The most fashionable ways to tie a scarf - the final touch in creating an image

If someone else thinks that the scarf is not included in the required number of elements of the men's wardrobe, I suggest recalling the famous hero of the roguish novel Ostap Bender. Agree, if this fashion accessory weren’t on him, his image would hardly be associated with incredible charm and charm. Since the time that the "great combinator" went down in history, a lot of time has passed. Not to mention its prototype, which lived in the 19th century. However, the famous “semi-silk scarf of the Romanian hue” left an indelible mark on fashion history.

Ways to tie a scarf for men

ways to tie a scarf

Unlike the aforementioned hero, whose "mighty neck" was wrapped around a long scarf, modern men are characterized by the reincarnation of the image. And this is understandable. After all, the life of an adventurer hero is a complete adventure, when as a dandy of modernity, he is a man in a business suit, a hero of a fashion party, an athlete or a young man who prefers a dynamic lifestyle.

However, it’s not only the lifestyle that dictates various ways of knitting a scarf. A man's scarf around his neck is obliged to emphasize the style of its owner. So, to create a business image is suitable for "drift". This method of wearing a scarf involves knotting without knots. A fashion accessory is simply thrown around the neck, and the free ends fall over the chest.

ways to tie a scarf for men

To emphasize the deliberate negligence of the "grunge" style will help a long scarf wrapped around the neck. Another name for this method is “free flip”. By the way, it was he who was preferred by the character of the famous novel mentioned above.

For a sporty style, colored scarves are suitable, which allow you to demonstrate original ways of knitting a scarf.

The most fashionable sites

How to tie scarves for men depends on the complexity of the knot. The most popular and convenient is considered a tie knot. The principle of tying is based on the method of tying an ordinary tie.

Ascot node. It is rare that methods of knitting a scarf provide protection from the weather. This knot also does not meet this requirement, which does not differ in complexity in design either: a scarf is wrapped around the neck and tied with one free knot. The hanging ends are hidden under the sides of the clothes. This method allows you to demonstrate an attractive scarf design. Looks great in the “casual” style, and in the silk version it harmoniously combines with an evening outfit.

Desperate fashion supporters give their preference to the famous French knot. He ties up quickly enough, plays a warming role and looks incredibly stylish.

To create a French knot, a medium-long long scarf is suitable. The fabric should not be too dense, but not flowing like silk. The perfect option is a thin cashmere scarf.

ways to tie scarves

The scarf is doubled over the entire length, is thrown over the neck. The free ends are threaded through the loop formed by folding the product.

Warm and comfortable

For many men, nevertheless, this element of the wardrobe remains primarily an attribute of the cold season. There are ways to knit a scarf that simultaneously protect from the cold and emphasize the style of its owner.

For example, a sufficiently long scarf is wrapped around the neck twice. The free ends are pushed inside the last turn and twist in a single path.

The volumetric “collar” on the neck looks incredibly stylish, which also does not limit the warming function of the scarf. A long scarf wraps around the neck in two or three turns (depending on the thickness and length of the product), and the free ends are masked in folds.

And the last: look for your unique image. However, in the wilds of the fashion industry, do not lose your real masculine appearance.


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