Doublerin - what is it? How to glue doublerin on fabric?

Any tailor, professional or amateur, knows very well: to get a really beautiful and high-quality product, it is not enough to choose a unique design and beautiful fabric. It is important to pay attention to details. Some will stand out and attract the eye, while others, on the contrary, will be hidden. It is on them that all this beauty is held. We will talk about a modest and reliable assistant to masters of sewing, and it’s called doubler. What is it, what kinds of species are there, what is it created for and how to use it correctly?

doublerin what is it

About cushioning fabrics

If you listen carefully to the word doubler, the first thing that comes to mind is an understudy. That is, this element probably duplicates something or someone. And the assumption will be absolutely true - it was precisely for such purposes that the doubler was created. What it is? This is the material that is used to strengthen the individual elements of the product when sewing. It plays the role of additional fabric, which is glued from the inside or the inside of the product to the main one, thereby helping to maintain shape, volume, and gives strength to the product. It makes this area stronger, it will not stretch and lose shape. Doublerin is not one of a kind. There are several types of lining materials, these are non-woven fabrics, flanges, cobwebs, nets and many others. But how do doublerins differ from them, what is it and what is its peculiarity?

doubler fabric

Emphasize details and hold the shape

Cushioning doublerin is used everywhere: when sewing shoes, outerwear, hats, suits and even the most delicate ladies' blouses. Without adding strength to the product, do not sew a beautiful fabric belt and handbag. The collar and sleeves of a man’s shirt will not look proud and neat, and an elegant dress can easily lose shape after washing. Doublerin fabric can be combined with almost all types of sewing materials, including fur and leather products. Manufacturers took care of a variety of colors and that their material was high-quality, reliable and invisible. It is durable, easy to use, easy to stain, does not fade and does not lose shape.

doublerin Price

How is it different from others

The doublerin fabric differs from its own kind precisely in that it is a fabric, and not just a thin synthetic cloth with sizing, such as, for example, non-woven fabric or mesh. Doublerin is made on the basis of natural materials or with the addition of synthetics. It can be very thin and elastic or dense and resilient. But in all cases it will be woven material. And in order to doubler harmoniously combined with a wide variety of sewing materials, manufacturers produce several of its types. Each of them has its own specific properties and texture, and this is important to consider when buying.

Types of doubler

Gasket materials can have double-sided gluing, do not have it at all, or stick to the fabric with only one side, such as doubler. What it is? Sizing - a thin layer of glue that has been applied to the material and dried. Under the influence of moisture and high temperature, it will return to a liquid state and reliably adhere the cushioning material to the product. How strong such an insert will be depends on the fabric of which the gasket is made, and the amount of glue that was applied to it.

knitted doubler

Doublerin is of three types:

  1. Fabric is the most durable of all. It is based on dense fabric, it does not stretch, and in the company with gluing it becomes very durable. This material is used when sewing hats, shoes, bags, fur or leather products. It is suitable for a wide variety of heavy and dense fabrics.
  2. Knitted pile - not as hard as fabric, but quite dense and voluminous. It is used when sewing outerwear: coats, jackets, suits. And also in the manufacture of soft children's toys and lots of other things. Pile supple fabric, it can stretch a little, but only in one direction (along the weft thread). This feature is important to consider when sewing, otherwise the result will be exactly the opposite.
  3. Knitted doubler (elastic) - cushioning fabric for delicate and lightweight products. Such material is malleable and stretches well in any direction. Indispensable for knitted fabrics. Use it when sewing trousers, skirts, women's dresses, shirts and blouses. It retains and holds the shape of the product well when worn and after numerous washings.

How to work with him?

How to glue doublerin on the fabric and avoid errors? It is important to choose the type of material that is suitable specifically for your product. Professional craftsmen recommend that you take doublerin decanting before use. This is done simply: the cushioning material is placed for a couple of hours in warm water, and after that it is removed and dried. You do not need to squeeze it out. This is done in order to avoid possible shrinkage of the cushioning fabric after the first wash. In the manufacture of using natural threads, but because this is quite possible.

how to glue doubler on fabric

After drying, doublerin is ready for use:

  • cut out a piece of suitable shape from the cushioning fabric;
  • place the product with which you will work on a flat surface;
  • place a piece of doubler on top of the product with the adhesive side down;
  • put on top the supporting fabric or gauze that you use when ironing;
  • apply a hot iron to the surface, use steam for better heating;
  • the iron must be applied evenly, with tangential movements, but do not drive it from side to side;
  • Allow the fabric to cool completely and only then hold it in your hands.

Material flaws

To avoid troubles while working with doubler, it is important to carefully consider its use. Properly choose the type of cushioning fabric for your product. If you use knitted, then pay attention to the fact that the direction of the weft of doubler must be the same as the direction of the weft of the main fabric when connecting. Use the advice of experienced craftsmen and pre-decorate the material. If all these rules are followed, then you will never find flaws, and this material will firmly take root among your trusted and beloved ones.

Perhaps the only drawback that doubler has is the price. For example, the cost of knitted doubler is around 100 rubles per meter. And this is several times higher than the cost of conventional non-woven fabric. But! It is necessary to take into account the fact that natural threads were used in its production, not chemical compounds, which means that the quality and reliability of the material is much higher.


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