Fucus algae: where they live, application, photo

People have known about the benefits of sea and river algae for a long time. In the XVIII century, for example, iodine was extracted from fucus algae for medical purposes, and the Irish added them to food, knowing about the nutrients in them. Depending on where these aquatic plants live and what kind , their application varies. Some use them as sources of vitamins, others - to combat excess weight and cellulite.

Varieties of Algae

Marine plants can consist of only one cell, and can form whole colonies. They have no roots and leaves, like terrestrial, and are a photosynthetic layer full of vitamins and nutrients.

Thanks to the algae that originated from the first unicellular organisms billions of years ago, the planet has an atmosphere. It was they who, absorbing solar energy, and giving off carbon dioxide, participated in the formation of the Earth’s air shell.

Today, there are 11 species of marine plants, which are united by the presence of one trait - chlorophyll. Otherwise, they differ primarily in color and size. So among them you can find brown, green, blue and blue-green representatives. Moreover, scientists call green algae the ancestors of forests and fields.

seaweed fucus

Some of them can grow at the bottom of the sea, others can float freely on the water surface, worn by the wind or current in different directions, and others grow on coastal stones.

Multicellular marine plants have a thallus, which consists of:

  • the rhizoid with which they cling to soil or stone;
  • a stalk having a different size in each of the types of algae;
  • plates, which can be dissected into fibers and look like a strap or tape.

The dimensions of the thallus can range from a couple of centimeters to several meters in length.

Algae habitats and their composition

If you study the places where algae live, then it will be any ponds where the sun's rays that they need for photosynthesis fall. It can be very salty water, such as in the Red Sea, the waters of which color microscopic Thishodesmium plants.

where algae live

It can be a fresh water reservoir with standing water or with a fast current, and often they become inhabitants of land, for example, walls of houses, where increased humidity is the access of sunlight.

Even at the bottom of the sea, where the rays of the daylight fall in the form of scattered light, there are benthic algae that require a solid base for fixing.

In addition to independent growth, these marine plants feel great in symbiosis with other organisms, such as corals or some species of marine animals.

The value of seaweed and freshwater algae is that they contain vitamins such as A, B1, C, B2, D and E that are necessary for the human body. Components such as iodine, fucoxanthin and sulfoamino acids are equally important.

Some of them, such as Hijiki and Wakame brown seaweed, the main property of which is fat burning, are used in Asian cuisine. Bioadditives are also made from them for obese people. Others perfectly affect the epidermis, retaining moisture, or regenerate its cells.

Today, not only in folk, but also in official medicine, their medicinal properties are recognized, regardless of where the algae live.

Fucus - description and properties

The most famous and massively consumed water "grass" is kelp, which gourmets know under the name "sea kale". Fucus algae is the most popular in medicine, homeopathy and cosmetology, due to its rich vitamin composition.

They belong to the family of brown algae and are ribbon-shaped branches on which air bubbles are located in pairs. Usually they form real plantations off the coast of the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean, as well as off the western coast of the Baltic.

Since they grow in shallow water, they are collected either manually or by nets. It is important that the fucus is immediately delivered to dry, otherwise it will lose its healing properties.

seaweed photo

In the composition of fucus algae:

  • alginic acid (25%) - a polysaccharide of a viscous consistency, which lowers pressure, is an antioxidant;
  • iodine (0.9%);
  • phosphoric acid lime - a mineral substance that positively affects the strength of the skeletal system in the prevention and treatment of cancer;
  • sodium bromide;
  • iron;
  • fucoidan (60%) - a unique polysaccharide that not only cleanses and rejuvenates the body, but also successfully treats cancer;
  • vitamins C, E, B.

Given such a “cocktail” of useful substances, it is not surprising that scientists, following traditional healers, began to use the properties of this alga (you can see a photo of it in the article) for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Cosmetology companies did not lag behind them, which determined the properties of the named water plant to rejuvenate the skin.

Medical use

Preparations in which this genus of brown algae is present have been made in eastern and western medicine for a long time. The range of applications is quite extensive:

  • diseases of the genitourinary and cardiovascular system;
  • problems in the respiratory system and nervous system;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland;
  • asthma, allergies, and diabetes;
  • diseases of the skin and joints;
  • vitamin deficiency and thrombosis.

fucus reviews

Fucus (seaweed) in the form of a powder, extract or as part of pharmacological preparations give good results in the treatment of immunodeficiency, restoration of metabolism, with obesity and aging of the skin.

Pharmacological properties

The substances that make up this marine plant have numerous pharmacological properties that give a positive result:

  • with tumor diseases of the mammary glands and genitals;
  • with hormonal disorders;
  • with slagging of the body;
  • if necessary, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and their elasticity.

Fucoidan, which is part of the Fucus algae, has an antimicrobial, immunomodulating, antiviral property, it is a powerful antitumor substance that stops the formation of blood vessels that feed cancer cells. Alginates purify the blood of heavy metals and radionuclides, and the walls of blood vessels - of cholesterol plaques.

Laminarine prevents the development of thrombosis, supplies the brain and heart with blood, promotes sound sleep. The iodine contained in Fucus normalizes lipid metabolism and eliminates cellulite.

Preparations with this plant have wound healing, bactericidal, sedative, diuretic and choleretic properties.

Application in traditional medicine

Healers Fucus brown algae has long been used for disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, when recovering from surgery or a long illness, to restore immunity and cleanse the body.

brown seaweed fucus

The ability of this marine plant to positively affect the thyroid gland is well known among the people. It is used for arthritis and iodine deficiency. But it gained the greatest popularity among people who are obese. Adding this algae to the diet eliminated metabolic problems, cleansed the intestines and supplied the patient with dietary fiber necessary for recovery.

The use of Fucus in cosmetology

Beauticians have long known about the amazing property of this algae (the photo in the article demonstrates the process of applying the mask) to cleanse the skin of accumulated toxins. Another indispensable action that mature skin especially needs is its regeneration, anti-aging effect and prevention of dryness.

sea ​​fucus

In pharmacies and specialized stores you can buy this algae in the form of a powder, which at home, beauties add to soap, creams, in therapeutic and anti-cellulite baths.

Slimming Recipes

The most effective for solving problems with excess weight is considered to be a powder from fucus collected off the coast of Japan or the White Sea. It has a salty taste, brown color and bright iodine “marine” aroma. For weight loss, it is taken 20-30 minutes before eating 1 tsp. with a glass of water.

No less effect will be if fucus is added to salads, soups or cereals, but not more than 3 tsp. per day. Since the seaweed is brackish, it can well replace salt.

For those who find it difficult to take Fucus powder before each meal, a decoction with it is suitable. At night, you need to pour 1 tbsp. l 200 g of boiling water and insist in a thermos. Half an hour before breakfast, drink the whole infusion and avoid fatty foods all day.

As an addition to the anti-cellulite program, it is useful to use hot sea baths, for which it is necessary to dissolve 0.5 kg of sea salt and 200 g of fucus powder in water at a temperature of +40 degrees.

at the bottom of the sea

The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, and 15 baths taken every other day will give a stable anti-cellulite effect. A side effect will be tightened and elastic skin.

Vitamin Balm

In some people, dry algae powder is present in the kitchen on a par with spices, as there is a lot of talk and write about their healing properties. Someone replaces them with salt, and someone takes to prevent diseases before eating.

To add fucus to food without loss of beneficial properties, you can prepare vitamin balm:

  • Pour 50 g of algae powder into a 0.5 l jar;
  • half the head of garlic and a small onion grate and add to the fucus;
  • add 1 tsp seasonings for Korean carrots and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.

Pour the ingredients with water to half the mixture. When it is absorbed, add more. After the algae absorbs all the water and swells, 2 tbsp. Are added to the balm. tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix well. Add 2 tsp to salads.

Contraindications Fucus

The effect that people taking Fucus (the reviews confirm this) is so obvious that this simple and inexpensive way to prevent and treat many diseases is becoming increasingly popular. Algae is perfectly absorbed by the human body, but it still has contraindications:

  • elevated levels of iodine in the body and an allergy to it;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • incompatibility with medication for the treatment of the thyroid gland.

An allergy to the substances that make up the fucus may occur, so consultation with a doctor is advisable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21377/

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