Rosemary violet: description, growing

Violets are one of the most popular indoor plants. After all, they can be grown at home. Their flowers are distinguished by unusual colors and bright colors. In addition, the reproduction of these plants does not cause special difficulties. Of particular note is such a flower as violet Le Rosemary.

rosemary violet

Grade Features

Le Rosemary is a violet that blooms with unusual pom-poms. Their diameter can be up to 6 centimeters. In addition, on one peduncle there are at least 2-3 of them. The flowers themselves are quite dense and terry. The edges of their petals are wavy. This is not just violet violet. A varied pattern can be present on the petals: small spots, strokes, dots. Each flower is distinguished by its individuality. This makes the plant very unusual. Peduncles are very short. Thanks to this, the bouquets are formed in the center of the outlet itself.

Le Rosemary is a violet that fears a lack of light. In such situations, its outlet is formed incorrectly: the ground part is greatly extended. As for the foliage, it has a serrated edge. At the same time, its color is dark green, and from the inside - reddish.

It is worth noting that such a variety easily propagates and gives children. Very rarely there are flowers of pure blue or blue with a white border.

violet violet

What to plant such a variety

Le Rosemary is a violet that does not need much space. The pot in which it will grow should be small. Otherwise, the plant will bloom soon. It is better to use containers made of plastic, the diameter of which will be several times smaller than the violet outlet. When the free space is completely filled with roots, the plant will begin to produce peduncles.

With special responsibility it is worth approaching the choice of soil. Le Rosemary is a violet that needs nutritious, but at the same time loose soil. Soil, if necessary, can be purchased in a specialized store or prepared independently. To do this, mix 1 part of river sand, 3 parts of peat and 5 parts of deciduous soil. As for acidity, for such plants it is worth choosing neutral or slightly acidic soil. Before pouring soil into the container, it is worth doing drainage at the bottom of the pot.

violet le rosemary

How to plant

In order for Le Rosemary's violet to grow well, it must be planted correctly:

  1. If a flowering plant is bought, then there is no need to transplant it. The seller should clarify when the violet was rooted and whether it was transplanted. A young newly acquired plant should be left in quarantine for a while.
  2. If planting material was purchased in the form of a handle, then it can be planted in a pot only after rooting.
  3. At the bottom of the container, in which the violet Le Rosemary will grow, it is worth pouring drainage. For this, small stones, pebbles and so on are suitable. This will prevent stagnation of moisture in the area of ​​the roots of the plant. Otherwise, the violet will gradually begin to rot.
  4. Nourishing soil should be laid on top of the drainage layer.
  5. When planting in the ground, you can add a tablespoon of wood ash and superphosphate.
  6. The rooted cuttings should be carefully placed in a small depression, sprinkled with soil, and then watered.

Basic conditions

Le Rosemary is a violet for which it is necessary to create optimal conditions. This applies not only to watering, but also lighting, and temperature, and location. How to care for such a plant? The flowering and growth of violets depend on how proper care will be. You should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Violet violet, like other varieties, does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. As a result, severe burns may appear on the foliage.
  2. The place for such plants should be well lit, but the light should be diffused.
  3. In winter, an increase in daylight hours is required. For this, plants are simply illuminated with fluorescent lamps. Thanks to this, violets can bloom throughout the year.
  4. Such plants do not tolerate hypothermia. Therefore, in autumn and spring, when there is not enough heat on the windowsill, Le Rosemary's violets should be rearranged.
    le rosemary

Another condition is temperature

Violets require a certain temperature regime. For normal growth of such plants, this indicator should be from 20 to 22 Β° C. If a strong deviation from this temperature regime occurs, then the plants may begin to hurt.

It is worth noting that the content of violets on the windowsill is a great stress for them. Indeed, in this place, temperature changes occur quite often. For this reason, violets are recommended to be kept on shelves. It is possible to improve the conditions in the room for these plants with the help of water trays, ventilation and so on.

How to water violets

Another important step is watering. If you do not follow the rules, the plants will begin to die.

  1. Watering for violet Le Rosemary requires moderate: no more than two times a week.
  2. When watering, you can use both the upper and lower methods.
  3. In the upper method, it is necessary to pour water along the very edge of the pot. Such irrigation is considered ineffective, since the soil is moistened unevenly. In addition, there is a risk of moisture entering the violet outlet. Because of this, leaves may begin to rot.
  4. At lower watering, water is poured into a special pan, and then a pot of plants is placed in it. With this method, fertilizer can be added to the liquid. There should be a hole in the bottom of the violet bottle.
  5. To moisten the soil, it is worth using only settled water at room temperature.
  6. Violets should be periodically sprayed, and also wipe their foliage. After the procedure, the plant should be removed from the windowsill.
    violet le

Fertilizer application

Violet Le Rosemary needs regular nutrition. Fertilizer should be applied throughout the year. At the beginning of the active growth of foliage, nitrogen-based top dressing should be used. When buds form and bloom, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is required. In this case, the Kemira Suite complex is suitable.

You can also feed violets with special fertilizer, which is intended exclusively for these plants. Usually make it once a week with the lower method of watering. As for the recommended dosage, it should be reduced by half.


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