What is the verification period for electricity meters in Russia?

More recently, such a thing as calibration of the electric meter was known only to a small circle of people. Recently, everything has changed, now almost everyone is dealing with this procedure: heads of large and small organizations, owners of automobile services, beauty studios, shops and even private individuals.

The ever-increasing cost of energy resources necessitated the introduction of a regime for careful monitoring of electricity consumption. To solve this problem, in June 2008, the Federal Law was signed under number 102 "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements", in accordance with which all measuring systems are subject to verification. In addition, the law prescribes the indispensable replacement of old metering devices with new ones that need to be monitored (the timing of verification of electricity meters in Russia is set individually in the technical passport of the device).

verification period of electricity meters

Electricity metering equipment is the property of the owner of the premises, as are other individual meters for the consumption of communal resources. In this connection, the replacement, repair and other work on servicing the apartment metering device, including when it is installed outside it, is carried out at the expense of the owner. All operations are performed in the district standardization department, having agreed in advance on the date of delivery of the device for taking readings and verification.

If the housing is municipal, then the responsibilities for replacement, maintenance and other things fall on the municipality.

What the law says

Verification is a series of processes that are performed in order to verify the operability of a device and its compliance with metrological requirements. Government Decree No. 250 of April 20, 2010 indicates a register of measuring instruments controlled by the state metrology departments, accredited in accordance with all the rules in the field of the provision of measurement uniformity. The timing of verification of electronic electricity meters is strictly prescribed in the equipment passport.

The equipment installed in apartments to account for the amount of electricity consumed, used in calculating utility bills, is included in this list.

In other words, verification is an official certificate of an accredited company about the suitability of the device for further use as an accounting device.

terms of verification of electricity meters in Russia

Verification period of electricity meters

Verification is of two types:

  • Primary, which is performed by the manufacturer before the equipment is put into operation (or after repairs).
  • Periodic, it is carried out in the process of using the device in accordance with the calibration interval.

Are you interested in how to find out the calibration period of an electric meter? Each type of instrument has its own period for verification, during which its testimony is recognized as true and valid. So, what are the deadlines for checking electricity meters in Russia?

  • For induction mechanical equipment with discs, this period cannot exceed 8 years.
  • For an electronic measuring device, this period reaches 16 years, depending on the model. For example, the verification period for the Mercury meter varies from 6 to 10 years.

After checking by the metrological service, a mark is put in the passport of the electric meter or a verification certificate is issued.

Indications for extraordinary verification

If the owner suspects that the meter reading is too high, then regardless of how long the calibration of electricity meters is prescribed in the equipment passport, the procedure can still be performed. But before contacting the employees of the standardization service, you need to familiarize yourself with the procedure:

  • Make sure that the wiring is properly made.
  • Invite a sales representative to the house to legalize the transfer of meter data for verification.
  • Prepare checks for payment of electricity.

terms of verification of the electricity meter mercury

Extraordinary verification of the electricity meter can be carried out for other reasons:

  • In case of loss of certificate of verification.
  • When making counter settings and adjustments.
  • When replacing old equipment with new.

For many apartment owners, calibration of electricity meters without fail became a problem. Most old metering devices, according to the conclusion of metrological services, are not suitable for further operation. According to the law, in this case there is only one way out - replacing the old meter with a new one. Subsequently, it is important not to forget about the period of verification of electricity meters.

Reasons for replacing the meter

There are a number of reasons why a mandatory replacement of an old device with a new one is required:

  • A device with an idle or uneven drive.
  • Equipment with a faulty display or indicator.
  • A device with a damaged housing.
  • The device without sealing the state witness.

So, if, according to the results of verification, the device is deemed unsuitable for further operation, it is necessary to replace it.

expired calibration of the meter

Stages and cost of verification

Having completed all the formalities with an employee of the energy supply company, you can proceed to the process itself, which can be performed in different ways.

At the metrological department or any other accredited laboratory that the device owner will pick up on his own. On the spot it is necessary:

  1. Coordinate the delivery time of the meter.
  2. The verification period for electric meters is from 14 to 28 days.
  3. Refine the cost of the procedure:
  • Single-phase induction sample - 204 rubles.
  • An old-style three-phase device with a disk - 338 rubles.
  • Modern electronic (single-phase) - 700 rubles.
  • Electronic three-phase - 859 rubles.

Urgent services

  • Calibration for 5 days - the basic tariff rate + 25%.
  • For 3 days - the basic rate + 50%.
  • 1 day - basic rate + 100%.

how long is the verification of electricity meters

Field service

To carry out verification at the location of the device without removing it is necessary to fill out an application with an authorized organization. After that, a certified employee of the metrological service will be sent to the owner to the house, who carries out all the work on site using a portable standard. The cost is negotiated individually.

The second option is the most common, as it is less troublesome, but at the same time operational. With a successful verification, the TssiM provides the owner with a document with a note on the implementation and an indication of the new deadline for verification of electricity meters. If the result is negative, a document is issued about the unsuitability of the meter. To install a new meter, you will need to re-invite a specialist of an energy-saving organization who will perform the work and issue the certificate in two copies. One remains with the company, the second copy is with the owner of the equipment.

penalties for violation of the terms of verification of the electricity meter

Is responsibility for non-verification provided

Concerning the owner, penalties for violation of the terms of verification of the electricity meter or replacement are not provided. Meanwhile, after the period of verification of the metering device, it is recognized as unsuitable for making calculations, and electricity charges will be charged in accordance with the introduced standards, significantly exceeding the actual consumption.

In addition, if the energy-saving organization establishes the fact that the time period for checking the electric meter has expired, an act of unspecified electricity consumption will be drawn up for the user and a personal account will be recalculated from the date of the previous calibration.

It is very important to know and remember that the counter must be replaced no later than in a month. In the first quarter, the amount for electricity is calculated based on the average monthly amount of energy consumed, or according to the indicators of a common house meter, and then according to the standard.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21319/

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