House for cats. Types and recommendations for selection

house for cats
Many owners of furry pets are thinking about how to choose a house for cats. Moreover, on the shelves of pet stores, the choice is simply huge, and it is doubly difficult to determine. In this article, we will talk about what kind of houses for cats are, the price of which can be completely different, how to choose the right one and whether it is possible to make them yourself from improvised means.

Varieties of houses

The lineup of cat houses is very large. Below we give their small classification:

  1. Ordinary house. In appearance, this design resembles a booth. That is, the structure is quite simple, takes up little space and is intended only for the rest of the animal.
  2. A complex of several shelves, a basket for sleeping and a pillar for a scratching post. In such a house, a cat can play, and sharpen its claws, and relax.
  3. A more sophisticated house for cats is a structure to the level of the ceiling. It houses playgrounds, recreation areas, and several posts for sharpening claws. Ideal for owners of several cats.
    house for cats Price

As you can see, the house for cats is presented in a wide range. However, it should be acquired wisely.

Recommendations for choosing a house

So, what factors should you pay attention to when buying a home for your fourth pet?

  1. Where is your cat sleeping:
  • Constantly on a pillow, bedspread, bed. Complex animals are unlikely to fit such a beast, and it will be difficult for you to accustom it to them. There is a risk that even buying an ordinary house will be superfluous if the cat is already used to sleeping in a particular place.
  • If he sleeps in a secluded place, away from the eyes, likes corners, then feel free to get a house for cats. She would like such a purchase.

2. What height does the cat choose for sleep and location?

a house of foam rubber for a cat

  • If chairs, tables and wardrobes are your pet’s favorite place, then the first type of houses that we examined earlier will by no means be suitable for his requests. It is necessary to choose a structure that is similar in height to those places where the cat most often rests.
  • But in a situation where a four-legged friend likes to sleep on a rug, on the floor, he will like an ordinary house.

Regardless of the preferences of the cat, only quality structures should be purchased. If the material from which the house is made exudes an unpleasant odor, then no animal will linger there for a long time.

In practice, we can say that cats give preference to multi-tiered designs: there is where to walk around and play. Even if you do not sleep, then they will definitely play there.

How to make a house for a cat with your own hands

Making a house yourself is quite easy. For example, you can use improvised tools. A house made of foam rubber for a cat will be a great place to relax. It can be used as a base. To do this, give the foam the shape of a booth, sew a cover of any material (fleece, pile cloth and so on), put another layer or pillow inside to make the pet sleep better. Done! But you need to remember what was mentioned earlier: the preferences of the cat, otherwise your work will not be noticed.


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