How to make an enema baby with constipation

It often happens that newborn babies have problems with their tummy, bloating, constipation, and intestinal colic appear . How to cope with all this mom? What to do to alleviate the condition of your child? If the baby is constantly observed constipation, then the doctor may advise you to make an enema. A child under three years old is allowed to do this only with the permission of the pediatrician. On her own, the mother has the right to do this procedure only if there is a high temperature, to bring it down, or if the constipation is caused by improper nutrition, for example, the milk mixture is not suitable . How to make an enema baby at home, so as not to harm? We will talk about this in the article.

how to make an enema baby

Your first aid kit should have everything you need:

  1. A set of rubber pears, bought in a pharmacy, of different sizes. They should have hard or soft tips.
  2. Esmarch's irrigator.

So, everything you need is at hand, now we will learn how to do an enema of the baby.

how to do an enema baby
Now you need to prepare the solution. Below we list their types that are used for enemas.

  1. Saline solution (half a teaspoon of salt in one glass of water)
  2. Soda solution (teaspoon of soda in a glass of water)
  3. Water with vegetable oil (2 tablespoons per liter of water)
  4. Soapy water (in a small amount of water dissolve a piece of baby soap).

If your baby is less than six months old, you can use as an emergency measure for constipation not an enema, but this way: insert a small oblong piece of baby soap into the anus . The effect is observed after a few minutes. But often it is impossible to resort to such a method, only occasionally.

How to put an enema baby

how to put an enema baby
Be sure to release excess air from the pear before using it. Before you make an enema baby, make sure that the water for the solution is the right temperature. Ideal 25-27 degrees. The baby needs to be put on the left barrel, the legs move to the tummy, part the buttocks, grease the tip with Vaseline or cream. With rotational movements, you need to enter the tip to a depth of about 2-3 cm. The contents of the enema should be released gradually. After injecting the solution, remove the tip from the rectum of the child, squeeze the buttocks of the baby to keep the fluid inside. Often the result can be seen almost immediately, but sometimes it takes 5-15 minutes.

Often, after an enema, you can observe a rather abundant stool, so you should prepare for this in advance and have the appropriate objects on hand.

What else do you need to know before you make an enema baby? For babies, use soft tips to avoid damaging the skin and not injuring the baby’s mucosa. At the age of 1 to 6 months, the volume of liquid should be 30-60 ml, and from 6 months to a year - 120-130 ml. Sometimes it may be that the enema does not give the desired result, but do not despair - you can try to do the procedure again after six hours.

Never make an independent decision to put an enema on a child. Do this only after consulting a pediatrician. Now you know how to make an enema baby. May your baby be healthy!


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