant the plant into boxes for growing until frost. The most common winter varieties are:

- A thug with a short white stalk. Direct sowing of seeds in the soil can be carried out in late July.

leeks early varieties

- Mercury. The vegetation takes 175 days. The height of the white stem is 20 cm. It has a delicate, slightly spicy taste. Resistant to viral disease.

- Quarantine. Good yield, especially in the second half of September. It has good taste and a cylindrical shape of the stem 5 cm wide.

Leek Storage

Leek is removed for the winter a few days before the start of frost. You can store onions in the basement or in the refrigerator. In the basement it is better to choose a vertical position for the bow. The roots are sprinkled with slightly moist soil or sand, the most common, but also slightly moist. You can trim the roots, but not completely. Without roots, the onion quickly deteriorates and begins to rot. You need to cut the leaves by a third, leaving most of the greenery to power the bleached part. If they are not trimmed, they will still dry out and will still cause inconvenience during storage. Storage Temperature - 0 ° C.

leek varieties photo

Varieties of leeks are distinguished by good adaptability to various growing conditions, the duration of the growing season, yield, size and weight of the bleached legs. Its cultivation is, of course, painstaking, but our health is worth it.


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