Stella name: meaning, origin, mystery

Choosing a name for a child is a very responsible occupation. Indeed, a lot depends on this, including even the fate of the baby. That is why it is now worthwhile to tell in detail what the name Stella, the meaning and its characteristic is.

name stella origin

A bit of name history

Initially, where did the name Stella come from? Origin is where to start. It should be noted that it comes from Ancient Rome. But even there it was not so common. And all because it has a strong "stellar" energy. If someone is interested in knowing what the name Stella means, then it is not difficult to draw a simple conclusion from the foregoing - in translation it is “star”. Today it is found everywhere, in many cultures and countries of the world, but not too common.

stella name meaning

On the nature of the representatives of this unusual name

What will be the character of the lady whom her parents will call Stella? This feminine name carries the strongest energy and, of course, leaves an imprint on the fate of the girl. Characteristics inherent in Stella:

  • These are very calm and sensible ladies. Sometimes outwardly Stella may even seem callous, but this is completely not so.
  • Such women perceive the world exactly as it really is. They do not hover in the clouds, but see reality. Do not live dreams and fantasies. It is also important to note that such girls adequately evaluate themselves and their strengths.
  • This is a straightforward person, because of which, again, they may seem too rude or callous. Such girls never lie, flattery and fawning are alien to them.
  • Such women are very curious. They are interested in everything from cooking to politics and the system for constructing jet aircraft. That is why they often have many diverse hobbies, which they are equally equally successful.
  • Stella always has a lot of friends, she likes to treat, she always turns out to be a friendly hostess. But with all this, it is never attached to either people or place. It can change not only the environment, but also the place of residence, not sparing it at all.

Stella name for the girl

Stella's childhood

We consider the name Stella. Its value, as already noted, is “star”. What can be said about the childhood and adolescence of such babies? From the earliest years, it is an independent child who practically does not need support. These are obedient smart little girls with whom mom and dad will never have any special problems. However, only until the interests of Stella are violated. In this case, she can show decisiveness, perseverance and adherence to principles, despite her young age. Also, from childhood, you can see that such crumbs always achieve their goals, they do not abandon the business they have begun halfway. This character trait is very valuable and remains with the girls for life. In adolescence, Stella does not spoil the nerves of parents, does not run away to dance with the boys. But when the time comes to choose a profession, you may be unexpectedly persistent. In order to achieve goals, she is ready to leave home or go to unfamiliar distant places.

name stella meaning of name and fate

Negative sides of character

Having understood what the name Stella means, having examined its origin, you need to dwell a little on the negative aspects of the nature of such women. Sometimes these girls are harsh and even rude. But not because of their harmfulness, they just got used to say everything directly and bluntly. And many today just don’t like it. Stella - materialists to the roots of hair. Mysticism and dreams are not for them. They are not romantic and love practical gifts. Although this can hardly be called a negative feature. That's exactly what is not too good - stubbornness. Stella is not used to listening to anyone except herself and her inner self. Therefore, it often makes mistakes, from which more experienced parents try to save it. Among the negative, you can pay attention to excessive profitability, and to an older age, even a passion for the accumulation of material wealth. Such women never donate money to charity.

Work and work activities Stella

What is more unique than the name Stella? Its value also leaves an imprint on the performance of such women. Initially, it should be noted that these girls can do any work, even the hardest. They do not mind any earnings, if only their needs were satisfied. However, most often, Stella knows what she wants to do, and always reaches her goal. Own work and then, and not thanks to connections. After all, it often happens that such girls follow their dreams far away. Interested in books, politics, successful in show business. They do an excellent job as a leader, as they can organize a team. They always have talent that, with age, is precisely revealed and manifested. These are workaholics who can “work hard” at several works simultaneously.

stella female name

Personal life and family relationships

What else is special about Stella? The name for the girl is very good, because at a young age, the daughter will not run after the boys, trying to have fun. The opposite sex does not show much interest until the question of motherhood and the creation of a family arises. With men courteous. And in a relationship he does not tolerate tantrums and scandals. All issues are resolved peacefully and calmly, for which the guys appreciate her. She is a good mistress, but, as they say, without fanaticism. But when the question of caring for children arises, then she has no equal. This is a loving mother who does not have a soul in her babies. She is ready to give them everything and even more. At the same time, Stella will never spoil her child, having grown him a full-fledged and interesting personality.

Stella Health

What else can you find out by looking at the name of Stella? Its value for the health of women. So, it will be extremely strong. Stella are hardy, active, always look good, because they monitor their appearance. Go in for sports to maintain a figure. During illnesses they are not capricious, calm, ailments endure persistently. Sometimes even with the most serious diseases they do not let others know about it.

what does the name stella mean

Name and time of year

We figured out what is especially the name Stella. The meaning of the name and the fate of a person also depend on the time of year. It is also important to talk about this.

  1. Summer Stella is the most shy and modest. Her family life is going well, although she is getting married late. She loves sweets and coffee very much, because of which her body often suffers.
  2. Autumn Stella - rationalists. They rely solely on logic. Very meticulous and correct. These are ideal workers.
  3. Stella, born in the winter, is too freedom-loving. It does not at all listen to the opinions of others, is not flexible. Most often unsuccessful in family relationships.
  4. Spring Stella has specific goals for which it can even go to the ends of the world. Always achieves his.

Stella celebrates her birthday on August 5. And since she does not like excessive attention to her person (even being a representative of show business), she will never roll up big feasts on this occasion.


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