Belvedere Palace in Peterhof: description, history, address, reviews of tourists and photos

Belvedere Palace in Peterhof is far from the beaten tourist routes. It is located in the area called Babi Gon. The strange name of the territory, according to experts, is derived from the Swedish word "Pappingondo" - a priest's parish, that is the name of these lands before they came under Russian rule.

Peterhof Athens

For a long time the area was not interested in the augusts. The first empress who found application to the Babigonsky heights was Elizabeth. At her request, an orchard was laid out. Paul erected a golden tent in it and rejoiced for a while. The heyday of the area began under Emperor Nicholas I.

During the reign of Nicholas I began the expansion of St. Petersburg, the active development of the Babi Gon, the improvement of the surrounding villages and territories around the Samsonievsky Canal. Where swamps used to be, gardens and alleys appeared, and villages received a classic layout with wide straight streets. The settlements were given the names of members of the imperial family - Maryino, Mishino, Sashino, etc.

The construction of the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof was preceded by the laying in 1851 of the church in the name of the holy martyr Tsarina Alexandra. Nicholas I had broad interests, including an excellent knowledge of architecture. Looking at the area, it was clear that the entire ensemble lacked a dominant structure.

Order house

For a long time, the Rural House of Command built in 1844, whose architect was A. Stackenschneider, played a dominant role at the Babigonsky Heights. The building was two-story, on the ground floor there was an office, an entrance hall and rooms for storing the instrument, the second floor was occupied by a large hall from the front.

The house was unusually beautiful, and the view from the second floor overlooking the surroundings is very impressive. It was in this place that Nicholas I decided to build the Belvedere Palace in Meadow Park (Peterhof). The emperor drew the sketch of the building himself; it is believed that the Erechtheion Temple in Athens was chosen as a role model.

belvedere palace in peterhof

Construction by inheritance

The Belvedere Palace in Peterhof began to be built in 1853, the work was delayed due to the outbreak of the Crimean War. Delivery of building materials has become extremely difficult. While the construction of the palace was unhurried, the house of command remained in place, although it interfered with the work. After the death of Emperor Nicholas I, the wooden clerical house was moved to Oranienbaumsky Descent, also a very similar building, built near the village of Nizino.

The construction of the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof’s Meadow Park ended in 1856. The project of the architect Stackenschneider is considered to be his best work. The pavilion repeats all the features of the ancient temple, after completion of work it was surrounded by sculptural groups, complementing the resemblance to ancient buildings. The building was the final stroke in the composition of Meadow Park. From the height of the second floor of the palace of Babigonsky Hill, a magnificent perspective opens up of the surrounding villages, the expanses of the Gulf of Finland, and in clear weather they open up to Kronstadt and St. Petersburg.

peterhof meadow park belvedere palace


The history of the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof under Alexander II received a romantic continuation. Probably, if the emperor knew what role this small building would play in his personal life, he would not have dismissed the proposals of the architect, but monarchs, like ordinary mortals, cannot look into the future. In this small pavilion, loving Alexander II found not just his second wife, but, probably, his heart.

The palace was built and became the decoration of Peterhof. The two-story building rests on a hewn granite base. The lower floor is surrounded by a spacious terrace, fenced with a cast-iron grating with a classic binding. The perimeter of the second floor is decorated with 28 columns of the Ionic order, made of Serdobol granite. Limiters between the columns are cast-iron grates.

A classic portico hovering above the front facade is supported by the caryatids of Serdobol granite. The master of granite work was Terebenev, he also performed a two-flight staircase leading to the garden from the main entrance. Six marble sculptures decorated it on both sides.

Allegory in sculpture

A bronze sculpture was installed on the pedestal in front of the portico - a gift to Nicholas I from the King of Prussia. The composition consisted of a reclining Scythian, in which a bloodthirsty leopard stuck its teeth. The dog defends the Scythian, clinging to the leopard's ear and pulling a huge cat away from the victim. It is believed that the sculptural allegory reflected the political situation: Russia is a Scythian, a leopard is Austria, and a dog is Prussia friendly to Russia.

Equestrian galvanoplastic sculptures were mounted on massive pedestals of Finnish granite in the garden, at the same distance from the entrance to the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof, the author of the models was Baron Klodt.

belvedere palace peterhof reviews

Palace space

According to the plan, the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof was to be used as a summer house. The description of the first floor can be started with the number of rooms, there are only three of them. The large white room is decorated with ten cannulated columns of Carrara marble and Corinthian capitals of luxurious carvings. Artificial white marble is used for wall cladding. Marble mosaics laid on the floor deserve special attention in the ballroom.

According to unconfirmed reports, it was excavated in the 18th century in the villa of Jupiter (Capri island), previously it belonged to the emperor Tiberius. The mosaic was acquired by the Countess Laval, in St. Petersburg the marble mosaic was purchased by Emperor Nicholas I. It was originally intended for the library of the Small Hermitage, but, thanks to the efforts of the architect Stackenschneider, it was placed in the Belvedere. How true this story is is still unknown, there is no documentary evidence.

Near the hall there are two small rooms for the sovereign and sovereign. The floors are connected by an openwork cast-iron staircase and a lifting chair. On the upper level is one large hall and several rooms. From the terrace of the second floor, as during the time of Nicholas I and Alexander II, a view of Lugovoi Park, the Gulf of Finland and a slightly changed silhouette of St. Petersburg and Kronstadt opens.

Peterhof Palace Belvedere Description

Kings can do everything

Thanks to the imperial passion, the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof went down in history. Princess Ekaterina Dolgorukaya was introduced to Alexander II at the age of 10. The girl's father died, leaving the family only debts and the mortgaged family estate Teplovka. The prince distinguished himself in many battles. The emperor took care of the estate and the costs of educating the six heirs of the ancient clan Dolgoruky. Princess Catherine went to comprehend science at the Smolny Institute.

Alexander II arrived on a visit to the pupils of Smolny that year when the girl was 18 years old. Probably young Catherine defeated the king. His visits to the institute became frequent, the conversations were lengthy, and his walks more private. At some point, the emperor confessed his feelings or hinted at them. One way or another, Catherine was on a first date at the Belvedere Palace of Peterhof.

After the night, the fate of both was decided. Despite the bonds of marriage, Alexander began to consider Princess Dolgorukaya his wife before God. Neither the thirty-year age difference nor the difference in social status prevented their mutual feeling. During the life of the first wife - Empress Maria, the monarch ordered to allocate chambers for the permanent residence of Catherine in the Winter Palace. By that time they already had common children. The situation caused a storm of emotions and indignation in the retinue, but nothing could be done.

peterhof belvedere palace history reviews

Unfulfilled plan

After the death of his wife, without waiting for the deadline for mourning, Alexander II married Princess Dolgoruky. The marriage took place 16 years after the first meeting. The sacrament of weddings was held in the chapel of Tsarskoye Selo. The emperor wanted to crown his beloved wife, the date of the event was already set. On the day of the coronation, it was planned to announce the Constitution in Russia. Also, the plans included abandoning the throne and leaving Russia in order to survive a century in the company of children and a wife.

But the millstones of history were already creating another reality - a bomb was thrown under the feet of Alexander II with the hands of Narodnaya Volya Grinevetsky. The king died without realizing his beautiful plan. Princess Dolgorukaya after the death of the emperor lived another 40 years. Some of them are in Nice, where she was buried. By that time, a revolution was already striding across Russia.

belvedere palace in peterhof photo

From revolution to modernity

After 1917, all the property of the royal family was nationalized, the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof suffered the same story. Photos of the post-revolutionary time tell us that a sanatorium for workers was arranged in it.

During the war years, the Belvedere, built at a strategic height, was to be destroyed. Fortunately, having suffered greatly, the palace survived, the layout of the park was destroyed. The sculptures that adorned the stairs disappeared, and their fate is unknown. Equestrian statues of Klodt also disappeared, they are said to be either buried in the Meadow Park near the palace, or taken to Germany. The pedestal on which the sculptural group donated by the Prussian king was kept intact.

Belvedere restoration work was carried out under the direction of architect D. Krasovsky in 1953-1954. After that, a rest house opened in its walls. In the same period, redevelopment of Babigonsky hill was made and a semicircular building was built, repeating the shape of the once existing royal pergola.

belvedere palace in peterhof address

Second Life

At the next demise, in the 90s of the 20th century, the Belvedere Palace began to slowly collapse. The rich history of the magnificent palace could not go unnoticed, and the buildings - orphaned. The company "Peter Peter Golf" received the right to rent the complex and build a hotel, the main condition of the contract was a complete restoration of the palace. They approached the matter with full responsibility and reconstruction work was done under the patronage of the architect E.P. Sevastyanov.

Today you can almost unimpededly admire the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof. The address of the hotel complex with restaurant is Meadow Park, Belvedere Palace. To evaluate the architecture and find out the details of the history of the creation of a masterpiece, it is worth signing up for an excursion. Single tourists in private areas are not very welcome, but they do not pose any special obstacles. But in the composition of the group, each participant will not only be interested, but a certain share of freedom will be added for sightseeing.

Today, weddings and other celebrations are held in the Belvedere, the hotel welcomes guests. The park is in a somewhat neglected state, but its picturesqueness from this, according to some visitors, has acquired additional charm. This palace has never been in the spotlight and today is not known to all lovers of antiquity. It is all the more interesting to learn romantic details from monarchical life and admire the perfection of architectural forms.

belvedere palace in peterhof description history


Reviews about Belvedere Palace in Peterhof are few visitors. Tourists note that the building, charming in its architecture, deserves close attention. Approaching the Babigonsky heights, many noted that it looks as if soaring over the entire space of Lugovoi Park, is its decoration.

The architecture of the building caused a lot of enthusiasm, even sophisticated Petersburgers believe that everyone should see this miracle. In addition, there is no bustle, crowds of tourists, and hustle and bustle of excursion groups that are familiar to the city. Once in the Meadow Park, the visitor is immersed in the beauty of nature, and when he reaches the palace, he does not lose the ability to appreciate the luxury and restraint of a classic building.

To learn more

Those who took advantage of the offers of excursion programs, in addition to aesthetic delights, received a detailed story about the history of the construction of the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof. Reviews of tourists highly appreciate the taste and talent of Emperor Nicholas I and the architect Stackenschneider. The romantic story of the monarch Alexander II did not leave anyone indifferent and made it clear that life makes surprises not only a mere mortal, but the memory of a great feeling is able to be stored even in stone.

Negative reviews about the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof do not exist or have not yet been written. The history of the architectural monument makes a deep impression. It is a pity for the lost sculptures, many wish that Lugovoi Park be recreated in the form in which it was conceived and seen by Russian architects and monarchs.

General impressions

In general, visitors considered that the transfer of the historic building to private hands benefited him, because it could simply collapse by the time the state had the means to restore and restore it. Regrets are expressed that the road to the park and the building is inconvenient, there are few signs and you have to independently seek out the opportunity to enter the territory.

peterhof belvedere palace history

The opening hours of the Belvedere Palace in Peterhof do not exist, since it is not the object of excursion programs. On this territory, including in the palace itself, various events, weddings are held, guests stay at the hotel. Inspection and photography of the monument is possible only with the permission of the company administration.


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