How to make a costume of Santa Claus with your own hands? How to sew a Snow Maiden costume with your own hands?

DIY Santa Claus costume

The warmest and most vivid memories come from childhood, and the most memorable of them are associated with the holidays. Particular feelings are caused by family celebrations such as the New Year. Of course, because the whole world celebrates it and the atmosphere of magic reigns around. And, of course, the good Grandfather Frost, who will award a gift for a poem and wish a happy New Year. Now, shortly before the holiday, announcements are posted everywhere, by contacting them, you can call this fairy-tale character for children and not just one, but without fail with the Snow Maiden. But sometimes such entertainment is not affordable, and I want to arrange fun for the kids. There is always a way out: you can buy or sew a costume of Santa Claus with your own hands.

how to sew a costume of Santa Claus

Correct image

There are so many diverse prototypes of the New Year’s elder now that you don’t even know what it should really be like. But this is a very ancient image. To begin with, it should be noted that his coat must certainly be red, but not blue or white. Although the latter also take place, since they have long taken root. The immediate attributes of the costume are a lush beard with a mustache, a belt, mittens, a hat, a staff and, of course, a bag with gifts. The beard should be white and long, at least to the middle of the chest. A belt, mittens and a bag are in tone with a fur coat, and the staff should shine and cause delight.

Creating a costume of Santa Claus with your own hands, do not forget about a large number of shiny jewelry and tinsel, the embroidery on the fur coat itself will look especially good and profitable. Do not forget about shoes, it can be felt boots or boots of white or red, blue, simple shoes will not work, because children are sometimes very resourceful. Such a grandfather will surely appeal to your children and leave the most pleasant memories. The Snow Maiden ’s New Year’s costume should also not yield to the beauty and richness of decoration, do not skimp on tinsel and rhinestones, and, as a rule, she wears a kokoshnik. Here are some images you need to achieve.

Fur coat of Santa Claus

we sew a suit of Santa Claus

So, the main part of the costume is a fur coat, where would a fairy tale begin without it. First of all, you should take measurements from the one who will wear the clothes you created, and based on them, decide how much fabric and braid will be needed. There will be seven details: two front shelves, sleeves, a back, a collar and a belt. A pattern of a suit of Santa Claus is created as a bathrobe with a smell and wide sleeves, try to do everything sequentially, as they say, measure seven times, cut once. First, according to the standards, draw on the sheets of paper or newspaper the first part, it will be the back. Select the middle and draw a line to the waist. Since the length of the product is too long, there is no need to prepare a piece of the same size, then, having applied it to the fabric, we already draw on it.

From above, at a right angle, draw a line equal to the width of the shoulders. Next, you need to draw a waist line, for this parallel to the top line draw a lower straight line at a distance equal to the length of the back to the waist. Connect the upper and lower lines in the likeness of a trapezoid and continue it downward, slightly expanding to the sides. To prepare the patterns of the sleeves, you need to know only two quantities - this is the length of the sleeve and its width. You should get two rectangles. To make two front parts, take the finished part of the back, fold it in half, circle and add 20 centimeters for the smell for the right and left parts.

A special pattern will be needed for the collar; it can be purchased at sewing goods stores. Remember that for him two details will be necessary - one of fabric, another of fur or synthetic winterizer. When all the paper patterns are ready, transfer them to the fabric and secure them with pins so that they do not move. Circle them with a chalk or a bar of soap, taking into account the allowances for the seams, after which you can cut.


The first step is to sweep everything away, put on an outfit for the one who will wear it, and mark the places where you have to trim or shorten. Then, if everything came up, we sew together, pre-treating the edges with a zigzag or with scissors so that the threads do not climb. We sew a suit of Santa Claus, of course, on a typewriter, the work is large and manual handling will be much more difficult. Sew the collar last.

DIY costume Snow Maiden


Sleeves, a collar and along the edge in front and along the hem are sheathed with synthetic winterizer or fur. The belt is made not too narrow, but long so that it can be wrapped around the waist twice, and fur can also be sewn at the ends. Instead of something fluffy, you can use a wide braid, but it will not look so beautiful. So, our fur coat is almost ready, it remains to decorate it with stars, they can be cut out from anything shiny, for example, from wrapping foil, in a pinch, there is always tinsel at hand. Ornaments can be glued, if not sorry, but you can also sew on. It is better to take fabric for a suit of Santa Claus dense, beautiful deep shades, it is good if it comes with embroidery or a printed pattern in the form of ice patterns. By the way, an old sheepskin coat or the same bathrobe will be suitable for the role of a fur coat, they will only need to be sheathed with fabric (this option is for those who are at odds with the cutting of material).

A separate talk about the beard

fabric for a suit of Santa Claus

A beard is an integral part of the image, you still have to work on it. There are many options out of which and how to make it. The simplest thing is to use cotton wool, for good reason they say "Santa Claus - a beard made of cotton wool."

But it still looks better thick hair from a wig or from artificial hair. So the fantasy will come in handy to create the very best Santa Claus costume with our own hands. Here is a sample list of possible materials: paper, gauze, fabric, synthetic winterizer, clothesline and fur. Do not forget to make elastic bands on the ears, our cotton-padded polyester construction will hold onto them.

Other details

It remains to make a hat, mittens, a staff and a bag for gifts. For the first one, you can take a ready-made hat, the size of which is suitable for someone who sews a suit. Next, simply sheathe the blank with fabric of the same color as the fur coat, and trim it with fur or cotton. There is no need to do a pompom, this is a detail of a foreign Santa Claus. But since you decided to make a costume of Santa Claus with your own hands completely and completely, then sew a hat yourself, it will not take you much time. As for mittens, you can take oven mitts as a basis, just circle 4 parts on the fabric and cut. Next, sew in pairs and twist, let the fur run along the edge and you're done. To make a staff, a stick from a mop or from country tools is perfect. Wrap sparkly garlands around it, and upstairs fit a styrofoam toy or top for the Christmas tree. It’s good if they will be in the shape of a star or snowflakes, but a simple ball will do. With a bag for gifts the least of problems: we cut out two rectangular cloths from a fabric, we connect and we sew. The costume of Santa Claus is almost ready, it remains to put everything together. And, of course, shoes. Here boots are best suited, as it will be problematic to choose boots in color.

Santa Claus Costume Pattern

Granddaughter Beauty

Our Grandfather does not go anywhere without his faithful companion - granddaughter. Of course, for a children's holiday you can get by with one frosty old man, but it is better if the Snow Maiden will please the children. She not only comes first, entertains children with round dances, songs and dances, but also plays the most important role. She calls on everyone to call Santa Claus with gifts, and the Snow Maiden can explain the rules of the New Year's games and help to light the Christmas tree. You can’t do without it at the holiday! All the clothes for the famous granddaughter and decoration can be either purchased at the store or made with your own hands.

The costume of the Snow Maiden is quite simple and consists of a dress or a dressing gown, a kokoshnik and boots or shoes. The main thing is that all this sparkles and sparkles, gives the image a fabulous sparkle.

christmas costume


Use the simplest cut, because the most important thing here is jewelry. You can take, as well as for a suit of Santa Claus, a bathrobe or already some finished product and sheathe it with a fabric of the desired color. Decorate the hem and sleeves with fur or cotton, come up with a wrap of light material. From the shiny foil, cut out the stars and snowflakes and glue them all along, add tinsel, you can use polystyrene or something similar to snow. A Snow Maiden costume for a girl, if you are preparing for a children's matinee at school or kindergarten, it is better to make it easier, because the kids move a lot, and some details can simply fly off.


This is the same important detail for the Snow Maiden, as for Santa Claus his beard. Without it, the image will be inferior.

Snow Maiden costume for girls

To make such a thing is not too difficult, you only need thick cardboard and a lot of all kinds of rhinestones, beads, tinsel, braid, sequins and beads. Prepare a template and cut the base from it, and then decorate as you want. You can string beads and beads on a thread, and already use this chain to make some kind of pattern. Braid or lace will still look good, glue them around the edge. Do not forget to mount so that the kokoshnik firmly rests on his head. Do not ignore the hanging decorations on the edges of the dressing, they will also look spectacular.

Some tips

Now you know how to sew a suit of Santa Claus, it remains to give some advice. Be sure to save all patterns, who knows when they may still be useful to you. Even if you sewed a suit for an adult, then all the patterns can be reduced and adjusted to fit the child. It is better to stick to superglue, it dries quickly and holds even heavy parts more reliably. If there was no shoe for the Snow Maiden, and it must be white, then just sew the leggings and pull them over the usual boots. The main thing - do not be discouraged, if something does not work out the first time, try to enjoy the process of creating costumes.


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