Air purifier for tobacco smoke. How to choose an air purifier for an apartment

Climatic equipment for washing air helps to effectively deal with various kinds of pollution. Most modern cleaners of this type work with tobacco smoke and dust, as well as eliminate bacteria and introduce beneficial ionizing components into the air. In this case, the air purifier for the apartment itself is small and consumes a minimum amount of electricity.

tobacco smoke air purifier

Device Overview

The standard design of such models is a combination of a filtration unit and a fan. In the process, the latter tightens the air masses, which are processed in the filter membranes and exit back into the room without harmful particles. But if a conventional air purifier from tobacco smoke delays mostly the smallest elements of dirt and dust with ashes, then more advanced versions in addition can produce negative ions that positively affect human health.

There are modifications that are integrated into air conditioning systems. They work on the principle of supply equipment, not just purifying the home air, but also taking the streams from the street, pre-filtering them. There are also multifunctional air purifiers from tobacco smoke for the home, which, in addition to washing, perform humidification. To do this, small containers with evaporating water are provided in the enclosures of the devices - the steam is formed and helps moisturize dry air.

apartment air purifier

Varieties of filters

Regardless of what functionality the purifier is provided with, the effectiveness of its washing abilities will be determined by the quality of the filtration component. The simplest mesh membranes, for example, are able to capture large objects. Among them may be wool or large particles of dust. Electrostatic filters in the form of platinum act on the principle of attraction to negatively charged elements. That is, such systems successfully work with the smallest positively charged elements. Standard household air purifiers for tobacco smoke are usually supplied with carbon membranes that adsorb harmful gases and odors. The HEPA filter, which also retains a variety of dust with allergens, performs similar functions. If, in addition, you need to provide protection against viruses with bacteria, then you should look at photocatalytic filters, the principle of which is based on ultraviolet radiation.

Basic selection options

home smoke purifiers

The power of the device is one of the main characteristics that determine its performance. In typical home models, it averages 10-14 watts. If you choose an air purifier for the office from tobacco smoke, then you should provide a model for 25-30 watts. The difference will be in the speed of the ventilation effect and the ability to serve the premises of different areas. For example, a home modification of 14 W is usually designed for rooms up to 25 m 2 . In turn, 30 W air washers are able to efficiently and quickly carry out their task in halls and classrooms with an area of ​​up to 60-70 m 2 .

As for the cleaning intensity, this value also depends on the power and is indicated in the documentation. The same home models usually pass 120 m 3 of air in one hour, and office modifications - more than 150 m 3 . Therefore, mainly an air purifier from tobacco smoke should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the room in which it will be used. Next, attention is drawn to the presence of auxiliary options.

Additional functionality

household smoke purifiers

In terms of optional support, control tools, the number of operating modes, special formats of air washing, etc. should be taken into account. With regard to control and monitoring, it will not be out of place to provide for the LED display, indicators of operating parameters, a timer and a speed controller in the device. By the way, among the modes, the self-cleaning program and the possibility of controlled night operation deserve the most attention. In addition, the air purifier from tobacco smoke in modern versions also provides pre-filtering, oxidation of contaminants and the possibility of the combined use of several membranes to delay particles of various types.

Air purifier manufacturers

Practically all companies represented in the segment of HVAC equipment are engaged in the development and production of air purifiers. The largest and most reliable manufacturers of such devices include Ballu, Mitsubishi, Daikin and Panasonic. Highly specialized developments are represented by the brands Timberk, iFresh and NeoClima. As for domestic manufacturers, the most attractive models in terms of quality and technological equipment are offered by Enkor. At a price, an air purifier for an apartment from a manufacturer of the Ballu level is about 10-12 thousand rubles. If we are talking about a multifunctional device with the presence of a modern optional specialized brand Timberk, then the price tag can reach 25 thousand. Budget inexpensive models of decent quality should be looked for in the Enkor family.


office smoke purifier

Air washers are part of the mandatory set of climatic equipment in a modern house. This function can be provided in both air conditioners and humidification systems, but according to user reviews, the best effect is still shown by individual devices. For example, an air purifier from tobacco smoke from the middle segment will allow you to refresh the space in a short period of time, making it more useful for owners and pets. Depending on the modification and functional support, such a device will be able to correct other microclimate parameters as well. And if you connect the device to the general infrastructure of climate and heating devices, then the cleaning control will be completely carried out automatically without user intervention.


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