The highest direct expression of the power of the people are ... Forms of expression of the power of the people

The diversity of human relations at all times excited the mind of many thinkers, politicians, lawyers, as well as representatives of other scientific fields. This interesting fact comes from the very essence of man, according to which each of us is a social being. That is, life in society is a key element of existence. Moreover, the social aspect, in fact, gave rise to human progress. After all, it was on the basis of society that states were once created. As for the latter category, today it has changed significantly in its form. Key transformations affected state power. In most countries, it belongs to a small group of wealthy people who delegate their authority to individual bodies. It is worth noting that this factor is extremely negative. Since in this case the people, which are the source and foundation of the state, cannot make significant decisions. Therefore, many modern theorists are developing the question of what is the highest expression of democracy and are there, in general, similar institutions in the 21st century? Developments in this area allow us to give examples of key ways in which society influences the state.

the highest direct expression of the power of the people are

The concept of the people

The rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation imply the possibility of his participation in the public life of his state. But can a single resident of a country really affect the welfare of a power? Of course, the role of citizens is great today, but people have no power if they are a disparate force. Therefore, the people of the Russian Federation can be considered an integral human system, which is endowed with a number of exclusive rights and its activity can affect the life of the state. In this case, the rights of a citizen in each individual case allow us all to realize our capabilities within the framework of society in order to implement any reform processes.

What is democracy?

The ownership of state administration by the population of the state in some countries exists and is everywhere implemented. This state of things is called democracy. It should be noted that the term is characterized not only by a regime of government in a particular country, but by a real institution of bringing its rights into action by society. The basis of democracy, of course, is law - the highest and main regulator of public relations in the Russian Federation.

citizen rights

Sources of the Institute

Before considering the forms of expression of the power of the people, it is necessary to find out the regulatory framework, according to and on the basis of which they operate. The source of democracy is the current legislative system in the state. Moreover, it does not include all existing regulatory legal acts. Only official documents that regulate relations in the sphere of realization by society of its rights are of importance. Thus, the basis of the regulatory system are:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation as a key act of the entire legal system of the country.
  • Federal laws: “On the election of the President of the Russian Federation”, “On the referendum of the Russian Federation”, “On the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”.
  • normative acts of the subjects of the federation.

In the provisions submitted by the NLA, there is a direct expression of the power of the people. At the same time, specific forms of democracy today can be distinguished.

The exercise of democracy: the main forms

Today, in the legal system, you can find specific institutions that allow society to influence the state. The provisions of the current Constitution have a great influence on the development and establishment of democracy. According to them, the people are the source of power and the bearer of sovereignty in Russia. Society can realize its capabilities through democracy in two forms:

  • direct;
  • representative.

In both cases, there are certain institutions responsible for the implementation of democracy in the state. They have their own specifics, as well as an interesting mechanism of activity.

The direct form of expression of the power of the people

Democracy, as we have found, exists in several forms. The direct form implies the principle of the direct will of the people to express their positions and interests. In addition, society independently coordinates certain state processes. The following institutions are the highest direct expression of people's power, for example:

  • referendum;
  • elections;
    the highest expression of the power of the people
  • meetings, rallies and demonstrations;
  • law-making initiative;
  • appeals of citizens to state bodies.

Thus, the highest direct expression of the power of the people are inherently specific institutions that allow society to change and modernize something with its own forces.

Features of elections and referendum

So, we found out that the highest direct expression of the power of the people are elections and a popular referendum. However, both institutions presented are implemented in completely different ways. If we take, for example, elections, then this type of activity is carried out on the basis of the following provisions, namely:

  • universality;
  • equality;
  • directness and voluntariness;
  • secrecy, etc.
    people are a source of power

That is, the very existence of the institution presented indicates a high level of democratic principles in the Russian Federation today. However, elections are not the only example of the exceptional capabilities of society. A referendum also indicates a high degree of democracy in the country.

forms of expression of the power of the people
Moreover, this institution implies a popular vote aimed at solving issues of national importance. In this case, the question arises of how the elections and referendum differ. In the process of implementation of the first institution, an authority is elected, etc. Through a referendum, nothing is elected, but only the current legal regime is changed.

Indirect democracy

Representative democracy is one of the forms of influence of society on the country's activities. This is also the highest expression of the power of the people, but its basis is elected representatives. Today, certain bodies of state and municipal significance can be called such. It all depends on the territorial authority of the elected management departments. Representative bodies in this case are endowed with a number of powers, and also have their own functions, thanks to which real changes in the state still occur. At the same time, the use of institutions of representative democracy is more popular today. This is due to greater efficiency in solving vital issues.

Institutions of Representative Democracy

The highest direct expression of the power of the people are, as we have already found out, elections and referenda. However, the specific institutions of representative democracy also play a significant role. At the same time, it should be noted that specific state bodies are called institutions in this form, namely:

  • Federal Assembly;
    direct expression of the power of the people
  • Parliament of the Russian Federation;
  • President of the Russian Federation;
  • city ​​councils;
  • Presidents of subjects of the Federation, etc.

That is, the people delegate their authority to the presented structures. However, representative democracy is not pure democracy. Because the interest of society itself is greatly distorted in the implementation process.

Thus, the main form of democracy is direct, including a referendum and elections. Although it cannot be used in solving operational issues, its functionality is due to the lack of buffers between society and the country's governance mechanism. Therefore, we hope that in the future direct democracy will become the key foundation for building relations in the Russian Federation.


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