"Baikonur" (grape): characteristics, description of the variety and photo

Not so long ago, grapes were cultivated for the most part in order to obtain good yields of wine varieties. For these purposes, large sections of industrial crops were specially planted , from which a lot of juice was obtained so necessary for the manufacture of alcohol.

But today the priorities have changed. More and more people want to pick up grape varieties with good taste and excellent presentation in order to enjoy juicy berries and decorate the table with bunches.

It is these excellent dining properties that the Baikonur grape has, which we want to talk about.

Baikonur - table grapes

The name itself is impressive, isn't it? So what lies behind such big words? Baikonur is a grape variety with very valuable qualities. In addition, he remarkably bears fruit, which is important.

The Baikonur grape variety is the result of amateur selection. And the famous wine-grower Pavlovsky E. G. brought it out. In order to get a new look, he used the varieties Talisman and Krasotka.

Baikonur grape

The result is a wonderful grape with excellent stability. It adapts well in all regions of our country, it is grown even in the suburbs (though they have to cover it). This species is intended solely for human consumption, because wonderful taste qualities contribute to this. Here is such a wonderful grape "Baikonur". The description of the variety, as you see, suggests that it is worthy of the closest attention, because not every species can boast such wonderful properties.

Baikonur (grape): description

Earlier we said that the grapes "Baikonur" has excellent taste. In addition, he is distinguished by large elegant clusters, which are his hallmark. They have a conical or cylindrical shape and very large sizes.

Baikonur grapes

The berries are not tight, as a result of which the clusters have a structure of moderate friability. The average weight of a bunch ranges from 400 to 700 grams. But this is a very average value. The fact is that with regular regular feeding and normal pruning, large clusters are formed weighing more than one kilogram. “Baikonur” is an unusual grape. The beauty of the bunch is provided by berries, which have an attractive color and large sizes. The average weight of each is about twelve to sixteen grams. I would like to note that the berries have an unusual elongated shape. Each of them can reach four centimeters.

In general, once having seen the Baikonur grapes (photos are given in the article), it will no longer be possible to confuse it with other varieties. As for the color scheme, the skin of the berries has a purple, dark cherry or even red-violet color. In addition, they are covered with a layer of wax of a very dark, lilac color.

Taste qualities of grapes

Speaking about this variety, you can not remain silent about its taste. Berries have a fairly dense structure, and biting them, you will hear a characteristic crunch. In general, grapes have an interesting and harmonious taste. It contains light fruity notes. Although the skin is quite dense, it is eaten without any problems and does not cause discomfort. Some varieties have such a hard surface that you just have to throw it away, because it is very difficult to swallow a berry. In the variety "Baikonur" nothing like this is observed.

grape seedlings grade Baikonur

If you choose a variety for planting at home, then the Baikonur grapes, the reviews of which eloquently speak for themselves, are a very successful and worthy option. The pluses of the variety include good sugar accumulation (at least 20%). Yes, and fruiting is just wonderful.

How well does the fruit bear grapes?

“Baikonur” is a grape characterized by tall bushes. It gives strong shoots, which affects high productivity. Sometimes so many clusters are formed that they need to be removed artificially, because the plant is simply not able to withstand such a weight. Moreover, a large number of brushes leads to crushing berries.

grape variety baikonur reviews

If we talk about the ripening period of grapes, then it occurs approximately one hundred and ten days after the entry of the bushes into the vegetation process. And this means that this variety is very early, because the first clusters can be started to be removed already in early August. But this does not mean at all that grapes must be urgently removed from the bush - it is perfectly stored on it. And neither the appearance nor the taste characteristics deteriorate.

For what people immediately fell in love with Baikonur because of its excellent presentation. For those who grow grapes specifically for sale, and not for themselves, this moment is very important.

Pluses of the Baikonur variety

Let's summarize some of what Baikonur grapes are like. A detailed description makes it possible to highlight its main advantages:

  1. Wonderful presentation.
  2. Great taste.
  3. Early ripening.
  4. Suitability for transportation and long-term storage (berries do not crumble and spoil).
  5. Resistant to disease.

Grape Features

On the vine bush are female and male flowers. And this is a 100% guarantee of pollination of absolutely all flowers.

Baikonur grapes reviews

So there will be no empty or dustless clusters. The dense skin of the berry protects it from cracking even with significant differences in humidity of air and soil.

In addition, this variety is good in that for that period of cultivation, it was not observed its defeat by wasps, who love to spoil the berries of sweet varieties. Baikonur is resistant to fungal diseases, such as gray rot, powdery mildew, oidium.

This culture is quite hardy. The bush normally tolerates winter frosts up to - 23 degrees. Of course, plants should be sheltered for the winter.

A very high expert rating was received by the Baikonur grape variety. Feedback from connoisseurs of viticulture suggests that this species can be considered one of the best modern hybrid forms. The variety is quite worthy of acquiring market status.

Among the many positive characteristics, there is one minus. Since Baikonur is a very young and new variety, it is naturally little studied. Of course, its characteristics say a lot, but there is no guarantee that under certain conditions in one of the years it can manifest itself differently.

For some people, a significant drawback is the presence of seeds in the grapes. Each Baikonur berry may contain from one to three small bones that are not felt during meals.

How to plant grapes?

Very often, people want to plant their garden plot at the same time and get a good harvest. And therefore grape bushes are often planted as decor, covering them with pagons of arbors, arches, and houses.

If you are going to plant grape seedlings, the Baikonur variety will certainly suit you. However, everything must be approached with competence. Including, and to planting seedlings. You need to do this competently and at the right time, otherwise you can not get either greenery or a crop.

Baikonur grape seedling

Grapes are propagated in many different ways, which are the same in effectiveness, but you need to know some nuances.

If you have never had grape bushes on the site, then you will plant it in the form of seedlings. This method in this case is most acceptable.

If you choose a Baikonur grape seedling, then it will have all the disadvantages and advantages of this variety. It will grow gradually, and it will begin to bear fruit only in the third or fourth year.


There is another way to propagate plants - this is vaccination. It will suit you if you want to replace an existing variety with a new one. What this method is good for is that a very young plant immediately has a supply of perennial wood, as well as a very developed root system. This plays a large role in faster development. Such a bush will begin to bear fruit much earlier.

But there are also disadvantages. Not always the grade of the cuttings themselves and the grafted stock are compatible. And such a situation is possible when the qualities of the old variety are manifested on a new bush.


Another way to propagate grape bushes is by way of diversion. In this case, the grape bush itself must be present, and a tap will be made from it. A good strong shoot is taken and sprinkled with earth. After some time, it will give roots and become an independent plant. Then it can be separated from the main bush, and transplanted to a completely different place. Branches can be formed throughout the year.

How to choose a place to land?

Best of all, grape bushes develop in warm sunny places, where there are no drafts and strong winds. It is not for nothing that grapes are considered a southern plant. Therefore, the best place to land is the south side of your home.

Baikonur grape variety description

The shadow will not fall on the bush, and the house will become a cover from the wind. However, pay attention to the relief of your land. Grapes love to grow on hills and hills. The Baikonur soil is not very whimsical. The main condition is the occurrence of groundwater at a depth of at least two and a half meters. I would like to note that clay soils are completely unsuitable for grapes, they do not absorb moisture well, which means that a glut may occur. Light soil, such as chernozem, is ideal.

Proper planting of bushes

You need to be able to plant bushes correctly. Dense plantings will interfere with each other and obscure the space. Therefore, it is important to place the bushes at the right distance. For the Baikonur variety, the distance between seedlings should be at least three meters. But between the rows it makes sense to maintain a distance of four meters.

There is enough time for planting grapes in the ground. You can start from the end of March and plant until the very summer. The only thing to remember is that for each period there are some nuances.

In early spring, those plants that were stored since autumn begin to plant. From the middle of spring, bends can be formed. With the arrival of stable heat, green plants are planted.

Autumn planting is possible when the plants enter a dormant state. During this period, you can harvest planting material. But it’s also not worth it to pull with planting. Frosts may come, and then the seedlings will be damaged if they are not covered.

Planting plants in early autumn is also not recommended, since they can actively grow and freeze in winter.

How to plant a stalk?

To plant the bush correctly, prepare a hole in advance (for two to three weeks). The depth should be such that all fertilizers and a seedling fit (approximately eighty centimeters).

At the bottom, fertile soil is poured along with humus. They must sit well so that then the seedling does not fall underground. Some more soil is covered with soil.

If you get a grape handle , then be sure to pay attention to its root system, which must be healthy and have a white color. The top section of the plant should be green. Before planting, the roots of the plant must be placed in water.

During planting, the plant is deepened into the ground only to the root neck, it can even be raised slightly above the ground. The hole is filled up gradually, without leaving voids. Then the plant is abundantly watered (up to three buckets of water), after which the soil is sprinkled with sawdust and covered with straw. This will retain moisture in the ground.


Vaccination is a simple and good way to propagate grapes, if, of course, you already have a bush on the site. Cuttings are prepared in advance. The lower part is trimmed (on both sides), which allows for more tight contact between the stock and the handle. Previously, the stalk is lowered into the water. It can be treated with paraffin so that the plant does not dry before rooting.

The stock is prepared just before the vaccination. The old plant is completely cut off, only a stump remains. The cut surface must be flat and clean. Then the middle is on the rootstock and a split is formed on it. It should be shallow.

The shank is pushed into a split, after which this place is tightly tightened and covered with wet clay. The plant is watered, and the soil is covered with straw.

Harvest Pledge - Good Care

Bushes should be watered regularly in the spring before flowering. Moisture is also needed for plants during crop formation. After each watering, the soil must be mulched. Sawdust, straw, moss are suitable for these purposes.

Top dressing is introduced annually. You can use humus, nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. It is better to prune plants in the fall, then you can prepare cuttings. In addition, the bushes must be covered for the winter.

For preventive purposes, grapes are sprayed every year before flowering.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21314/

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