Mage Deck on Gears in HearthStone

The mage is one of the most powerful classes in HearthStone. The Magician’s deck, as a rule, is filled with direct demage spells, thanks to which you can destroy a thick enemy minion or inflict great damage to the enemy directly in the face. In this article, we will look at one of the most popular archetypes called Fur Mage.

HearthStone Mage Deck

In the days of vanilla Hartstone (i.e. before the advent of add-ons and adventures), Jaina shared the championship laurels with Anduin. After the release of the first adventure called Naxxramas, the meta has changed significantly. Rating games with great tenacity began to storm the Death Rattle Hunters. The Magician Frost deck was almost the only deck that could stand up to Rripoant.

Mage Deck

Six months later, the new add-on "Goblins and Dwarves" was released. Although the Magician was cheated on by the legendary (the Fire Leviathan was rightfully considered one of the most useless cards in the game), there were still a couple of worthy class cards. For this reason, the new archetype was not long in coming. Please love and favor - the deck of the Fur Mage. What is it and what does it eat with? You can find the answer to this question in this article.

Fur Mage HearthStone (deck)

The Fur Mage is a legendary deck that can compete with Face Hunt in popularity. This deck made it possible to reach the highest ranks of thousands of players. What is already there, Mech Mag proved to be excellent even on a professional level. Strifecro with this deck was able to defeat the famous Powdera with a score of 4: 0 in his favor. Despite the fact that Mech Magu has been a whole year (and this is considered to be the retirement age at Hartstone), some players still successfully take the legend with this deck. What is the essence of this deck?

HearthStone Mage Deck

As the name implies, the Fur Mage is a deck that is completely based on the mechanisms and their synergy. This deck is well described by the proverb "Hand wash." One mechanism gives the other some useful effect. Fur Mage is a very aggressive deck. The mechanisms are very cheap, so you can conquer the table in the early stages of the game. If, by some miracle, the enemy was able to survive the initial stage and conquered the table, one could find flying with the help of class spells. This deck is pretty easy to learn, which is a definite plus. In addition, a fairly cheap HearthStone Mage deck (especially when compared to the Frost deck). To collect the Fur of the Magician, it is not necessary to have a bunch of legendaries. Enough of ordinary and rare cards.


Like any other deck, the Mech Mage works on the interaction between cards. In this part of the article we will consider the best combinations for this archetype.

Gear master + any fur

Exposing the gear master on the first turn, we get a 1/2 creature. Pretty weak. But playing any fur on the next turn, we get a mob with 3/2 stats, which is pretty good. With the help of the Gear Wizard, you can make profitable exchanges with enemy 2 and even 3 drops. Thanks to this combination, you can take control of the field from the very beginning of the game. The main thing is that the Gear Master comes to the starting hand, so you should not discard it during the muligan.

Mechanic picker + any fur

Deck of the Fur Mage

The mechanic picker costs two mana and has 2/3 stats. But the value of this card lies in its effect. She reduces the cost of all furs by one mana. Thanks to this, you can quickly spam the field with creatures. In addition, the Mechanic picker is always trying to quickly flog. Therefore, exposing this card, you can count on the enemy to spend remuval.

Gnome technician + any fur

There are no comments here. 3/3 for three mana is not bad in itself. However, if there is an allied fur on the field, the Dwarf Technician gets + 1 / + 1 and gives us a spare part. As a result, for three mana we get a 4/4 creature and a small buff in the form of a detail.

Key Cards

Fur Mage HearthStone Deck

Dr. Boom is a must-have not only in Mech Mage, but also in any other deck. For seven mans we get a 7/7 torso. In addition, two 1/1 boomboats appear on the field, which are bellows (hi to the Gnome Technician) and can potentially cause 2 to 8 damage due to death rattle. This card brings a lot of benefits for only seven mana, thanks to which it received the sarcastic nickname Doctor Balance.

The Azure Dragon is a fairly popular card, which is often used in decks of the Mage. For five mans, we get a creature with mediocre 4/4 stats. Nevertheless, by invoking the dragon, we get an additional card. And firewood, as you know, does not happen much. In addition, the bonus to the power of magic damage is a joy. Thanks to this effect, if you have two Fireballs and two Ice arrows (which must be present in the Mech Mage), you can prematurely finish the game.


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