Types of tourism are different

The modern leisure industry offers various types of tourism. So, for outdoor enthusiasts, an intensive pastime is provided , which means that you can go to the mountains and enjoy skiing, visit one of the warm countries in order to dive in the depths and observe the diversity of marine life, travel to the desert and order a safari tour or jeep racing.

Are you not attracted to such an active vacation? Then take a rest in the best domestic or foreign sanatoriums. Here you can not only relax and gain strength - qualified specialists will offer a lot of useful procedures, such as massage, spa treatments, therapeutic and preventive wraps, mineral water intake. In addition, if you wish, you can visit field trips and see local attractions.

Next, we will talk in more detail about the main types of tourism, describe their advantages. So let's go.

  1. Holidays at sea. Such a pastime helps to forget about pressing problems, breathe in fresh, saturated with oxygen, air, observe nature and feel peace. Most often, these types of tourism attract people who love a leisurely lifestyle, as well as couples with children. At the same time, most foreign resorts offer separate hotels for each of the described categories of tourists, where noisy young families with children can count on the help of qualified nannies, and older people can enjoy peace and quiet.
  2. Sea or river cruise. This type of recreation was popular both fifty and a hundred years ago. Traveling on a comfortable airliner, you can be sure that all domestic problems have been solved for you - multiple meals from the best chefs, a well- designed entertainment program, convenient parking in major cities and an organized excursion program.
  3. Holidays in the mountains. Fans of skiing, sledding and snowboarding enjoy visiting the Alps, Carpathians and other mountain ranges in order to practice their skills, and at the same time and get a dose of adrenaline sports. Note that skiing is possible even when you have summer in your yard - you just need to find a tour to those countries where snow on the snowy peaks lies all year round.
  4. Holiday tourism. Over the past three to five years, visits to different countries have been actively developing during the holidays, and this applies to such universally recognized festivals as New Year or Christmas, and national holidays of individual countries or even regions, for example, carnivals in Brazil or Italy, the festival of young wine in France .
  5. The so-called event tourism is also developing . We are talking about the fact that people visit one or another state with the goal of not only seeing local attractions, but also participating in some event, for example, the World Cup, rally or other event.
  6. Cycling as one of the types of tourism is more popular in warm countries, but you can start training in sorties both in nature and in neighboring cities at any time.
  7. Such types of tourism as safaris, digging, treasure hunting, rafting are somehow connected with adventures, as well as significant physical exertion. That is why they are preferred by young energetic people who have already managed to go around many countries and are looking for more acute adventures.

It is easy to notice that the main types of tourism include both active and calmer holidays, weekends or even regular weekends, so that the concept and types of recreation can be extended to almost any activity in your free time from work and homework.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2137/

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