Projects of a house from a bar 10x10: main points, construction technology and material advantages

Projects of a house from 10x10 timber have a number of advantages. They have recently been in great demand, as in the modern world environmental friendliness is valued. Profiled timber itself is a very aesthetic material, for which there is no need to use additional finish. It is enough to simply treat the surface with special paints and varnishes, which will not only give the finished look to the room, but also protect it from deformation.

option of designing a house from a bar

Projects of a house from a bar 10x10 are represented quite varied. Such an area is enough to equip all the necessary rooms. The construction can be erected relatively quickly, especially if you compare the time with the technology of masonry. From the beam, if desired, you can make almost any structure in a certain building style. It can be both one-story and two-story buildings.

house of timber

The advantages of timber buildings

In suburban construction, a modern version of this material is very popular - glued beams. In the first place, of course, are criteria such as construction technology and technical specifications. Houses made of timber (10x10 projects), built several years ago, are indisputable confirmation of this. A lot is known about their benefits. The main ones are:

  • reasonable pricing policy;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • long term of operation;
  • high level of strength;
  • the practical absence of shrinkage and deformation;
  • natural regulation of humidity in the house;
  • quick and easy installation;
  • low thermal conductivity, etc.

Unique houses from profiled timber of various building styles are now decorating many suburban and suburban villages. The construction of houses and mansions from this material, in some way, has even become quite prestigious in some places. The unique appearance of such structures invariably attracts attention and they become more and more adherents.

Designing houses from timber: technology of work

Projects of a house made of 10x10 timber are quite simple. However, this work is best entrusted to specialists, since assembly requires impeccable adherence to the sequence of work. This approach will ensure full compliance with the technology, and also completely eliminate the likelihood of making mistakes, which as a result will significantly save building materials. This means that the efficiency will be much higher. A house of timber is being built in a few steps. At first, the foundation is laid, and after its readiness, walls and roofing are built.

projects of a house from a bar 10x10
After the construction is completed, the structures give a certain time for shrinkage. Then all other types of work are performed. The duration of shrinkage is determined by what material was used - dry or natural humidity. Houses made of timber (10x10 projects) built in accordance with all the rules are able to stand for a very long time. During the operation of such a structure, additional shrinkage, various deformations or distortions of the walls are practically eliminated. To a large extent this will be determined by the cross-section of the beam.

The arrangement of rooms is an individual matter. As a rule, several factors influence this criterion:

  • number of family members;
  • the needs of the owners;
  • taste preferences.

Timber House Projects: Highlights

Features of the material allow you to create a truly beautiful home with an original interior and exterior. They differ from buildings from ordinary logs not only in appearance, but also in the absence of a tendency to shrink. Projects of wooden houses from timber (10x10 photo see below) are a clear example of economical construction. When constructing such a building, there is no need to build a powerful foundation. It is enough to lay a lightweight strip foundation, since the wood structure is much lighter than the stone one. A house from a bar is being built on a finished foundation, without preparatory assembly and other types of preliminary work. This allows you to significantly reduce costs and construction costs.

houses from timber 10x10 projects


Projects of a house from a 10x10 bar with an attic are the most popular. The practicality of this room is obvious for many reasons. The second level of the house can be equipped in almost any option, based on the wishes of future owners. Here you can arrange convenient niches, racks, where things, books and other necessary items will be stored. Attic is able to become a favorite part of the house.

projects of wooden houses from timber photo 10x10
This room will contribute to better thermal insulation of the house. And thanks to the technical parameters of such walls, there is no need to install additional heating systems. Thus, in every room of the house from the beam will always be comfortable regardless of the time of year.


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