Paint-and-varnish mixture NTs-132 (enamel): main properties and technical characteristics

Domestic manufacturers of finishing materials offer us a huge assortment of products that are used for the protective and decorative processing of internal and external surfaces. Construction sites are full of various varnishes, impregnations, paints, enamels and other coatings. One of the first places in popularity is the composition of NTs-132 - enamel, designed to protect metal and wood products.

NTs 132 enamel

What are the main properties of this product, what are its features and how to work with such a composition correctly, we will consider in this article.

Enamel Composition

The main components of this coating are nitrocellulose, alkyd resin and plasticizers. To give the coloring mixture a specific color, various pigments and special fillers are added to it. The resulting composition belongs to the category of high-quality coatings that fully comply with international and domestic standards.

enamel nts 132 specifications

There is an official document regulating the recipe and technology by which the manufacturer makes NTs-132 enamel - GOST 6631-74. Products that meet the requirements set forth in it, retain their original qualities for two years and can be used for painting surfaces both outdoors and indoors.

Basic properties

To understand what distinguishes this product from other similar materials, you should consider what special qualities the coloring composition NTs-132 (enamel) has.

These include:

  • a high degree of coating strength and its resistance to mechanical damage and abrasion;
  • excellent elasticity of the composition, which allows it to be used on various surfaces of complex geometry with a large number of curvatures;
  • resistance to moisture, oil and detergents;
  • high anticorrosive qualities;
  • ability to withstand sudden changes in temperature;
  • a wide variety of colors;
  • profitability (low consumption);
  • durability;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

Particular emphasis should be placed on the possibility of polishing and polishing painted surfaces. This is the main advantage that the product NTs-132 (enamel) has. The paint treated in this way does not scratch at all, but only acquires additional gloss.

Enamel NTs-132: technical characteristics of the composition

After reviewing the packaging of this coating, we can conclude that the manufacturer focuses on the amazing resistance of the material to various negative influences. In addition, there are a number of properties possessed by the NTs-132 enamel. The characteristics of the material are as follows:

  1. This paint and varnish product can be used at temperatures from -12 to +60 degrees.
  2. The drying time of the coating until the stickiness disappears is 2 hours. The final drying of the composition occurs one day after application.
  3. The resulting protective coating is characterized by homogeneity, the absence of sagging, tubercles and smudges.
  4. The hardness of the hardened paint layer is 0.3 conventional units (for the M-3 instrument);
  5. In the compositions of red, the mass fraction of non-volatile substances is from 25 to 35%. In other colors, this figure is 34-40%.

enamel nts 132 specifications

The consumption of NTs-132 enamel depends on the method of its application and varies from 30-120 g / m². Also, this indicator varies depending on the number of coating layers. In the case of natural wood, more paint is required, since its porous structure almost completely absorbs the first layer, which is why the treatment is carried out several times.

Scope of application

For painting fresh wood products operated in harsh climates, the NTs-132 protective coating will be the best option. This type of enamel is characterized by excellent adhesion to concrete and pre-primed metal surfaces, which are subjected to high mechanical stresses.

enamel nts 132 gost

This material has gained active use in the decorative processing of facades, surface finishing in rooms with high humidity and anti-corrosion treatment of metal products used in everyday life and in production.

Paint application

To date, there are two varieties of this enamel, which differ in the application method. The coating labeled NTs-132K is applied to the surface using a conventional brush, and the spraying method is used for NTs-132P formulations.

Before starting to paint, the surface should be cleaned of dust, dirt, rust and other debris. If metal products are processed, then they are first primed. In the case of wood, this work can be omitted.

enamel nts 132 gray

NTs-132 enamel itself (gray, white or other soft colors) diluted with a solvent in a ratio of 5: 1 can also be used as a primer. After the prepared surface is completely dry, you can begin to stain it.

The mixture is well kneaded, the thick top film is removed and applied in any selected way (depending on the type of enamel). After applying the first layer, you should wait 2-2.5 hours and proceed to re-surface treatment. When the protective coating is completely dry, it can be polished.


With an abundance of positive qualities, NTs-132 enamel has a fairly affordable cost. Compositions poured into small containers have a price tag of up to 400 rubles per 2 liters. Paint and varnish products sold in large barrels (more than 10 liters) have a lower cost starting from 100 rubles per liter.

Having examined the basic properties that NTs-132 enamel possesses, the technical characteristics and the scope of application of this composition, we can understand how suitable it is for each particular case. If you chose this protective coating, remember that in a liquid form the enamel is quite toxic and fire hazardous, therefore, in the process of work, observe safety precautions, use a respirator and rubber gloves.


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