Tomato apple tree of Russia - a variety for the lazy

The Yablonka of Russia tomato is an excellent option for those who want to get a big harvest without spending a lot of effort and time to care. An excellent early ripening variety, from the time of germination to the first harvest only 85-100 days will pass. Therefore, if you want to feast on your tomatoes in June, you should sow the seeds in early March. Tomato "Apple of Russia" is intended for planting in open ground, but can be grown in a greenhouse.

The amount of harvest will depend on the conditions of care and the place of planting. One bush planted in the open field will bring about 5.5 kilograms of fruit, and planted under a film shelter can give 2-3 kilograms more. Therefore, you can independently choose which crop you want to receive.

Tomato "Apple of Russia" is a universal variety intended for consumption, both fresh and canned. Tomatoes "Apple of Russia" will delight gardeners with rounded fruits, weighing 80-100 grams each, with an even bright red color. Fruits with a strong skin and dense pulp fit well in jars and do not crack during growth and during heat treatment.

Tomato "Apple of Russia" - a standard variety, the height of the plant reaches a maximum of 80 centimeters. Having planted this variety of tomatoes, you will forget about such work as pinching. In this case, this is not required. The variety is very unpretentious in care and does not require constant attention. When planting tomatoes, light and well-fertilized soils should be preferred. If you do not change the land intended for planting every season, then you should know the best predecessors for tomatoes. They are onions, beans, carrots, cabbage and cucumbers.

Before planting, the seeds must be processed in a weak solution of manganese, followed by washing under running water. Dive tomato seedlings twice. The first time we transplant seedlings into deeper pots, as soon as 1 or 2 true leaves appeared on the plant. We carry out the second transplant when the plant becomes crowded in a small container. Most often, the second pick is carried out about 30 days before the seedlings are planted in open ground.

A week before planting, you should begin to temper the seedlings. Do not transplant seedlings into the ground until the threat of frost has passed. The beginning of June is perfect for transplanting adult seedlings to a permanent place. At this point, her age reached 60-70 days. Do not thicken the landing. An excellent scheme for which you need to plant seedlings of 70x40 centimeters is perfect.

All subsequent care will consist of weeding the beds, regular watering and several top dressing. If you distill the first weeds and then mulch the soil, then weeding is not required. You can also spend less time and effort on watering. To do this, you need to make a system of drip irrigation of plants. You can draw old and leaky hoses through the ridges by connecting them to a pipe with water.

A good option would be to use empty plastic bottles. For every two bushes of tomatoes you will need one two-liter bottle of water. We make several holes in the bottom, press the bottle into the ground and turn it slightly in any direction so that the holes are covered with earth. Pour a nutrient solution or water into the bottle and forget about watering for a whole week. This method of irrigation feeds only the roots of tomatoes and is not spent on watering weeds.

This tomato variety can not be tied. The bushes are low and strong. The fruits ripen together. You can shoot them in green and leave them to ripen at home or wait for ripening on the bush. Once you have planted the Yablonka Rossii tomato, you will give it only positive feedback and advise your friends and acquaintances.


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