What to present on a wedding anniversary? Original ideas

Not sure what to give for your wedding anniversary ? It seems to you that presenting figurines is stupid? Think about those things that will be useful to the newlyweds. What could it be? Perhaps the couple shared their plans and dreams with you. Try to implement them. Well, if all the same, nothing comes to mind, then read the article and look for inspiration in it.

Set of glasses

wedding anniversary gifts

Dishes are a good gift. She is always needed, especially glasses and glasses. Glass and crystal often break. And putting on the table glasses of different stripes is ugly. Therefore, facilitate the task of the newlyweds. They will not have to run around the shops and look for places where you can buy a beautiful set cheaper. And you do not have to wonder what to give on your wedding anniversary. If your friends do not drink alcoholic beverages, then give glasses for juice or cocktails. Options may be different. Indeed, for each drink you need a separate glass. And not everyone has the opportunity to buy such a variety.

Plate set

Beautiful dishes always cause appetite. Therefore, if you are still wondering what to present for your wedding anniversary, present a set of plates. They may be different. If you go to friends who prefer the classics, then it is better to buy beautiful plates with a simple pattern. If the couple has a refined taste, you can present the dishes of a non-trivial form.

Pay attention to square or oval plates. Regarding design, one should also rely not on one’s own taste, but on the opinion of the donee. If a married couple is close to you, then you have an idea of ​​what style their dishes are designed for. Perhaps they will like plates made of black glass, or maybe they will more like dishes with a folk ornament.

Photo album

gifts for friends on their wedding anniversary

Not sure what to give for your wedding anniversary? Before the holiday, ask if the young family printed photos from their wedding. This may sound strange, but many people do not find the time to make out beautiful photos. Indeed, on a solemn day, more than 1000 were made. To sort through all these beautiful pictures is not an easy task.

And printing a large number of photos is an overhead venture. Therefore, you can take on this care. True, such a gift cannot be made a surprise. After all, wedding photos should not be selected by you, but by the newlyweds. But, in any case, the gift will definitely be needed. Your task is to buy a large album and beautifully place photographs in it.

Photo Frame

Deciding what to present to your friends on your wedding anniversary? Get a beautiful photo frame. This may not be the main gift, but a small souvenir. A beautiful frame that can be put on a shelf can decorate any interior. But this will only happen if you choose it correctly for the style of the room. You can present not only one photo frame, but also a whole collage of them.

In this case, you should choose such a framework in which you can insert photos of a standard size of 10x15 cm. Otherwise, the newlyweds may have a problem with the mismatch of formats. If you are afraid to miscalculate with the style of the gift, get a decorative item in classic - black or white colors.

Massage trip

What to give for a wedding anniversary 1 year

One of the best gifts for a married couple is a joint vacation. If you are wondering what to give for your wedding anniversary, 1 year, then consider purchasing a certificate for massage. People rarely go to such pleasant procedures. They are sorry to spend both money and time on this.

Well, if you offer them a certificate, then they will be able to carve out two hours in order to devote this time to themselves. Couples should not forget that from time to time you need to relax, not only with your soul, but also with your body. But the tension and stress that we experience every day tend to accumulate and then can be expressed in muscle clamps.


You can’t figure out what to give your wife on your wedding anniversary? Present her jewelry. Lovely trinkets will appeal to any girl. Men rarely pamper their beloved with beautiful, but impractical gifts. But cute rings, bracelets and chains can raise not only mood, but also self-esteem.

A girl who is beautifully dressed, feels better and more confident. A wife who receives earrings from her husband will be pleasantly surprised. Indeed, most often married men give their soul mates more practical gifts, for example, microwave ovens or pans.

Spa Certificate

What to give for 1 wedding anniversary? Present a recent honeymoon trip to the spa. Such an event will help the couple relax and be alone with each other. Even if young people live separately from their parents, they still rarely manage to spend the whole day together.

At the weekend, I want to meet friends or go to some social event. Therefore, going to the spa will be tantamount to a small resort. Warm baths, pools and a jacuzzi will help to relax and look at the soulmate with love and tenderness.

Restaurant Certificate

what to give for the first wedding anniversary

Many couples try to save on everything. After all, you need to save money on a mortgage, and if you have your own apartment you need to start saving for a child. In such a routine, romance is simply not the place. Therefore, a wife who thinks about what to give her husband on their wedding anniversary can opt for a certificate in a restaurant.

Men are more prudent, and they may not have the courage to easily take money from the family budget. But women often do crazy things that help make gray everyday life interesting. Remember that there is only one life, and putting it off until tomorrow is not worth it. You will always miss something for complete happiness. Know how to enjoy what you have.


what to give parents on their wedding anniversary

If the wife does not know what to give her husband on their wedding anniversary, then she can surprise him with a culinary masterpiece. Bake a delicious cake. This should not be a simple biscuit, which is prepared in 10 minutes. Try to spend as much time cooking as the dish requires. Do not be afraid that you may not succeed. Most recipes only look intimidating, but in fact, everything is elementary. Do not forget to decorate your culinary masterpiece. For this purpose, you can use mastic, cream or whipped cream.

If you don’t feel like standing at the stove, you can order a cake in a pastry shop. Today there are many different baking options. Choose your husband’s favorite sweet, ask the pastry chef to experiment with toppings and decoration.

Horse ride

Want to surprise your friends? What can be presented on an unusual wedding anniversary? For example, it could be a horse ride. It is said that communication with horses can cure a lot of human diseases. Believe it or not - each person decides for himself. But the fact that a free-walk in the picturesque surroundings can improve well-being and cheer you up is a fact.

It is especially cool to ride next to your loved one. If your friends are well-kept in the saddle, then you can rent for two or three hours a couple of horses. Well, if your friends have never ridden horses, you can order the services of instructors in the horse yard.

Hang gliding

what to give for 1 wedding anniversary

If your parents are young and looking for adventure, then they will definitely like an unusual present. What could it be? Hang glider flight. Probably everyone dreamed of jumping with a parachute. But not many realized this desire. Therefore, if you still think what to give to parents for 1 wedding anniversary, present thrills.

Hang gliding is much safer than a parachute jump. Of course, a person can break something for himself, but this is more an exception than a rule. If you follow the instructions of the instructor and jump from a not very high mountain, you can get a lot of new sensations, find out what a flight is, and at the same time stay alive and healthy.


what to give parents on their wedding anniversary

Is wedding anniversary coming soon? What to gift? A year of living together is already a considerable period. Many couples break up earlier, because they can not stand the test of everyday life. But if people lived a year in love and happiness, then their further life together would be successful.

If you believe in traditions and customs, you can present bedding to newlyweds. Firstly, this is the right gift, and secondly, the first anniversary is called chintseva. Therefore, traditionally people give gifts from this material. But it is not necessary to present just the bedding. You can buy new curtains, a tablecloth and even a plaid. Choose what a married couple needs.


Quality things are good gifts. Many people do not pay attention to how they sleep and on what. But the pose in which a person is sleeping directly affects his well-being, vitality and health. Therefore, if you can’t decide what to give for the first wedding anniversary, present good pillows. You can choose something orthopedic. Such pillows will be relevant for those people whose profession is associated with sedentary work. A person who spends all day at the computer sooner or later gets problems with his neck. But in order not to fix the problems, they can be prevented if you play sports and sleep on the right pillow.

You can also give not functional, but decorative things. For example, beautiful pillows on the sofa. You need to pick up such things for the interior of a married couple. And also you can make an original gift and order pillows in the form of the initials of your friends or in the form of their names. And you can present paired pillows. For example, it can be two halves of the heart, which with the help of Velcro can turn into one big soft toy.


A universal gift for any holiday is an experience. You can purchase tickets for any upcoming event that your friends should definitely like. What could it be? Perhaps your acquaintance couple loves some kind of musical group. Or maybe your friends will want to attend the premiere, which will be shown at the theater next week.

People have different tastes, so you should know people well to give them tickets. If you can’t decide for yourself or don’t know what numbers your friends will have the weekend, give them a certificate. They will be able to cash it out by choosing the event that they like.


People love useful presentations. Therefore, it is advisable to know in advance from your acquaintance a married couple what exactly they need. People always lack something for happiness. It can be an iron, a mixer or a shoe dryer. It seems, why the family cannot buy such trifles independently? Not always enough time to get to the store and make a solid choice. After all, it is one thing to just buy an iron, and quite another to choose a good model that will last at least five years.

If you don’t know what technology can be presented on your wedding anniversary, you can buy any technical novelty. It can be an air humidifier, an aroma lamp or an interesting night light that turns off from cotton. Many people consider such things as excesses, so they do not buy them for themselves.

Exotic tree

The original anniversary gift is plants. You can give flowers, but it will not be so interesting. Present an exotic tree. You can give tangerine or lemon. In addition to the fact that such a plant can decorate any interior, it will also bear fruit from time to time. Agree, it's nice to eat tangerines that have just been picked from a branch. When you present a tree, you can give it a name. With such a non-trivial approach, it may turn out that the newlyweds will consider their exotic plant a friend. And you, coming to their home, may be interested in the condition and health of the plant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21359/

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