"Gifts of Autumn" - DIY craft. Ideas, description, workshop

So the warm summer ended, the golden season came, with which not only cold and rain came. Everyone can contemplate the real gifts of autumn. DIY craftsmanship of leaves, fruits and other natural material is an excellent entertainment for the child and parents, as well as the opportunity to keep a piece of the magic pore, decorating nature in the most amazing colors.

Prepare the natural material

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare material for crafts. Many begin to collect beautiful leaves, twigs and flowers in the summer, using not only the gifts of autumn in their masterpieces. DIY craftsmanship will then be more varied in colors and shades, as finding greenery in autumn is almost impossible.

DIY gifts DIY crafts

But if there is no such variety of materials - it does not matter! You can create a great composition from what is at hand at the moment. Collecting materials is a very exciting process! A leisurely walk in the park, where the child independently chooses the most beautiful leaves and chestnuts of a bizarre shape, acorns with hats and twigs with seeds of ash, will turn into an unforgettable adventure that the kid will remember with great pleasure and pride.

In addition, do not forget about the bright berries of mountain ash, pot-bellied dogrose and hawthorn. And velvety moss will not leave anyone indifferent, and imitation of grass from this natural material will help to create children's crafts “Gifts of Autumn” with their own hands very natural and unusual.

Additional materials and tools

Who doesn’t want to capture all the charm of a withering nature for a long memory and leave yourself a piece of Indian summer? Moreover, nothing supernatural is needed for this. Tools that will help to create an application or ikebana are in the portfolio of all students, and therefore in the house where there are children. An approximate list of tools and stationery, so that the DIY Gifts of Autumn do-it-yourself work for school, kindergarten or home collection, was created by skilled children and their parents, such as:

  • Stationery scissors - these can be ordinary straight lines or with curly blades, which are useful for creating original parts, neatly cutting and decorating the base of the craft.
  • Glue - PVA is traditionally used, but it is much more convenient to work with special pencils, because then even the smallest needleworker can apply it to the desired part.
  • Colored and wrapping paper, plain, corrugated or velor cardboard, whatman paper. It is not necessary to buy everything together, but, having thought about the future craft in advance, you must not forget to purchase everything for it in the store.
  • A variety of decorative elements from furniture departments are also useful. Eyes, beads, colored threads and wire will be useful here.

But there is no nature!

DIY gifts of autumn do-it-yourself to school

Alas, not everyone has the opportunity to pre-prepare the gifts of autumn. DIY craftsmanship with an autumn note does not have to be made of natural material! Fine products can be created from paper of different colors, choosing the colors typical for autumn: crimson, yellow and orange. And to make a volumetric composition, you can use clay, ordinary or polymer clay, salt dough. Numerous examples of workshops on creating vegetables, still lifes and other products from plastic material can be easily found in specialized literature. Then the craft "Gifts of Autumn" with his own hands from vegetables molded from clay or plasticine will please for a long time.

How to prepare natural material?

Autumn leaves, flowers are undoubtedly beautiful, but to preserve their colors in the finished work, it is not enough just to use them. Such an artwork will quickly fade, can rot or mold. To avoid this, the leaves and fruits must be thoroughly dried. The leaves are dried under pressure. This may be a book in which you need to put leaflets. But this method is longer. An ordinary iron will help speed up the process. Having dried each sheet, you can safely use the material for crafts.

Nuts, chestnuts and acorns, from which they make crafts on the theme "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands, it is better to clean from dirt and sand, and then also dry. If nuts are used for work, then you can not use them whole, but chop and remove the kernels from them, and from the shells you will get excellent bugs, ladybugs, mushroom hats and whatever your heart desires.

The earth under your feet

When the tools, the basic materials and, of course, the gifts of autumn, the handicraft (children and their parents will do it with pleasure with their own hands) are prepared, they need a solid foundation.

Little attention is paid to this issue in advance. And when the work is ready, many begin to think how to fix the result of creativity and painstaking work.

DIY DIY crafts for children

For different types of work, the design should also be not the same. So, an application is best designed in the form of a picture or a wall panel. Buying a separate frame is not necessary. To make it, you can also use improvised materials. Pasted around the perimeter with natural material, the work will receive a complete appearance. The frame made of natural wood will give the craft a natural look.

If the DIY Gifts of Autumn do-it-yourself school work, then at the exhibition it will most likely be on the table. Therefore, its base should be flat. The easiest way to fix the composition on a foam sheet or a special floristic oasis. And you can decorate an unsightly base with moss, leaves, pebbles or paper.

For the smallest

When you need to do DIY crafts "Gifts of Autumn" in the kindergarten, parents face a daunting task. However, there is nothing complicated! Preschool is not a talent competition. The most important thing is to give pleasure to children! Therefore, the work should be simple, vibrant and conspicuous.

Their creation should not pass by the child himself. And what could be nicer than working with parents?

crafts on the theme of the gifts of autumn do-it-yourself

Kids will love decorating the wreath with leaves and berries. To create it, you must first make the basis. For this purpose, you can use thin twigs that are interwoven with each other, forming a round frame. If there is no such material at hand, then twisting the old newspaper into a tube and wrapping it with tape or thread for reliability, it is also very easy to get a rim on which flowers are attached, bright yellow-orange foliage, small fruits or berry clusters.

Home decor

Autumn time is a time of plenty of fruit. Fragrant apples and pears, pot-bellied pumpkin and terracotta mountain ash. Why not create an autumn corner at home? To do this, you need very little - a little patience and love for needlework.

DIY crafts gifts of autumn in the kindergarten

Crafts "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands from vegetables is a great opportunity to satisfy not only gastronomic, but also aesthetic preferences. Of course, still lifes, bouquets and compositions from natural ingredients will not please the eye for long, but even a few days of pleasure are worth it.

The most suitable fruit for creating crafts on the autumn theme is a pumpkin. From it you can cut a wonderful vase, a candlestick and even a decorative carriage. Pumpkin can be decorated and make this home decoration even more original.

A very simple, but at the same time very cute and cozy interior item will turn out if you glue a transparent glass with colorful leaves. Putting a few twigs in it, we get a beautiful vase, and if you install a candle inside - a beautiful candlestick.

DIY gifts do-it-yourself gifts from vegetables

Textiles to help you!

If the withering of nature evokes sadness, and the craft, which also withers over time and becomes worthless, only exacerbates a bad mood, you need to create an autumn accessory made of fabric!

Felt is a great fabric for a variety of leaves. Carved maple, rounded oak, elegant willow and delicate birch leaves - like a living reminder of the bright autumn. A garland of such leaves on the window will make you forget about the spleen and bad mood.

Small pumpkins, sewn from colored rags of chintz and satin, will be a cute and funny accessory that gives a wonderful mood and pleasant memories of golden autumn!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21356/

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