How to teach a child to count: techniques, games, tips

How to teach a child to count is a question that excites absolutely all mothers. Some children are ready for the process of such training as early as 2 years old, while others need time to grow up.

Despite the large number of effective techniques that help the baby to master the numbers, it should be remembered that new knowledge should bring joy. Classes should not be long, and it is best if they are held in a playful way.

Explain the concepts of numbers

Before you start teaching your child how to count, you need to explain to your child what “one” and “many” are. Tell us about what you saw, for example, there are cars in the yard. Count them with the baby. Of course, the child will not immediately understand the essence, but regular explanations will soon give excellent results.

Usually, by the age of 3, children are aware of such things, and at the age of four they can already answer a question, for example: “How many candies do I have in my hand?”. Do not be disappointed if the baby answers instead of quantity with the word "many." For his age, this is considered the norm, and worry about this should not be.

How to teach a child numbers

Before teaching a child numbers, you need to understand that some children are capable of such learning at 2 years old, while others need a little more time to grow up.

Teaching a child numbers and numbers is not an easy process, which requires consistency, patience and effective techniques. With an integrated approach, the result will certainly be. Do not be discouraged if the baby is indifferent to numbers and is not interested in learning. Sooner or later, the baby will tune in to mastering science. But the main thing for parents is to periodically stir up interest in the lesson.

Good example

After it was succeeded to teach the child to count, it is necessary to start studying numbers. It can be shown on objects: four dice, two apples or one ball.

Count the berries

Great help in learning electronic posters with numbers. Children are interested in clicking on buttons with pictures, each of which has a specific number. This method is perceived by the baby as a game, which means that the training will be more entertaining and successful.

In addition, there are many toys that introduce the baby at the same time to numbers and geometric shapes, and sometimes colors, thanks to this combination, a process of logical development takes place.

Learning score to 10

The main rule of this technique is to train in the game. On a walk, you can count trees, birds, cats, dogs and children with parents. At home, you can count together sweets, cookies or toys.

Children from 3 years old are especially good at such training, so it’s not difficult to find out how to teach a child to count at that age up to 10. But even if the child has mastered such an account well enough, it is necessary to regularly fix the result with repetitions.

Parents should consider that young children do not know how to think abstractly, so it is so important to attach numbers to specific details, things and objects.

Learning score to 20

Once the child has mastered the score to 10, you can go to 20. Teachers recommend a technique that, in their opinion, can help the kid learn complex concepts. But before moving on to teaching, you need to make sure that the little student understands well the material that has been studied before and can easily count to ten.

Methodology step by step:

  1. Learning the name of the second dozen numbers.
  2. We take two sets of identical cubes of 10 pieces.
  3. We ask the baby to put 10 items in a row and explain that this is one dozen called “twenty”.
  4. After putting another cube on top. Thus, explaining to the baby that the number 11 is obtained, respectively, “one” plus “twenty” is eleven.
  5. Repeat the same action with the following cubes, simultaneously explaining that “three” plus “twenty” turns out to be thirteen, etc.
  6. As soon as the baby counts to nineteen, you can proceed to a new stage of the count.

How to teach a child to count? Methods should be applied in a variety of ways, and training should not be delayed for a long period. It is enough from 30 to 60 minutes a day for the baby to work out the acquired knowledge and not overload his thinking.

We master the account to 100

Often children cannot master the score immediately up to 20, the same problem is imposed on learning numbers up to 100. Try to clearly and clearly explain to the kid that the numbers of the first ten are simply repeated. Show ten and one, two and “twenty” and so on on objects. As soon as the children begin to understand the principle, the matter remains small.

Count to 100

Pedagogy recommends techniques that offer parents help not only in how to teach the child to quickly count, but also how to do it in mind:

  1. Use of any items. You can use purchased toys from the "learn numbers" category, and also train well in improvised subjects. The process is fascinating, and children appreciate it the most.
  2. The child counts on the fingers. The most popular way that most moms use. The only rule that must be observed is the combination of the method with others. Since when learning from a child, a figure may interconnect with a specific finger.
  3. The use of techniques from books that develop thinking and teaching counting. The works of the popular author Zemtsova O. won recognition among many parents. The principle of studying numbers and counts is to combine several development zones at the same time, so that results are achieved much earlier.

Oral counting in training is a very laborious process, but only after mastering it can you go to the counting stage in the mind.

We complicate the task

When the baby has mastered the score, it is necessary to complicate the task, this contributes to the development of thinking. Put the toys in a row and ask the child where the doll, the hare or the mouse are sitting. The answer will follow: "The mouse sits in fifth place, and the doll in second."

At preschool age, you can ask the child to count in the reverse order (10-9-8-8-6-5 ...). After mastering such a technique, you can lay out the cubes, skipping some numbers. The child must determine and say which number is missing.

Use children's abacus, sticks and other toy tools. This approach makes learning visual, which is very important for the overall process.

Games with numbers

All children love outdoor games. Despite the fact that the learning process fades into the background, it does not lose its value.

Educational games with numbers

Popular games with numbers:

  1. We are looking for a house. All participants are issued cards that depict the number of objects of the same type. Children run, and after the signal, each child should take a chair with the corresponding number.
  2. Account Actions. The host of the competition says how many times the baby must jump, sit down, raise his hands, etc.
  3. The fastest. Children are given cards with a specific number. After this, the leader says to collect apples in an amount corresponding to the figure on the card. It can be complicated due to the condition under which it is necessary to find less than the declared number or more.

Any learning for a child in the above ways happens, like a game for children. We learn to count on the example of exciting cards and in motion, which is more entertaining for crumbs.

Learning to write numbers

Teaching you how to write child numbers should also be in the game. Lay out numbers from pebbles, draw in the sand, sculpt from clay. The creative process is very captivating for children, respectively, the results from learning will be high.

Older children can be offered to draw numbers with paints or chalk. Usually the guys a year before school can already write all the numbers from 0 to 10.

Is the child ready to learn math

In order to find out whether children quickly think in their minds or not, tasks related to addition and subtraction should be applied in the learning process. We lay out several identical objects in front of the baby and ask the question:

- How many apples are there?

“Two,” the baby will answer.

- When I add another apple, how many will there be? - asks the parent.

“Three,” the baby answers.

Only after such a dialogue, we lay out the third apple, and the child is convinced that he was right.

- You're right, there are three apples. And if one grandmother eats, how much will remain? - asks mom.

Readiness for math

If the child answered the question correctly, then we can proceed to more complex examples, since the baby is most likely ready to solve the problems of addition and subtraction.

Learning in motion

In today's market for children's products, you can find a diverse number of talking toys. Parents should look at the rug with "talking" numbers. The bottom line is that when the baby jumps, the mat “pronounces” the number.

Count the birds

You can replace this method with the usual one by drawing numbers on it in cells from 1 to 10.

A few games:

  1. We count to 10 for children. The kid jumps through the numbers and says “one”, “two”, “three”, etc. You can start with 5 cells, as soon as the kid correctly points to a number and calls it, you can proceed to learning numbers from 6 to 10.
  2. Next, we move on to addition. Jumping twice on the cage “one”, the baby should pronounce the answer, that is, there will be “two”.
  3. Adding items. The child jumps with a container filled with, say, small balls and says: "put 1 ball, add another one and get 2" or "add 2 more balls, and get 4".

Performing such operations, the baby does not understand why they are called subtraction or addition. Such concepts are still difficult to perceive. Over time, the child will get used to it and become aware of the meaning. Therefore, the process in which we learn to count for children should be easy and calm.

We solve problems

There are many tasks focused on the development of the child’s thinking, which provides serious preparation for solving mathematical problems.

Learning to count

It is equally useful to teach a child to come up with tasks on his own, such a two-sided approach gives an effective result of logical understanding in the sequence of calculations.

Start with a simple: two gray cats were sitting near the house. 2 red-haired kittens came running to them. How many kittens are there?

It is possible and more complicated: how many bowls with food do all kittens need to eat?

You can use hints. Set tasks and invite the child to imagine how two kittens sit, then two more come up. When the baby “sees” the picture, the calculation becomes much easier.

Another popular method for understanding in solving problems is schematic drawings. Thanks to them, learning to count preschool children is much easier. Guys at this age can already draw geometric shapes. You can draw a rectangle in the form of a box for vegetables. Let there be 5 tomatoes in the first box and 2 cucumbers in the second. Cucumbers sprinkled on tomatoes. We are waiting for an answer from the child in which box the vegetables are now. At the beginning of the learning process, it is better to give preference to similar products, that is, in each of the boxes there was a certain amount of apples, they were poured into the third box.

There are also problems of comparison and preparatory to equations, but this is a complex material that children of school age teach in primary grades.

Parent Tips

Here are some basic tips to help parents learn how to teach their children how to quickly count and perform simple calculations:

  1. Classes should be fun and conducted primarily using gaming techniques.
  2. Try to give basic examples. You can count trees, cats and dogs for a walk. Focus on objects that the baby is already familiar with.
  3. Use numbers in everyday life. If you are asked to give or bring something, say the amount. When making purchases in the store, ask the baby to submit 1 pack of cottage cheese, etc.
  4. For preschoolers, mathematical games are suitable: lotto, dominoes, as well as cubes with numbers and the like.
  5. When dealing with everyday activities, also try to focus on numerical indicators. Tell your baby how many plates and cups you place on the table or the number of forks that you put. It is believed that life examples are more likely to bear the fruits of learning than using popular techniques and games.
  6. Exercise regularly and exercise perseverance.

How to teach a child to count? Each child develops individually. Someone will be able to make calculations after a short training, while someone will need time to learn how to count to 20.

Boy teaches numbers

Do not be angry or scold the child. Exercise regularly with your baby and praise for each correct answer. And remember, if the child does not want to count, perhaps the time when it is time for the baby to master the numbers has not yet come. Do not rush things!


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