Zircon and zirconium: what is the difference, description and comparison

Zircon and zirconium - what is the difference? They are often confused, and this confusion is understandable: both stones are similar to diamonds and have a consonant name.

This is where the similarity between them ends. Chemically, optically and structurally, zircon and zirconium do not have common features. These are two completely different stones. Each has its pros and cons.

zircon crystal

Therefore, the question is how right: zirconium or zircon is absolutely incorrect. Zircon - stone, zirconium - metal ...

History and Origin

Many confuse cubic zirconia, zircon and zirconium, believing that these are the names of one stone. The reason for this widespread misconception lies in the fact that artificial crystals of cubic zirconia are cubic zirconium dioxide (metal), and they are often called the "cubic zirconium" or "cubic zirconium" (abbreviated CZ). In America and Europe, the name was reduced and they began to call the crystal zircon or zirconium, which is fundamentally wrong.

Metal Zirconium (Zr) in the periodic table is located at number 40. It looks like steel, since it has a white-silver color. It is a ductile metal resistant to corrosion. In industry, it is added to other metals to reduce their fragility when exposed to low temperatures. In the form of oxides and salts, this substance is present in more than 40 minerals. One of them is zircon. The term “cubic zirconium” refers to an artificial crystal (cubic zirconia) grown from this metal.

Zircon is a natural gem, one of the oldest minerals found in the earth's crust. The oldest zircon crystals found in Australia are estimated to be 4.4 billion years old. The chemical composition of the mineral is zirconium orthosilicate, it is the most common zirconium mineral in the earth's crust. It is found in all types of rocks, but zircon crystals are mainly found in granites and syenites.

In our time, there are synthetic versions of zircon crystals, but they are not common.

Zirconium in comparison with zircon is a newborn baby in the mineral world. Cubic zirconium crystals are synthesized under laboratory conditions. Commercial production of the mineral, also known as zirconia, began in 1976.

Synthetic zirconium

From this point of view, the choice between zircon or zirconium is obvious: natural stone is preferable. Especially when it comes to jewelry.

The initial goal of the synthesis of cubic zirconium crystals was to use it for the needs of the optical industry. But the jewelry potential of the obtained crystals was so high that jewelers immediately fell in love with them. This is a secondary use of crystals, most of the world's zirconium oxide is used for industrial purposes. Crystals are used mainly in the manufacture of lasers.

Let's continue the comparison of zircon and zirconium. What is the difference besides the origin of the stones?


Cubic zirconium has a hardness of 8 to 8.5 on the Mohs scale, it is not easy to crack or scratch, it is a fairly durable stone.

ring with zirconium

Over time, zirconium may become cloudy. The stone needs regular cleaning, it will help maintain its luster.

Zircon may look very similar to a diamond, but its hardness ranges from 7 to 8. It is softer than zirconium and requires more careful handling.

Mohs silica hardness is 7, and this is the main component of dust. Usually stones with a hardness of less than 7 are not used in jewelry, but only a gemological certificate can guarantee that a beautifully colored transparent zircon of insufficient hardness will not be used in the product.

faceted citron

Natural zircon is a brittle stone and prone to cracking. It is sensitive to sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet radiation. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the stone may turn pale or change its color.

This is the main drawback in the list of how zircon differs from zirconium: it is less solid.


zircon crystal

The color of the crystals of natural zircon depends on the impurities of copper, titanium, zinc, potassium or hafnium. The most common are straw yellow, smoky, yellowish green, red and brown crystals. There are sky blue, pink, green, even black and colorless zircons.

Some zircon crystals can exhibit pleochroism: play with different shades of blue-green when illuminated from different angles.

The property of zircon to change color and transparency under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures is often used in the manufacture of jewelry. Widespread brown crystals are often processed to produce rarer, beautiful blues.

Cubic zirconium crystals are synthesized under laboratory conditions, manufacturers can control the composition and amount of impurities to obtain the desired color. Almost always, crystals are colorless to mimic the color of a D-class diamond. The second most common is pink, known under the trade name pink ice, very popular in the jewelry industry. Less common are green, black, blue, orange, and red zirconium crystals.

In terms of color, zircon differs little from zirconium. Both stones have excellent color ranges and are very similar to diamond in colorless states.

Zircon and zirconium: what is the difference?

Cubic zirconium is a synthesized stone. The end result of any process is predictable. The stones are always perfect and flawless, do not have extraneous inclusions, air bubbles, changes in transparency and other imperfections. This impeccability and perfection betrays its artificial origin.

Zircon is usually transparent or translucent. As a rule, a stone contains few impurities. But some samples may have slightly cloudy areas, which is considered a drawback and devalues ​​the stone.

This is the difference between zircon and zirconium. The main difference for a gem.

Which stone to choose

red citron

Natural gemstone is always considered more valuable than synthetic. Zircon is much more expensive than zirconium, although it is much cheaper than real diamond. On the world market, natural zircon costs from 75 to 200 dollars per carat, depending on quality and size.

A carat of cubic zirconium costs about $ 20. It is an imitation of a gem.

You must admit that a natural gem and imitation of jewels are not the same thing. Zircon or zirconium to choose - you decide. But in the long run, zircon will be of great value as a natural mineral.

Refractive index

Zircon has a very high gloss, dispersion and refractive index RI 1.93-1.98. Light perfectly plays in a stone, making it brilliant and fiery, comparable in brilliance with a diamond. The double refraction characteristic of the mineral creates the illusion that the crystal has more faces than it actually is. This high birefringence upon unsuccessful cutting can visually make an excellent crystal fuzzy and cloudy, displaying a doubling of faces.

Zirconium has a refractive index of RI 2.15-2.18, higher than that of zircon. And although both stones sparkle, the sparkle of zircon looks more noble and not so flashy.

Final verdict

So, zircon and zirconium: what is the difference? Both stones have their advantages and disadvantages. Both stones are very different, and each is attractive in its own way.

But! Zircon is a natural gem, each crystal of which is unique in its own way, like any creation of nature.

Cubic zirconium is also known as cubic zirconia. Although products with this stone can now be found in jewelry stores of well-known manufacturers, it is just a crystal imitating a gem. It is beautiful, more durable and affordable, but not precious. This is the level of expensive jewelry.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21380/

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