A good parent is happiness for a child

Reproduction, the birth of offspring is an undeniable law of nature. Having children means providing your old age with attention and care. But not everyone understands that a parent is not only a person who has given birth to a new person, but also a person who receives additional rights and obligations in connection with the birth of a child. At the same time, parents who have taken custody of a child before reaching the age of majority may be considered parents.

Parental authority

The rights of parents begin from the moment a child is born and end when the offspring reaches adulthood. Moreover, the early termination of the rights to the child may occur if the children enter into marriage or receive sufficient legal capacity to support their own family.

Children's rights are not possible without adult interest. Because the main task of parents is to ensure well-being and care for the younger generation.

parent is

Both parents have the right to raise a child, regardless of the fact of legal marriage, or until this issue is resolved in court. Both parents take part in education, upbringing, and treatment by prior agreement. Such situations may arise when the couple is divorced, but one of the former spouses, despite this, wants to raise their child.

Unscrupulous parents are a category of citizens who treat children negligently and cruelly. Such unfortunate ancestors humiliate the dignity of children, are engaged in their exploitation in their favor, which leads to criminal punishment and deprivation of the rights of the parent.

The tasks of raising children

The question "parents and children" is quite broad in terms of education. To educate a baby means to provide him with comprehensive development, to instill good manners, to teach him the ability to be in society. The directions of education and upbringing are supposed in the spiritual, mental and physical plan.

parents and children

It is also the responsibility of the parents to take full care of minor children. This means that the child must be provided with food, clothing, toys to a sufficient extent and in accordance with age. Rest, treatment and education are also paramount tasks in raising children.

A parent is a guarantee of compulsory education for their children. Moreover, the educational institution can be selected by agreement of the father and mother. But the child receives additional education in accordance with his desires and interests.

Rights of a minor child

According to Russian law, every child born into the world automatically receives the following rights:

  • life in the family circle;
  • communication with close relatives;
  • the presence of a legal representative for the protection of interests;
  • personal opinion;
  • treatment;
  • education;
  • help as a matter of priority.

The rights of minor children are ensured by parents or by persons replacing them. In the event of questions arising from the restriction of the rights of the child, all matters shall be decided by the court.

Child property

The property rights of children in general also depend on the parents. A parent is a person who provides children with material content in accordance with their abilities. And people who really understand this issue give their children all the best.

parental rights

In case of difficult situations in life, the child receives state assistance. To receive such assistance, the legal representatives of the baby should contact the social welfare agency with a statement.

Material resources due to children can only be spent on toddlers. On them you can buy household items, products, stationery for school and garden, books. Also, such funds can be spent on education, rehabilitation or recreation of the child.

Alimony, benefits, disability or breadwinner payments are the property of children. In case adults evade their duties, the guardianship authorities may raise the question of the ban on receiving material resources and leave the money due on the child’s personal account until they come of age.

Deprivation of a parent

Taking into account the comprehensive protection of children, in cases of non-compliance with social standards, a parent may be deprived of the right to a child. All issues of such a plan are resolved in court by the statement of claim of a representative of the guardianship authorities, educational institutions or close relatives of the child. Parents and children under these conditions can be separated by place of residence.

parent responsibilities

A decision on the deprivation of parental rights may be made by a court in the event of a threat to the mental or physical health of children. In other cases, a warning period of up to six months is given to rectify the situation. At the same time, the family is under the strict control of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

At the final decision, the judge takes into account the rights of the child, but the rights of parents are not taken into account in this matter. Any court will always be on the side of the child.

A parent is a proud title with sufficient respect for all rights and obligations. In this case, children become a pillar, not a burden.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21388/

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