Class ranks of the state civil service - table. Federal Law No. 79-FZ

The class rank of the state civil service is the class, qualification, degree of suitability of a person for carrying out any activity in a state body in accordance with his skills, abilities and knowledge. It is established by federal legislative or other regulatory act. Let us further consider what are the cool ranks of the state civil service. A table of correspondence of the main classes to military ranks will also be presented in the article.

cool civil service ranks

General information

For the first time, the class ranks of the state civil service were systematized by Peter 1 in the Table of Ranks. After the 1917 revolution, they were abolished. In 1943, the ranks were reintroduced, but only for prosecutors and investigative authorities. In the current table of class ranks of the state civil service, each class corresponds to a specific military (special) rank. It was approved by the Decree of the Head of State in 2005.

Employee Categories

In accordance with the Federal Law No. 58 and No. 25, class officials of the state civil service are awarded to officials of the federal, regional, and municipal civil service. The ranks are also assigned to law enforcement officials.

It is worth saying that the classification of civil servants in the Russian Federation is considered one of the most difficult in administrative theory and practice. The fact is that the separation of employees can be carried out according to a variety of criteria. For example, depending on the level of state power, employees may be federal or regional civil servants.

The branches of government classify officials of legislative, executive, judicial bodies, prosecutors and other higher government agencies. However, the most significant is the classification of employees by rank, special and military ranks. Currently, it is she who is most fully regulated by normative acts.

The legislative framework

In 1995, qualification categories were established. However, in 2004, 79-FZ was approved. It regulates the relations that arise when entering the civil service, its passage. In 79-FZ, the interaction between the state structure and a person who terminates professional activity in its staff is regulated. It is worth saying that along with this normative act, the provisions governing the sphere under consideration are also present in the Federal Law No. 58. The Law " On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation " defines the status (legal status) of federal civil servants and officials of state bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

class ranks of civil service table


In accordance with applicable law, persons passing the federal civil service are assigned:

  • diplomatic ranks;
  • special / military ranks;
  • cool ranks.

As for employees of regional state structures, the Federal Law No. 58 applies to them. The regulatory act establishes that only cool ranks are assigned to these persons. The relevant provision is enshrined in Art. 13 (part 1, paragraph 2).

How is the class rank of civil service assigned?

The following rules are enshrined in the legislation:

  1. The assignment of ranks of the state civil service is carried out exclusively in accordance with the post being replaced.
  2. Workers whose terms of office are not limited receive the rank after passing the qualification exam.
  3. Ranks are assigned personally. At the same time, the sequence must be respected, the professional level and duration of the civil service in the previous rank and position to be taken into account.

The class rank of the state civil service may be the next or the first. The latter is assigned to a federal civil servant after successfully passing the test. If it was not provided for in the contract, then the person can receive the rank only after 3 months. after appointment to the post. A citizen receives another degree after a period determined for serving in the former rank. In this case, the person must replace the position for which the rank is provided, equal to or higher than that which is assigned to him.

correlation of class ranks of the state civil service

General principles

State civil servants of the Russian Federation receive the next rank sequentially at the end of the specified period of stay at the previous stage. As an incentive measure, early assignment of the next class is allowed.

When transferring or receiving a citizen from a civil service of one type to another, a class rank should be taken into account.

In the event of dismissal or dismissal, the class received shall be retained. The basis for the deprivation of the class rank is only a court decision.


When a person is transferred from a civil service of one type to a service of another type, the previously assigned rank is taken into account when receiving a class at a new place of work. It should be noted that it is not automatically transferred. Presidential Decree No. 113 of 2005 defines the following. Upon admission to the civil service of a person having a class of another type of service, he receives 1 class rank of state civil service according to the position to be replaced. If it turns out to be lower than the existing one, then the employee can get a rank one step higher, but within the group to which the post belongs, which he will replace.

Names of ranks

The list of class ranks of the state civil service includes 5 items:

  1. Secretary
  2. Referent.
  3. Advisor.
  4. State Counselor.
  5. Valid State Advisor.

Each group has three classes. The highest is considered 1 class. In total, 15 ranks are obtained. The steps are clearly divided into job groups:

  1. Secretary 1-3 class corresponds to the younger group.
  2. Referent 1-3 cells - the eldest.
  3. Advisor 1-3 C. - leading.
  4. State Councilor 1-3 class - the main one.
  5. Valid State Councilor 1-3 class. - the highest.

Assignment Features

The highest ranks - a valid state adviser 1-3 class. - assigned by the President to federal civil servants. Wherein:

  1. In executive structures, the activities of which are headed by the Head of State, the assignment is carried out at the recommendation of their leadership, and in other executive bodies at the recommendation of the Government.
  2. In other state bodies at the federal level (judicial, legislative) or in their apparatuses, the next class is obtained upon presentation of their leadership.

The ranks of the state adviser 1-3 class. assigned by federal civil servants:

  1. Executive structures - by the Government.
  2. Other government agencies - their leaders.

The ranks of the adviser, referent, secretary 1-3 cells. assigned by the head of the relevant state body or his representative. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, classes are obtained in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law No. 79. Typically, the ranks of the main and highest job groups are assigned by governors, others by heads of administrations of the Moscow Region and their units.

1 class rank of state civil service

Public Service Dates

Regulatory acts establish the following periods for:

  1. Secretary, referent 3 and 2 cl. - not less than a year.
  2. Advisor and State Advisor 3 and 2 cl. - at least two years.
  3. Valid state adviser 3 and 2 cl. - usually not less than a year.

Duration of service for the secretary, referent, adviser and state adviser 1 cl. not installed. When appointing a civil servant to a higher post, he may receive another rank if the period of stay at the previous level has expired.


Federal employees who are specialists and providing specialists and do not have restrictions on terms of office, as well as managers included in the leading and main groups, are assigned ranks after passing the exam. Persons in the posts of the category of "leaders", belonging to the group of senior posts, go to the next level also after the exam. In this case, the decision on its surrender must be made by the representative of the employer in the person of the head of the federal state body.

Incentive measures

For special merits in the service, the rank may be assigned to:

  1. Until the end of the term of service, but not earlier than six months after being in his post and not higher than the class corresponding to this position.
  2. At the end of the period - a notch, but within the framework of the job group to which the post belongs.

Features of remuneration

Regulatory acts for special conditions of service provide for a surcharge. For the class rank of state civil service, it is established as a percentage of salary for each group of posts:

  1. Higher - 150-200%.
  2. Home - 120-150%.
  3. Leading - 90-120%.
  4. The eldest is 60-90%.
  5. Younger - up to 60%.

Correlation of class ranks of the state civil service and military ranks

It is established by Presidential Decree No. 113 (dated 01.02.2005) and No. 38 (dated January 14, 2011).


Military rank

Valid State Advisor 1 class

  • Fleet Admiral, Army General;
  • Admiral, Colonel General.

Valid state adviser 2 class.

Vice Admiral, Lieutenant General.

Valid state adviser 3 cl.

Rear Admiral, Major General.

State Counselor 1 class

Captain 1st rank, Colonel.

State Counselor 2 class

captain of the 2nd rank, lieutenant colonel.

State Councilor 3 C.

captain 3 ranks, major.

Advisor 1 C.

captain, lieutenant commander.

Advisor 2 C.

senior lieutenant.

Advisor 3 C.


Referent 1 cl.


Referent 2 C.

Senior warrant officer / warrant officer.

Referent 3 C.

midshipman, ensign.

Secretary 1 C.

  • ch. ship foreman, foreman ;
  • ch. foreman, Art. sergeant.

Secretary 2 C.

  • foreman 1 tbsp; sergeant;
  • foreman 2 tbsp. ml. sergeant.

Secretary 3 cl.

  • senior sailor, corporal;
  • sailor, private.


By presidential decree No. 1563 of November 21, 2012, cool officers of the state civil service were also established for these employees . Shoulder straps of employees for everyday dress can be seen below. The division of ranks of prosecutors into groups is not provided.

class ranks of the state civil service epaulettes


The audit is carried out to establish the conformity of the civil servant with the position that he replaces. Certification is appointed every 3 years. By special decision, an extraordinary inspection may be carried out. A commission is formed to conduct certification.

At the meeting, documents are examined, a message from a civil servant is heard. If necessary, the head of the certified person is invited. He gives an assessment of the professional activities of a subordinate. During certification, the commission determines the compliance of the civil servant with qualification requirements, assesses his participation in solving the tasks assigned to the unit, the complexity of the work and its effectiveness. In addition, the results of the regulations, experience, compliance with restrictions, professional knowledge are taken into account. Equally important is the absence of violations, the fulfillment of requirements, obligations.

Validation Results

Based on the results of certification, the commission makes a decision. The Commission may establish that a public servant:

  1. Corresponds to the position.
  2. Corresponds to a replacement post and is recommended for inclusion in the reserve for appointment to a vacant position as part of job growth.
  3. Corresponding to the position subject to advanced training or successful retraining.
  4. Doesn't match post being replaced.

Qualification exam

It is held to address the issue of civil servants receiving a class rank. As a rule, an exam is assigned no more than once a year and at least 1 time in 3 g. Within the framework of the event, the commission assesses the knowledge, skills, skills of civil servants in accordance with the provisions of the regulations, responsibility, and the complexity of professional activity. Normative acts provide for assessment methods. These include an individual interview, testing.

appropriation of ranks of the state civil service

the contract

It is upon receipt of a citizen in the civil service. An official contract is an agreement between the representative of the employer and the candidate for the position. This document establishes the obligations and rights of the parties. The contract may provide for additional conditions. Among them:

  1. Test for admission to the civil service.
  2. Preservation of confidentiality of information related to state secrets (or other secrets protected by law), official information, if the employment regulations provide for the use of this information.
  3. Performance indicators and conditions of remuneration associated with them.

Additional conditions should not worsen the position of a civil servant in comparison with the provision established by Federal Law No. 79.

Job regulations

It acts as an integral element of the administrative regulations of a state body. It includes:

  1. Responsibilities, responsibility, civil servant rights.
  2. Qualification requirements for the nature, level of skills and knowledge for a person who is filling the relevant position. The regulations may also provide requirements for seniority or experience in the direction of training (specialty), education.
  3. A list of issues in which a public servant is obliged or entitled to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts or managerial (or other) decisions.
  4. Procedures, terms of preparation and consideration of the projects indicated above, the procedure for their approval and adoption.
  5. The rules of official interaction between a civil servant and employees of the same state agency, other government agencies, other organizations and individuals.
  6. The list of services provided to legal entities and citizens on the basis of administrative regulations.
  7. Performance indicators and the effectiveness of the professional activities of a public servant.


Regardless of the rank, in case of violation of the regulations, contract terms, and legal standards, disciplinary sanctions can be applied to a civil servant.

list of class ranks of the state civil service
The mildest is considered a remark. The most severe penalty is dismissal. It is provided for:

  1. Repeated failure to perform official duties without good reason, if the civil servant has another disciplinary sanction.
  2. Absenteeism.
  3. Appearance at work in a state of intoxication (toxic, drug, alcohol).
  4. The disclosure of information constituting a state secret or other secret protected by law, as well as official information that he became aware of in connection with the performance of duties.
  5. Adoption of an unjustified decision by civil servants replacing a managerial post if it entails a violation of the integrity of property, unlawful use of material assets or other damage to the property of a state body.

The regulations also provide for other violations for which a public servant may be dismissed.


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