Dr. Strange (Marvel Comics): description, history, interesting facts

Dr. Strange (Marvel Comics) is a superhero with tremendous magical power. In the past, a neurosurgeon, he has the title of Archmage of the Earth and is the main protector of the planet from various mystical dangers. First appeared in the Silver Age of comics.

Dr. Strange: The Story (Marvel Comics Publisher)

Dr. Strange marvel comics

The character debuted in June 1963 in the comic strip Strange Tales, issue 110. Then, Strange appeared more than once in this comic strip. And in issue 115, the story of the origin of the hero was presented.

Strange was created by artist Steve Ditko and screenwriter Stan Lee. According to the latter, the creation of the character was inspired by the radio program Chandu the Magician, which was released in the 30s.

For the first time, Strange appeared outside the comics in the television movie Doctor Strange, which received negative reviews from critics and was not successful with fans. Because of this reaction, plans to create a full-fledged series about the hero were not implemented. After this setback, Strange occasionally appeared in various animated series based on Marvel comics.


Stefan Strange was born in the family of Beverly and Eugene Strange in 1930. When the boy was 2 years old, another child was born in the family - Donna. And then Stefan got a younger brother - Victor. While still small, Donna received a serious injury, and her older brother took care of her. It was at this time that Stefan realized that he wanted to help people, and decided to become a doctor.

Dr. Strange Comic

Dr. Strange (Marvel Comics) graduated from medical school and in record time (in just 5 years) became a famous neurosurgeon. Such quick success made Stefan very arrogant. When Strange was 30, his mother died, which made the doctor even more insensitive and callous.

Stefan talked disgustingly with patients and was constantly rude. An exception was UN translator Madeleine Revell. Strange saved the girl's life, they began an affair, which ended with a proposal to get married. But Madeline refused Stefan because of his terrible nature.

A few years after the death of his mother, Stephen's father dies from a serious illness. And the day after the funeral, brother Victor dies. Strange decides to freeze Victor's body and try to bring him back to life.

Trying to heal and getting to know magic

In 1963, Dr. Strange got into a car accident. The comic portrays a terrible accident in which Stefan seriously injured his hands. The doctors did everything in their power, but they could not finally restore the limbs. In the clinic, Strange was offered to move to the position of consultant or assistant, since he could no longer operate. But because of his pride, Stefan refused. He goes in search of a cure. In his wanderings, he heard about the Tibetan wizard the Elder, who could restore his hands.

Spending his last money on a ticket to Tibet, Doctor Strange. Marvel Comics, however, was in no hurry to make life easier for his hero. So, the Eldest refuses to heal Stephen and invites him to begin to study magical art, but the former doctor refuses. But after a failed attack on his oldest student, Mordo, Strange was fascinated by the forces controlled by the magician. He agrees to learn magic.

Doctor Strange Comic Book Character

The oldest foresaw that Stephen would become the Supreme Magician. In addition, he was looking for a successor, in whose place Strange ideally suited. The training began, which ended with a test - Stefan had to fight with Death. At the cost of incredible efforts, the magician won. His reward was immortality and a mark in the form of ankh on his forehead, which appears only in cases where he is in danger.

Superhero birth

In 1970, after training, he returned to New York Doctor Strange (Doctor Strange). The heroes of Marvel, as you can see, very often begin their superhero careers in big cities. Stefan was no exception. Returning home, he begins to work as a consultant on mystical phenomena, struggling with demonic creatures. In the same period of his life, he first meets the Nightmare - a supervillain who feeds on bad dreams. Gradually, Strange becomes a very famous magician, and the authorities do not hesitate to turn to him for advice and help.

For a very long time he was on his own and kept aloof from other superheroes Doctor Strange. The comic describes in detail the moment when Stefan first had to face the world of heroes and villains - Loki tricked the magician into attacking Thor. In the end, the villain's plan was exposed, and Strange, teaming up with the Asgardian, defeated the enemy.

From this point on, the wizard often allied with other superheroes to defeat the villains. However, he did not always remain in the team, preferring to work alone.

comic book versions


Dr. Strange is a comic book character endowed with incredible magical powers. The level of power allows him to be called one of the most powerful creatures in the universe. But the hero uses magic only to protect his planet from otherworldly destructive forces. He was called the Supreme magician of the Earth, until after the battle with the Hulk he injured his hands and lost his title. Like all bright wizards, he draws strength from three main sources:

  • Own power - depends on the innate qualities of the wizard. Strange endowed with them in full. Thanks to this power, he received eternal life by defeating Death. It can move to the astral plane, teleport, hypnotize, create illusions. These abilities can be enhanced with various artifacts, such as the Eye of Agamotto.
  • Forces of the Universe - Doctor Strange can control the mystical energy of the universe and embody it in the following spells: magic lightning, telekinesis, teleportation, turning some objects into others, a magic shield, invisibility, travel between worlds, little control over molecules.
  • Divine powers - Stephen is able to invoke the energy of magical and non-magical creatures, the so-called Principals. Due to this, he increases his strength.

Despite the fact that Strange is a White magician, sometimes he is forced to resort to dark forces and annihilating magic.

Dr. Strange Story Publisher Marvel Comics Debut


Dr. Strange (Marvel Comics) is not only a superhero, but also an outstanding surgeon who managed to achieve recognition in this profession in a short time. Stefan's main specialization is neurosurgery. However, after Strange had an accident and injured his hands, he was unable to continue medical activities. However, he did not completely leave the profession and performed the duties of assistant and mentor to young surgeons.

Strange is an expert in the field of magic and occultism. He was trained by the oldest for 7 years.

Stefan is a master of hand-to-hand combat. He learned this skill from the monks of Kamar Tai. These skills saved Strange's life when he could not use magic.


To enhance his abilities, Dr. Strange (Marvel Comics) uses various artifacts.

Dr. Strange marvel comics this

The Eye of Agamotto is the most powerful of them. This artifact is an Agamotto eye placed in an amulet. Only a good wizard can control it. The relic gives the following opportunities to its owner:

  • energy absorption;
  • recognition of lies;
  • increased telepathy and telekinesis;
  • a look into the past;
  • travel between worlds;
  • radiates light, driving away dark forces;
  • helps to feel the proximity of magical energy;
  • magic shield.

In addition, Dr. Strange uses the following artifacts:

  • Mantle of Levitation - gives its owner the ability to fly, and also protects the owner from various physical injuries. You can control the mantle with the help of telepathy, in addition, it is able to change its shape and color.
  • Yellow belt - 10 times longer.
  • Agamotto balloon - an artifact is stored in the sanctuary of Stephen, in a room called the House of Shadows. The relic is a transparent sphere, which is placed in a box standing on three legs. Strange typically uses this artifact to predict the future. In addition, in a ball, you can see an imminent threat to Earth or danger to any other world.
  • Watumba's Wand is a staff decorated on both sides with carved demon heads. Once upon a time, the artifact was divided into 2 parts, but then the Dormammu was restored. The main power of the rod is that it can accumulate the energy of the universe and transform it.

comic doctor strange doctor strange


Talks about the weaknesses of the superhero comic book Doctor Strange.

Dr. Strange depends on his artifacts and spells. If he loses any of his relics, he will weaken. And it may even lose its strength. In addition, Stefan is an ordinary man of flesh and blood. He cannot die from illness or old age, but he can be injured or killed with any human weapon.

Strangeโ€™s forces lose their effectiveness against people with high intelligence, which contradicts the laws of the Marvel universe, since magic in this world is initially stronger than science.

Strange Versions in Comics

Strange appeared in different roles in alternative universes described in various comics:

  • On Earth-98, Strange was a member of the Avengers team.
  • On Earth-231, Stefan, along with other Illuminati, was killed by Reed Richards.
  • Earth-2301 - here Strange is a 20-year-old guy who holds the title of Master of Mystical Arts and a medical background.
  • Earth-8545 - in this universe, Stefan is one of the superheroes who were turned into Wi-Lock Prime using the Heritage virus.

In 2016, Marvel plans to release a film dedicated to Doctor Strange. The main role in it will be played by Benedict Cumberbatch.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21338/

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