Lunar calendar planting vegetables and flowers. Gardener calendar

For quite some time now, many owners of vegetable gardens and gardens have known that there is one natural factor that affects the growth and development of plants, as well as crop yields. It is associated with the phases of the moon. It turned out that they have a fairly powerful effect on both growth and the development of flowers and vegetables. In order to properly use this influence all year round, gardeners and summer residents do not need to peer into the night sky all the time. This is indicated by the lunar landing calendar, compiled by specialists for each year. Those who hope to get a good crop of vegetables are advised not to forget and look into it daily. Every day it defines specific work in the garden and in the garden.

sowing calendar

Biodynamic method for crop production

With whom did not happen such a state when you wake up at the wrong time, get up "from the wrong foot"? As a result, a person feels annoyed and overwhelmed all day, and things often in this situation go wrong. Experts explain this condition by the fact that people break the usual rhythm. In short, the person woke up or was awakened in a phase unsuitable for sleep. Something similar happens with flowers or garden plants. Each vegetable crop, each seed has its own, established rhythm by nature. Therefore, at the wrong time, the “awakened” plant will wither away, get sick, and bear few fruits. The biodynamic method of growing garden crops teaches a person to harmoniously fit into the natural rhythms of plant life , and the hours by which people follow them are phases of the moon.

Do I need to use the landing calendar

Regarding such a peculiar "cheat sheet" for gardeners, specialists have been a heated argument for quite some time. Some say that it is often erroneous, while others believe that it is the lunar planting calendar that contributes to high plant yields. Anyway, most summer residents still use it.

The gardener's calendar helps determine the right time to carry out various agricultural activities. After all, it is the Moon, as has already been scientifically proven, that has the strongest influence on all living organisms in nature. For twenty-eight days, it goes through the phases of all twelve signs of the zodiac, in each of them being two to three days. It is on the basis of this that the gardener's calendar is compiled indicating all the favorable and, on the contrary, not recommended days for agricultural work. How is this done?

The landing calendar is developed by specialists, taking into account many factors. First of all, it reflects all the features of the rhythms of growth and development of specific vegetable crops, the moon phase, its passage of the zodiac signs and the changing distance between the Earth and its satellite every year. Thanks to all these characteristics, the planting calendar helps the grower, without additional costs, both physical and material, receive up to thirty percent of the crop more than usual. With it, you can learn a lot of useful things. Gardeners become aware of the most favorable days for planting each particular crop, as well as the time when they should engage in certain agricultural activities.

garden work

Some useful information from history

The planting calendar, which gardeners use today, began to be compiled in antiquity by the method of long-term observations of how the Moon affects all life, including every representative of the flora. Our ancestors noticed that the different phases of the Earth’s satellite have not exactly the same effect on both the growth and development of plants. It was also noted that the new moon and the full moon are not very favorable days for planting or transplanting vegetable crops.

The fact is that when the moon is in full phase, the plants most of the juices are concentrated in their upper part - the stem and fruits. As for the new moon, here it is the other way around. The concentration of juices at this time is observed in the underground part - roots and tubers. As a rule, the seeds and seedlings that are placed in the ground with the growing moon are “programmed” for more active upward growth and the development of the terrestrial components of the plant, while those that were planted during the waning phase of the satellite have the opposite tendency - they emphasize on everything in the soil.

Moon phases

Therefore, the planting calendar recommends that gardeners and gardeners sow with the growing moon those plants that have above-ground fruits. In this case, root crops need to be planted in a decreasing phase. Judging by the reviews, adhering to this golden rule and observing agricultural standards, it is quite possible to count on a rich harvest.

How zodiac signs affect plant growth

A calendar for planting seedlings or seeds drawn up taking into account the above factors will help the gardener to grow an excellent crop. But there is one more circumstance that needs to be taken into account. When working in a garden or orchard, in addition to the moon phase, it is also important to know which zodiac constellation it is currently in. The fact is that the signs of the zodiac are divided into fertile, medium and infertile. Let's consider them in detail. Cancer, as well as Scorpio and Pisces are considered fertile. The middle ones are Taurus, Libra, as well as Sagittarius and Capricorn. Barren signs are all the rest, i.e. Aries, Virgo, Gemini, Leo and Aquarius. You can guess that all the work in the garden and the garden while the moon is in the fertile zodiac constellation (taking into account the phases) lead to a high yield.

More details about the phases of the moon

Briefly, they can be described as follows. The new moon is the most unsuccessful and unfavorable time for any garden work. In this phase, nothing needs to be planted and transplanted. It lasts three days: the day before, the new moon itself and the day after. In the growing phase, the moon not only grows itself, but also draws up the juices and energy of plants. This time is considered by experts as the best period for working with those plants in which the fruits ripen above the ground.

Lunar calendar of plantings of vegetables for the current year

These are various types of greens and herbs, all fruits, vegetables and, of course, flowers. They can be planted and transplanted, planted, etc. The third phase - the full moon - also lasts three days. The calendar of planting flowers and plants during this period does not recommend carrying out planting and transplanting work. You can do weeding, fertilize the soil, and treat the garden from pests. During the waning moon, all the juices and energy seem to be directed down to the roots, which is why gardeners are advised to “work” only with root crops and bulbs.

Many are interested in what the "first quarter" and "third quarter" of the lunar calendar mean. The fact is that after the new moon, the Earth’s satellite begins to grow. At this time in the sky you can see how his sickle is gradually increasing. At some point, it turns out that half of the disk is illuminated by a person, while the other is practically invisible. This phase of the synodic lunar month is commonly called the "first quarter." As for the third, it is its mirror image. A person in this period again sees only half the moon, but this is already a waning, "aging" phase.

January 2018

The first month according to the lunar calendar of the gardener is excellent for carrying out basic work in greenhouses and greenhouses. However, at home, on the windowsills, in January you can start breaking down mini-gardening plants: sow greens, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers for the first seedlings. On ideal short winter days, add a few more hours of “artificial sun” to the planting material - electric bulbs.

So you can speed up the forcing of seedlings, making it stronger. In January 2018, the following favorable days were established for planting vegetable seeds: on the 10-11th, you can start planting celery on the root, strawberries and leeks. The planting calendar recommends January 12 to deal with tomatoes, basil, eggplant and late pepper for seedlings. Then you need to give a break. January 20-21 is the time for pepper, arugula and watercress, 27-28 - zucchini and zucchini for growing in hotbeds. In the last two days, onions and chicory can be again.

Dates of favorable days for planting crops

The planting calendar for January highlights the following planting days for flowering pets: on the 12th, 20th and 21st, you can work with geraniums and begonias. 4-15 there comes a favorable time for planting bulbs of crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils. 25-26 are days for seedlings of flowering annuals and perennials. January 29 - favorable days for coleus, geranium and begonia. The periods of the new and full Moon are the times of enhanced interaction between the Sun and the Earth's satellite. At this time, it is not recommended to plant seeds and generally deal with plants. January 1, 2, 3, 17, 18 and 3 are unfavorable days for planting seeds.

February Landing Calendar

The second month of the year is the period when gardeners need to harden the seed, sort the seeds and disinfect them. You can start growing seedlings.

To do this, dry and warm the seeds a little. In February, you can already sow seedlings with sweet pepper and eggplant. In the heated greenhouses, gardeners this month begin growing head and leaf lettuces. If climatic conditions allow, then in February, in open ground, you can put radish, radish, leek, kohlrabi, carrots, spinach and celery.

Rules for planting pepper seeds for seedlings on the lunar calendar

It has long been determined by man that when planting garden crops, the lunar phases will best help. For this, there is a special calendar for planting vegetables, which indicates all the most favorable or unfavorable days. Planting pepper for seedlings, as a rule, does not begin in the spring, as many citizens may think. The most active measures should be carried out already from January - February. It was during this period that the gardener should start updating the seeds at hand. According to the lunar sowing calendar, the most favorable days for such work are those when the moon is in such zodiac signs as Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer. At the same time, when planting pepper for seedlings, other important points should be taken into account. It must be remembered that the very first stage for growing this vegetable crop is not the placement of seeds in the ground, but the moment they come into contact with water, especially when they are pre-soaked. This time should fall on the most favorable day according to the lunar calendar.

It is important to carefully calculate the day of sowing the seeds so that it falls into the correct phase. If you follow this principle, then you can qualitatively improve and increase the future yield of this vegetable crop.

Bell pepper

Exact dates

The pepper planting calendar in 2018 recommends starting to grow seedlings of this garden plant from the second half of the last month of winter. It is best to devote one of the auspicious days on March 14, 16 or 23 to this agrotechnical event. Peppers can also be planted on 3, 4, 12, 14, and 20, as well as on the last two days of the last winter month of 2018. In April, seedlings of this vegetable crop are recommended to be devoted on the 9th, 11th and 18th, as well as the period falling on 26-28.

When to plant tomatoes and cucumbers for seedlings in 2018

So, if the seeds are already available, and the containers are prepared, the gardener only needs to wait for sowing favorable days. Those who plan to grow tomatoes in the greenhouse should start agricultural activities from the end of February until the middle of March. This is the best time for planting seeds. It should be remembered that they should be soaked per day in warm water.

The planting calendar for tomatoes notes the following favorable for sowing seeds: in February - 18-20, 25-28 numbers, in March - 1, and then from 17 to 20 and 24-28 days. Under optimal conditions, in particular with high humidity and temperature conditions of +25 ... + 27 ° C, seedlings will not keep you waiting. They will appear already on the fifth - eighth day after sowing. And two to three weeks after germination, the seedlings should have up to two true leaves.

seedlings for planting

In February 2018, the best days for planting cucumbers for seedlings are the periods from 16 to 18, 21, 22, 25 and 26 of the day. In March, appropriate agricultural activities should be carried out only in the last decade: 20, 21, from the 24th to the 26th. Unfavorable days for planting cucumbers in February are the 1st, 3rd, 9th, 10th and 15th.

The implementation of appropriate work in periods favorable to the lunar calendar allows gardeners to get a good harvest of these delicious vegetables. Conversely, on days marked in black, do not plant cucumbers. Planting calendar is a great tip for gardeners, so do not neglect them.

Indoor plants - work on the phases of the moon

People were able to gradually systematize their phenological observations. As a result, a lunar calendar appeared that helps a person choose the best dates for plant transplantation, fruit harvesting, watering, pruning and pinching his pets.

The knowledge accumulated over many years, combined with useful observations, allows specialists to compile annually the lunar calendar, which indicates all the favorable dates suitable for transplantation and reproduction, for the supply of fertilizers of domestic crops. Many lovers of indoor floriculture use it, conducting all the events exclusively on it. For example, for transshipment of decorative foliage plants such as ficuses (rubbery or Benjamin), monstera, asparagus, peperomia (blunt or shriveled), dracaena, dieffenbachia or chlorophytum, it is desirable to choose such dates on the lunar calendar when the waning satellite of the Earth is in the constellation Cancer

In the case of the rising moon, the days when it passes through the constellations of Scorpio, Pisces, Libra or Gemini are considered favorable. For transplanting ampelous indoor plants such as petunia, bell or campanula, as well as for climbing lianas in the lunar calendar, it is better to select the dates when the growing Earth satellite is in the constellation Gemini, and the decreasing one is Virgo or Sagittarius.


Many lovers of growing flowers at home have repeatedly noticed that their pets suddenly begin to poorly absorb moisture and nutrients supplied to the ground. Most often this happens when, according to the lunar calendar of the gardener, the Earth’s satellite is in the constellation Aries. In these two or three days it is undesirable not only to fertilize, but even to water the flowering pets. Another unfavorable period occurs when the moon is in the constellation Leo. On such days, it is also undesirable to water or fertilize, pinch or treat indoor plants with various means against diseases or pests.

As for the planting of seeds, this event is better to carry out during the growing moon, located in the sign of the Virgin, and also waning - when it crosses the constellations of Cancer or Scorpio. It is effective to root cuttings at a time when the Earth’s satellite is in Aries, Taurus, Cancer or Libra. A pinch in order to form a beautiful crown and pruning should be done during the waning moon, when it is in such signs as Aquarius and Gemini.


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