Odessa expressions and phrases: examples. Odessa humor

Odessa dialect and expressions are a unique phenomenon, formed under the influence of centuries-old history and different nationalities. Today, the language, jokes and phrases of this region go far beyond the city. So in this article we will try to better understand and get to know more closely these amazing and wonderful people - Odessa citizens.

Mix of cultures

In the south of wide Ukraine, off the coast of the beautiful Black Sea, amazing Odessa lies. This is a city whose calling card is the 192 steps of the Potemkin Stairs, the ensemble of Primorsky Boulevard, the elegant monument de Richelieu, the Privoz market and other architectural sights. But the real pearl of the region is its responsive and good-natured people.

Odessa expressions
A strange and very colorful people live in this region. It is distinguished from other southerners by the breadth of soul and the unobtrusive sense of humor that is present in their language.

Odessa expressions, which are also called jargon, arose due to a mixture of peoples living in this territory. The 1790-1820s are considered the beginning of the formation of speech. Then, in these territories, where the indigenous inhabitants were Turks, Greeks and Italians, Ukrainians and Russians massively migrated. Subsequently, the Poles and the French migrated here. The Jewish diaspora particularly influenced the language and traditions of the city.

Independent flow

The city was and still is the birthplace of various ethnic groups, each of which had a significant influence on the formation of Odessa.

There is evidence that at the beginning of the 1930s the national composition had the following figures: almost 40% were Russians, 37% were Jews, 18% were Ukrainians, and then other nationalities. After emigration, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the transformation of borders, the percentages changed, but there are still residents in the city who speak all languages.

There are even special linguistic groups that study spontaneous Odessa humor and language. Many scholars distinguish a dialect in a separate and independent course. Studied and repeatedly addressed to a special dialect and writers. In particular, the true treasury of the living dialect is a collection of stories by Isaac Babel. Often you can hear amazing words in the movies.

Odessa expressions and phrases

New projects

Recently, the series “Liquidation” appeared on television. The plot tells about the post-war time. The main characters are fighting with gangs. But most of all the audience was struck by the fact that the actors reproduced the unique Odessa jargon. There were cues and dialogues full of jokes inherent only to this city. In order to maximally recreate the events of 1946, the film was shot in one of the most popular historical areas of the city, on Moldavanka.

Before writing the script, the author Alexei Poyarkov lived in Odessa for several months. Besides the fact that the man worked with literature, he traveled by public transport, went to Privoz and just talked with ordinary residents. Thus, the scriptwriter tried to get to know the unique dialect as closely as possible.

Do not waste time and actors. The linguist helped to adopt the intonation of the artists. Some of them also had long conversations with the local population.

Movie pearls

The series could not do without colorful Odessa expressions. For example, one of the main characters - Fima - has the answers to any questions. He is one of the most beloved characters in the audience. It was he who owned the funniest jokes. In particular, in one scene, a man tells a friend that he is not a window in a women's bath and that he does not need holes. He used the well-known turnover: "You want to do me a bad thing." Odessa expressions of other heroes are no less funny for the viewer. For example, David Gotzman used the phrase now popular: "Do not make me nerves."

I have to ask a couple of questions
The series again popularized an unusual dialect. This language was also found in projects such as Life and Adventures of the Bear of the Jap. It should be noted that the script was written based on the work of Isaac Babel. The success of these projects is largely due to the unique humor that the audience loves so much.

Favorite melody

Often in pictures they use slang songs, which subsequently exist independently of the movie. This happened with the composition, which sounded in the film "Two Fighters". One of the main characters, a southerner by birth, sings "Scows full of mullet." Today, few people know the plot of the tape, but almost everyone knows the melody, text and Odessa expressions of this song.

The history of this work is interesting. The director of the film asked the musician Nikita Bogoslovsky to write a composition for one of the scenes. The author did not work long and composed his masterpiece Dark Night. But the events turned out so that the melody became popular even before the film adaptation. Therefore, the composer was forced to create again. This time the director asked to write a song where live language will be used. For the native Leningrader, who was unfamiliar with the folklore of this city, the task seemed unrealistic.

Schaub Wi lived like you do

Text interpretation

But the author was creative in his work. He placed an ad in the newspaper asking those who are familiar with Odessa jargon to come to the film studio. The composer did not expect such an abundance of people. For several days the man wrote down everything that the guests sang and said. So he soon composed a completely independent work.

Subsequently, the authorities made a remark to the maestro, because, according to the party, the song did not match the image of the hero who performed it. But the people were delighted with the composition.

Those who have ever heard this tune will be interested to know what a particular word means. For example, a scow and longboat is a boat with sails and a self-propelled vessel. Mullet is a species of fish. Bindyuzhniki - people who work in the port as loaders. And "Kazbek" is a brand of cigarettes. Mentioned in the song are well-known areas of the city, such as Fountain, French Boulevard, Moldavanka, Peresyp.

Odessa expressions and intonation are the soul of this composition.

Simple and intelligent world

A separate topic is jokes. The humor of this region has been popular at all times. Funny, light and interesting stories fascinate many. But in order to understand the dialect, subtle sarcasm or irony, you must at least speak Ukrainian or Russian. Conversations of indigenous southerners are a mixture of different dialects. Phrases and concepts were mixed, so many words arose due to the combination of different languages. For example, such a common phrase for Odessans as “And you think to yourself” refers to Ukrainianism.

In addition to the fact that a person must be a polyglot, one must also have a sense of humor and be intellectually developed. Turnovers are often unpredictable and illogical. Their essence is hidden in concepts. You never know how not only the conversation will end, but the offer of Odessa.

It should be noted that native speakers themselves do not notice anything special and funny in their dialogues. The fact that for them is a normal conversation is a real celebration for city guests.

Odessa expressions and phrases are pouring from the screen today. This region has presented dozens of famous comedians to the domestic show business.

and sho you think to yourself

Dialog with a dictionary

One of the most popular satirists of our time is Mikhail Zhvanetsky. His works make fun of the shortcomings of the individual and society as a whole. The childhood and youth of the man passed in Odessa. Here he wrote his first works. Today the whole world understands them. Despite the fact that the satirist has been touring for years, he has not lost his native accent and sense of humor. The language of this author is simple and accessible, but for other expressions a dictionary is often needed.

For example, the phrase “I have a couple of questions to ask” translates as “I have a few questions for you.” The word "mene" should be understood as "me." But most of the revolutions depend on intonation, and their essence can be understood only in dialogue.

But there are suggestions that are absolutely incomprehensible to the guest of the city. These include words such as “shlimazl” (translated from Yiddish as “unlucky man”) or “in bulk” (from Greek - “crowd”). Odessa expressions and phrases with such words are often unfamiliar even to residents of the region.

Even Mikhail Zhvanetsky himself noted that this people speaks every language incorrectly.

Odessa dialect and expressions

Top shows

Many other comedians and musicians popularized the dialect. Leonid Utesov more than once used unusual turns and words in his songs. Arkady Raikin and Klara Novikova did this.

Speech also flowed on the games of the Club, cheerful and resourceful. The Odessa Gentlemen team even managed to get prizes. Subsequently, young people organized their own show, which was very popular. There, the viewer could hear both old humoresques, for example: “Schaubby lived like you do”, and new jokes.

Even now, speech goes beyond the territory of the region. The company is praised by a unique dialect of young and promising southerners. Odessa Mansi began their careers in 2011. With light and warm jokes, the team immediately won the love of the public. One of the main tasks that the guys set for themselves was to please their native city, the audience, which is very demanding of the remarks about Privoz and Duke. Very soon the team got into the Major League of KVN.

Company element

The name "Mansa" is also purely Odessa. Team members have never given an accurate interpretation of the word. In general, it means a strange situation, incomprehensible to others. Therefore, from residents of the city you can often hear the phrase: "Shaw is this mansi?"

The performance is usually started by the captain, Sergey Sereda, with a greeting: “Well hello, dear public.” The show ends with the words "Schaub you were healthy to us." It should be noted that for television works the guy uses the name Kostya, most likely, in honor of the hero of the theological composition.

The team perfectly represents their city at various competitions and festivals. The visiting card of a fun company, of course, is a typical city emphasis on “sho”.

Odessa humor is their element. The team successfully copes with the main task - to organize high-quality and interesting performances.

Schaub, I lived like that

Land of dreams

Many people go to the resort town not only because of the beautiful architecture and warm sea. Most guests want to get acquainted with an unusual flavor, dive into another world. Even the inhabitants of Odessa note that they live in a multinational small country.

Each visitor wants to make sure, is it true that the residents always answer the question with a question. For example, such a dialogue is quite possible:

- Sarochka, are you happy?

“Do I have a choice?”

Most jokes are written based on real events. Therefore, it is not surprising why everyone is trying, if not to enter into conversation with Odessa, then at least to overhear how he communicates with others. The phrase is invaluable: "Schaub, I lived as you are less than happy." And apparently, every guest of the city wants to come to the famous Privoz, go up to the seller and ask: “You won’t say how much it costs?” And in response to hear: “Why I will not say ?! Did we quarrel? ”

Nowadays, characteristic revolutions are supplanted by the literary Russian and Ukrainian languages. Today, the main task is to preserve the unique Odessa dialect and expression. After all, in no city you will not hear so much good-natured humor!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21326/

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